Laman:A practical Malay grammar (IA practicalmalaygr00sheliala).pdf/75

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perjanjian lama, Old Testament. Roh Alkudus, Holy ghost.
perjanjian bharu, New Testament. salib, cross.
perumpama’an, parable. skolah agama, Sunday school.
pngajar, preacher. slamat, salvation.
pngajaran, doctrine. tbus, redeem.
pngantara, mediator. tbusan, redemption.
Pnolong, Saviour. wahi, wahyu, revelation.
Pnghibur, the Comforter.

Mohammedan Terms.

‘amal, good wroks. minbar, pulpit in the mosque.
ayer smbahyang, ablution. mu’min, believer.
haji, pilgrim (to Mecca). murtad, pervert.
halal, permitted, lawful. najis, ceremonially unclean.
haram, forbidden. nasara, (pl. nasrani,) Christian.
‘ibadat, acts of devotion.
kadli, magistrate who performs religious ceremonies. nikah, marriage.
rab, Lord; rabbi, my Lord.
khatan, circumcision. rak‘ah, a set of prayers.
khatib, preacher in the mosque. rukun, rule of life, religious duty.
khutbah, Friday sermon in the mosque.
shahadah, confession.
kiblah, direction for prayer. shahid, martyr.
kismat, fate. shari‘ah, the Mohammedan law.
kramat, shrine. sunat, circumcision.
lima waktu, the five hours of prayer. talak, divorce.

General Terms.

Allah, God. hukum, commandment.
akhirat, the hereafter. hukuman, punishment.
Almaseh, the Christ. hukumkan, condemn, punish.
ampun, pardon. injil, the whole New Testament (M), the Gospels (C).
anugrah, gift (M), favour, grace (C).
jhannam, hell.
berbangkit, rise from the dead. jiwa, soul.
berdo‘a, pray. k‘abah, temple of God.
berkat, blessing. kaseh, love.
choba’i, tempt. kasehan, pity, compassion.
do‘a, prayer. katib, scribe.
do‘akan, pray for. Kitab Allah, the 4 books of revelation (M), the Bible (C).
dosa, sin.
hari kiamat, day of judgement.
hidop kkal, eternal life. kjahatan, inquity, wickedness.