A Vocabulary of Malay Medical Terms

A Vocabulary of Malay Medical Terms (1905)
dikarang oleh Percy Netterville Gerrard
3842A Vocabulary of Malay Medical Terms1905Percy Netterville Gerrard






P. N. GERRARD, B.A., BCH., B.A.O., M.D.. DUB. UNIV.,

L. M. and Special Certificate Rotunda Hosp., Dublin; Foreign
Corresponding Member Dub. Univ.; Appointments
Association; Member of The Authors' Society,
London; Diplomate (with distinction) of
the London School of Tropical
Medicine; District Surgeon
F.M.S Medical

Printed with the Assistance of the Federated Malay
States Government.






B.—Affinity Table.


D.—Days of the Week, names of the Month, etc.

E.—Weights and Measures.

F.—Snellen's Test Types Malay adapted.

Abbreviations, etc., in the Text.

W. ... WILKINSON's Malay-English Dictionary.
C. & S. ... CLIFFORD and SWETTENHAM's Malay-English Dictionary.
M. ... MARSDEN's Malay-English Dictionary.
Shel. ... SHELLABEAR's Vocabulary.
S. ... SWETTENHAM's English-Malay and Malay-English.
F. ... FAURE's French-Malay or Malay-French.
C. ... CRAWFORD's Vocabulary.
Phng. ... Pahang.
Kel. ... Kelantan.
Sel. ... Selangor.


In presenting this volume to the English-speaking Medical Profession of the Malay Peninsula and Archipelago, some brief Vorwart is perhaps necessary to help in the extenuation of its incompleteness and no doubt many inaccuracies.

It has been compiled from the following sources:—

The Standard English-Malay and Malay-English Dictionaries by WILKINSON, SWETTENHAM, MARSDEN, CLIFFORD & SWETTENHAM (unfinished), CRAWFORD, SHELLABEAR, and MAXWELL. The work of FAVRE, Malay-French and French-Malay, and to a limited extent also from the work of KLINKERT, Dutch-Malay and Malay-Dutch, and lastly from personal attention to and the valued assistance of educated Malays.

My apologies for its appearance are briefly the following facts:—

  1. That on my landing in the country I found myself in a sea of unsurveyed technical language.
  2. The paucity of Malays in the Government Hospitals at the present date in the States of the Federation. This, I believe, the majority of enquirers must agree with me in believing to be due largely to the fact that the subordinate, and even the executive, members of our profession are not familiar with the accepted terms in the Malay language for certain diseases well recognised by Malays, and consequently that the unfortunate sufferers rarely receive a diagnosis of their complaints.

In order to teach the Malay that we recognise his requirements, understand his diseases, and are interested in his bodily welfare, there can be but one method adopted, and that is to learn first his vocabulary, and to grasp his ideas of medical and surgical processes as they appear to him, in the pathological human frame.

The feeling, be it noted, which first prompted me to compile and collect the enclosed words was, I regret to state, more one of shame at my own ignorance and failure to convey my meaning to the sick than one of strict philanthrophy, but my "Students" (if I may flatter myself so far) will, I trust, use this outcome of my chagrin in all true philanthropy.

To those medical men or magistrates who may use this pocket book for reference from time to time, I would point out a few Malay fallacies, according to our ideas of medicine (for they all understand more or less about the common diseases); amongst many such the following are worthy of note:-

  1. Lunar influences, to which many phases — which we recognise medically as sequelæ or concomitants of given diseases — are attributed by them, e.g., Kedal Bulan, Kurap Bulan, etc., and the relapsing or recrudescence of diseases, which is also frequently accounted to the long suffering moon.
  2. The division by them of the stages of Leprosy, Syphilis Cancer, Malignant Ulcers, etc., into separate diseases, e.g.: (a.) Penyakit stong, or restong (syphilitic ulceration of the palate or disease of the nasal bones), which is not recognised by them as in any way connected with the previous Hunterian chancre. All the skin eruptions of syphilis, in fact, are "Kudis," unconnected in their minds with previous venereal disease; (b.) Cancer, which is unrecognised as such, each phase being named, as "Bara batu," or hard abscess, the consequent ulceration will be either Bara, if there is much pus, or "Puru jahat," or "Luka yang jahat”; (c.) Malignant ulcers will be "Luka" when they start, "Tokak" when the edges are undermined and infiltrated, "Pekong" when large, and "Jahat" when the patient is evidently succumbing to the ulcerative process alone.
  3. The arbitrary interference of various Hantus, or Spirits, e.g., Klitisan, Tetanus (which occurs as the result of coming into bodily collision with a jungle spirit), etc., which fantastic ideas do not, however, materially affect the actual names of the diseases with which we deal.

The Medical Malay in some matters, however, shows remarkable acumen, for example, when we come to consider the operation of retroversion of the uterus, by external manipulation, for the prevention of fertilisation, one is driven to reflect that some of their methods or devices must be at least worthy of study. Of little known or uninvestigated diseases also, the Malay supplies not a few, amongst which may be reckoned "Kedal" in its various forms and stages, and numerous forms of "Kurap," fever, and "Latah," etc. Their midwifery is "non-meddlesome," and, therefore, fairly good, the chief mistakes occurring during the puerperium in early walking (or even working), with consequent subinvolution of the uterus, in uncleanliness, and in the early feeding arrangements of the child. Some idea of the soundness of the practise of some midwives may be gathered from the reply to a question I once asked an old Bidan. My question was: "What would you do if an arm came down and labour didn't progress?" and the answer: "Pull down both legs and deliver quickly," only differs practically from the Rotunda teaching, in the addition of the "accouchement forcee" as a grand finale.

Of Pathology, Histology, and Anatomy, they know nothing their pathology depending on the Hantu theory; and as no dissections nor P.-M.'s are permitted, the two latter subjects are closed books to them. With regard to their drugs, an endless field for research lies before us, which cannot fail in time, I believe, to produce useful adjuvants to our British Pharmacopoeia.

Their "Daun Glengang" is the leaf of a shrub from the pith of which our Chrysophanic Acid is manufactured, and there can be no doubt that some of their sedative leaf poultices are useful.

Amongst their "one-hundred drugs" given in place of our ergot after accouchement, there may easily be its equal if not superior.

In Abortifacients they are rich, and some, doubtless, are useful Ecbolics.

In concluding this apology and brief sketch of the medical methods in vogue amongst a fascinating, euquiring, and superstitious race of born gentlemen, the mantle of prophecy falls upon me, and I beg leave to state that when their Lister is born and we have succeeded in driving out Hantus by Pathology, the Malays will be valuable allies to European medicine, but we must, in the first place, gain their confidence by using the right medical words in the right places at the right time, and if I have herein in any way assisted at the commencement of such a scheme, my reward is now with me.

To Messrs. J. F. OWEN, T. C. FLEMING, H. NORMAN, and T. G. BISHOP, for assistance, and to Miss C. HOFFMAN, for French and Dutch translations, and to Mr. F. EMERIC DE ST. DALMAS, for the collection of Sakei terms, I am very deeply indebted.



Page 4, word 1, for "Au" read " An." telopak read "klopak." 73 10, 28, " pengakit 52 38 "penyakit." 22 15, : 17, 32 " pengakit "penyakit." 55 29, 26, read

  • mata nilas" or

or "m.pasak (W.)." "35, 2, for 66 mengnap read "menguap."

  • 40, ” 29.

うう 39 tulang" 35 "T. tegrinio." 50, 21, 1 99 "pengakit" 23 "penyakit." 56, 11 27: Buah 25 44 55

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