Laman:A Malay-English dictionary (IA

Laman ini belum dibaca pruf
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P. 2 (s. v. iblîs) : for kěluboran read kělěboran.

P. 3 (utama) : after děngan insert nama.

P. 5 (achan) for těkut read děkut. 56 P. 29 (al) delete see notes on Arabic orthography and grammar in the Appendices." P. 33 (m) delete "also awum, q. v.” P. 38 (empang): for "sprit-sail" read "foresail." P. 65 (ayer) for sebak read sebak. P. 79 (baris) for kasr read kasrah. P. 94 (biduwanda): for suroh-surohkan read suroh-surohan. P. 102 (bengkerang): for bengkerang and mengkerang read bengkĕrang and mĕngkĕrang. P. 133 (bulu) for lemah read lemak.

P. 176 (těgarun): for tenggarum read tenggarun. P. 186 (těmperau): for temperau read témpérau. P. 187 (tumpong): for tumpong read tempong. P. 256 (chepal): for chepat read chěpat. P. 363 (saga) for suga read saga. P. 363 (sagang): for "gunshield" read "breastwork in front of a ship's gun." " P. 367 (sawah): for "cultivated read " P. 372 (sětawa): for sětawa read sĕtuwa. irrigated." P. 372 (setiyawan): for setiyawan read setiyawan. P. 400 (sěligi): for tuli read tubi P. 400 (footnote to semangat): for "Pandangsche " read 66 Padangsche." P. 404 (semboja): for sěmoja read sěmboja. P. 408 (sampu): for deman read děmam. P. 409 (seman): for seman read sĕman. P. 415 (sěni) for "wine" read "urine." P. 422 (sukor) for read. P. 430 (siput) for chechak read chechak. P. 436 (dlammah): for, read'. P. 436 (tama): for tama read tama'. P. 437 ('ádil): for Juc read Jule. P. 439 (nya): for nya read ngá. P. 447 (pasal): for Jas read J. P. 451 (footnote to pawang): for "Skeats" " read "Skeat's"; for měnyirap read měniyarap; for rembat read rembat; for moso read masok. P. 457 (pěrěksa): for pèrèksa read pĕreksa. P. 464 (pengulun): for pěnkulun read pěkulun. P. 465. The Jawi forms of pěkěrti, pěkong and pekop are out of place and that of pekor is left out. P. 468. The first letter in the Jawi form of pělanji, pělanjib, pelenchet, pelanchar, and pělanchok should have three dots (not one) over it. P. 468 (péluru): for ampong read ĕmpang. P. 470 (pěnaka): for perbendaran read perbendaharan. P. 472 (pantai): for suwata read suwatu. P. 472 (penjagap): for penjagap read pěnjajap. P. 472 (panjang): for tinkap read tingkap. P. 473 (second panchar): fer panchar read panchor. P. 474 (penchang): for pinchong read pinchang. P. 474 (pinchok): for kelat read kělat. P. 475 (pendap): for tutroh read tuboh. P. 476 (first pěnoh): for pinoh read pěnak. P. 477 (putch): for měleseh read mělěsch. P. 478 (puchat): for lěci read lěsi. P. 484 (pětor): for petor read petor. P. 500 (kain): for betek read batek. P. 526 (kělit): for kělip read kělis. P. 544 (kutip): for kutib read kutih. P. 557 (gatal): for muyang read miyang. P. 570 (gelingsir): for měggĕlingsir read měnggělingsir. P. 594 (layar): for "silver" read "silk." P. 598 (lěchol): for di-tumbok-nya read di-tumbok-nya. P. 600. The Jawi spelling of lengsel should be identical with that of langsit; the Jawi spelling of longsor should be identical with that of lengser. P. 640. The Jawi form of mayang is written against ma'yong, and vice versa. AUG 28 1919