Laman:A practical Malay grammar (IA practicalmalaygr00sheliala).pdf/76

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kmulia’an, glory. Roh Allah, a title of Jesus (M), the Holy Spirit (C).
korban, sacrifice (of animals).
ksalahan, transgression. rahmat, mercy.
kudrat, divine power. rasul, apostle.
mazmur, a psalm. shorga, heaven.
msjid, mosque. sntosa, peace (of heart).
mu’alaf, resources. sjahtera, peace (generally).
nabi, prophet. shukor, thanksgiving.
nraka, hell. smbahyang, worship.
nyawa, soul, breath of life. taubat, repentance.
perminta’an, prayer, request. taurit, Pentateuch, law of Moses.
prsmbahan, offering.
perchoba’an, temptation. tmpat persmbahan, altar.
puji, praise. uchap shukor, give thanks.
roh, spirit. Zabur, the book of Psalms.


The Mohammedan Calendar.

The Mohammedan era (tarikh) dates from the “migration” (hijrah), or departure of Mohammed from Mecca to Medina, which took place in the year 622 of the Christian era. The Mohammedan year is lunar, and amounts to nearly 354 days and 9 hours, or about 11 days less than the solar year.

The twelve lunar months are known among the Malays by their Arabic names:

Muharram, Rajab,
Safar, Sh‘aban,
Rabi‘u ’l-awwal, Ramadlan,
Rabi‘u ’l-akhir, Shawwal,
Jumadi ’l-awwal, Dhu ’l-k‘adah,
Jumadi ’l-akhir, Dhu ’l-hijjah.

The days of the week (jum‘at) are also known among Malays by their Arabic names, or corruptions of them:

Ahad, meaning "first,” corresponds to Sunday.
Ithnain or Isnin or Snin, “second,” Monday.
Thalatha or Salasa, “third,” Tuesday.
Arb‘a or Rabu, “fourth,” Wednesday.
Khamis, “fifth,” Thursday.
Jum‘ah or Jum‘at, “assembly,” Friday.
Sabtu, “sabbath day,” Saturday.