Laman:A practical Malay grammar (IA practicalmalaygr00sheliala).pdf/18

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The last four forms are used only when the noun is not expressed.

21. In Malay yang is often used between the noun and the adjective which qualifies it, where no relative pronoun is required in English, as, orang yang baik, a good man, literally, a “man who is good.” Yang must be used before the adjective when the noun is a compound word, as, tukang kayu yang pandai, a clever carpenter.

Reflective Pronouns.

22. Reflective pronouns in Malay are formed from the personal pronouns by the addition of sndiri or diri, self. Sndiri is placed after the pronoun, and diri before the pronoun, as sahya sndiri, diri sahya, diri kita, etc. Sndiri is more commonly used in conversation than diri.

23. Sndiri and diri sometimes stand by themselves. They are then impersonal and mean “one's self.” In some cases the personal pronoun is understood but not expressed.

24. The pronominal suffixes, -ku, -mu, -nya, may be joined to either sndiri or diri, thus,

diri-nya, or sndiri-nya, himself, his own.

The possessive case may be formed as usual by the use of punya, or by placing the reflective pronoun after the noun, as,

rumah kita sndiri,

kita sndiri punya rumah,

our own house.




barang, thing. bengkok, bent.
bsi, iron. bodoh, stupid.
garfu, fork. brani, brave.
kbun, garden. gmok, fat.
kueh, cake, pudding. manis, sweet.
pisau, knife. marah, angry.
sendok, spoon. masak, ripe.
tukang bsi, blacksmith. mati, dead.
tukang kayu, carpenter. salah, wrong.
tukang kbun, gardener. tajam, sharp.


yang, who, what, which, that. barang siapa yang, he who, whoever
mana yang, whichever.
barang yang, what, that which. sndiri, diri, self.
barang apa, what, whatever.
diri punya,

sndiri punya,

barang siapa, he who, whoever.