ارڠ | ĕrang. Mĕngĕrang: to groan with pain.
Kěna sěngat sembilang karang, if you are stung by the sembilang karang (a fish), day and night you will be sitting and groaning. The form hěrang is also found. |
ارڠ | ĕreng. The vulture; a bird known in the northern Malay States only. Ada bangkai ada-lah ĕreng: where there is a carcase there will also be vultures; Prov.
Also hěreng, reng, and nokreng. |
ارڤ | arip. I. Jav. Sleepy; weighed down by sleep. Arip sangat mata kakanda: my eyes are heavy with sleep; Ht. Koris.
II. [Arab. عارف.] Knowing; wise. |
ارڤس | arpus. [Derivation?] Catgut; the material of which fiddle strings are made. |
ارق | arak. I. [Arab. عرق.] Arrack; spirits; distilled liquors generally. Běkas běrisi arak dan darah: a vessel filled with spirits and blood; Ht. Abd., 310. Also Sh. Bid., 95.
II. Processional progress; bearing or marching in procession; carrying about in triumph. Di-arah-lah di-atas kěreta: he was borne in procession on a carriage. Arak-arakan: processional. Gěndang arak-arakan: a drum used in processions; a drum of a portable character; Sh. Sri Ben., 87. Běrarak: following one after another as in a procession. Sapěrti awan běrarak: like driving clouds; Ht. Sg. Samb.; Sej. Mal., 38. Běrarak-arakan: in continual succession; = běrarak, but more frequentative. Měngarak: to walk in a procession; to walk after anything at a regular interval as in a procession. Sapěrti bintang timor mengarak akan siyang: as the evening star follows upon daylight; Ht. Sh. Kub. Měngarak naga: to go in procession bearing an artificial dragon-of a Chinese procession; Sh. Jub. Mal., 12. Sěkarang adinda baginda hěndak mengarak kapada Inděra Nata: now the Queen will go in procession to (the house of) Indra Nata; Ht. Ind. Nata. Pěmarakan (Sh. Panj. Sg.) and pěrarakan: a processional car or emblem. Maka pěrarakan itu-pun měngarak sěndiri-nya berjalan: the processional car travelled automatically along with the procession; Ht. Sh. Kub. Sěgala bunyi-bunyiyan yang di-atas pěrarakan itu-pun di-palu orang: all the musical instruments on the processional car were beaten by the band; Ht. Sg. Samb. Pěrarakan berjěntěra: a processional car, the top or cupola of which revolves horizontally round a pivot; Sh. Put. Ak., 13; Sh. Bid., 84. Cars of this description are occasionally seen in kudu processions in Singapore. |
ارق | arik. Arab. Sleeplessness; insomnia. |
ارق | arok. A sort of war-dance, said to be of Bugis origin, and danced as an act of fealty or homage before a reigning sovereign. Měngarok: to dance this dance. |
ارکى | arka. Arab. Weak; enfeebled. |
ارکين | arakiyan. Furthermore; moreover; thus; then.
This word is a compound of ara II. and kiyan, q.v., but is usually pronounced arkiyan. It is used at the commencement of a paragraph or sentence. |
ارݢ | arga. Skr. Price; value; = hěrga, q. v. |
ارݢن | organ. Eng. A concertina; an accordeon. |
ارل | aral. [Arab. .] An obstacle; a misfortune; a difficulty which stands in the way of progress. Suwatu pun tidak aral mělintang: there is absolutely no obstacle across the path; Sh. Bid., 120. Jikalau tiyada aral gěndala: if there is no unfortunate obstacle; Sh. Ik. Trub., 6. |
ارلت | urlit. An ear pendant with a metallic tassel. |
ارلڠ | orlong. A land measurement; = 20 jumbas (linear) or 400 jumbas (square measurement). A square orlong is about 1⅛ acre.
Also (Kedah) rělong. |
ارلڤ | orlop. A nautical term; orlop. |
ارلوجي | orlogi. Eur. A watch; a clock. Also horloji. |
ارم | aram. 1. Suspicion; feelings of watchful mistrust or hostility.
Bulan těrang, těrang temaram, do not look upon me with suspicion; I do not intend to stay here long. II. Aram-těmaram: dimmed in lustre ; half lustrous only—as a clouded moon. Bulan pun aram-těmaram saperti bělas akan orang yang běrchěrai: the moon's face was clouded as though in pity at the parting (of the lovers); Ht. Perb. Jay. The forms těrang-těmaram and tĕrang těmarang are also found. III. Aram-aram: a temporary and easily moveable light lean-to, such as is used by a road coolie for protection against the sun while doing his work. IV. Měngaram: = měngěram; v. next word.
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