Laman:A practical Malay grammar (IA practicalmalaygr00sheliala).pdf/22

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33. The hundreds, ratus, thousands, ribu, tens of thousands, laksa, hundreds of thousands, kti, and millions, juta, are treated in precisely the same way. No conjunctions are required between numerals. Thus s-juta dua-kti liga-laksa ampat-ribu lima-ratus anam-puloh-tujoh would represent 1,234,567.

34. The ordinal numbers are formed from the cardinals by means of the word yang, corresponding to the definite article in English, and by prefixing k to the cardinals, as, yang kdua, yang k-tiga-blas, yang k'ampat-puloh.

The only exception to this rule is that yang pertama is always used for “first.”

When used as adjectives the ordinal numbers follow the noun.

Without the yang, the forms kdua, ktiga, k'ampat, etc., mean “both,” “all three,” “all four,” etc. Example: k'ampat-puloh-nya, the whole forty.

Fractional Numbers.

35. A half is expressed by tngah or s-tngah or sparoh, and a quarter by suku, or s-suku; all other fractions are formed from the cardinal numbers by means of the prefix per, thus:

S-pertiga, a third; tiga-perampat, three fourths; ampat perpuloh, four tenths; etc.

Collective Numbers.

36. The following are the collective numbers in Malay:

pasang, pair, comple.
dusin, dozen.
kodi, score.




batu, stone, mile. jauh, distance.
brat, weight. kasut, shoe.
bulan, moon, month. kayu, roll of cloth.
dalam, depth. kodi, score.
dpa, fathom. pasang, pair, couple.
batu, stone, mile. jauh, distance.
ela, yard. ringgit, dolar.
gaji, wages. sblah kanan, right.
greja, church. sblah kiri, left.
hutang, debt. tali, string, rope.