Laman:A practical Malay grammar (IA practicalmalaygr00sheliala).pdf/74

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Religious Terms.

165. The following list of religious terms is intended specially for the use of missionaries, but will no doubt also be of service to lawyers, government officials and others who desire to make themselves acquainted with the religious ideas of the people.

Some of the terms here given are not used at all by Mohammedans, having been chosen by missionaries past and present to express distinctively Christian ideas, or to translate words found in the Bible which are peculiar to Christianity; with one or two exceptions, however, these words are thoroughly understood by all Malays, though of course many of them convey to the native Christians a technical meaning which must necessarily be unknown to the great majority of Mohammedans. For instance the division of the Bible into the Old and New Testaments is not known to the Moslems, who only recognise the Pentateuch, Psalins, Gospels, and Koran (Taurit, Zabur, Injil, Kor’an) as the four revelations of God.

For convenience the words which are used exclusively by Christians or in the Christian sense are given in a separate list, and another list is given of words exclusively Mohammedan. In the general list, where there is a difference between the Christian and Mohammedan use of a word, this is indicated by means of the abbreviations C and M.

Christian Terms.

akanim, persons (of the Trinity). mnjlma, to become incarnate.
msihi, Christian.
angan-angan hati, conscience. murid, disciple.
baptis, baptism. padri, R. C. priest (often applied also to Protestant ministers).
bnarkan, justify.
eklisia, the chruch universal.
greja, church building. pndita, ordained minister (Dutch Indies).
guru, ordained minister.
imam bsar, high priest. perdamaian, atonement.
Juru-slamat, Saviour. perhimponan, local church, congregation.
kbangkitan, resurrection.
kpala-kpala imam, chief priests. perjamuan Tuhan, the Lord’s Supper.
minta do‘a, pray.
mngajar, preach. Pubus, Redeemer.