sing'kap, m-nying'kap, to turn back, draw aside (as a curtain).
sing'kek (Chin.), a Chinese cooly; a recent immigrant.
sing'sing, m-nying'sing, to turn up, turn back, tuck up (as the trowsers or the sleeves of a coat). Cf. singkap.
si'ni, here; also di sini.
sa'na si'ni, here and there, everywhere.
de'ri si'ni, from here, hence.
si'pai (Pers. sipahi), a soldier, sepoy. Cf. soldado and lashkar.
sipat, see sifat.
si'put, shell, univalve shellfish.
si'pu, ter-si-pu-si'pu, bashful, confused.
si'ram, m-nyi'ram, to sprinkle, water (as flowers). Cf. perchek and rnjis.
ber-si'ram, to bathe (court language).
si'reh, betel-pepper, a creeper, the leaves of which are chewed with betel-nut. Cf. pinang.
si'reh s-ka'pur, one chew of betel-nut.
ma'kan si'reh, to chew betel-nut.
si'rip, fin.
si'sa (Sk.), remainder, remains of a repast; see remah. Cf. baki.
si'sek, the scales of a fish or snake.
si'sek p-nyu', tortoise-shell.
si'si, the side; at the side, near by; usually di sisi.
si'sip, m-nyi'sip, to insert, slip in, thrust in. Cf. slit.
si'sir (Jav.), a comb = Malay sikat.
si'ti (Ar.), a lady, Mrs.; used as at a title of ladies of position.
si'tu and di si'tu, there. Cf. sana.
de'ri si'tu, thence.
k-si'tu, thither.
si'ul, ber-si'ul, to whistle.
si-u'man, conscious, in possession of one's mental faculties, recovered from a fainting fit. Cf. sihat.
s-jah't-ra (Sk.), peace, tranquility. Cf. sntausa and damai.
s-ja'rah (Ar.), genealogy, chronicles, annals.
s-juk', cold, cool. Cf. dingin.
k'na s-juk', to catch a chill.
s-ka'li, very; see kali.
s-kam', chaff, the husks of padi. Cf. hmpa.
s-ka'rang, now.
s-ka'rarg i'ni, just now.
ma'lam s-ka'rang, to-night.
s-kat', m-ny-kat', to barricade.
s-k-li'an all. Cf. sgala and smoa.
s-ko'i, millet.
s-ko'lah (Port.), school.
s-ko'lah a-ga'ma, Sunday-school (X.).
s-k-rup' (Eng.), screw; also pa'ku s-k-rup'.
s-ku'chi (D.), a small sailing boat.
s-ku'tu, associate, member of a society.