Laman:Malay-English vocabulary.djvu/40

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chd'ra (Sk.), opposition, defect; against.

che’ = inche’, q.v.

che'bok, a piece of coco-nut shell, used for ladling water. Cf. gayong.

checher, see chichir.

che'dok, mn-che'dok, to ladle.

cheh', pshaw; exclamation of disgust or scorn.

cheng'si (B.) (Chin.), kitchen spoon.

che'pir, a metal tray or saucer.

cher'cha, mn-cher'cha, to abuse, insult. Cf. maki.

cher'dek, cunning, shrewd, clever, sharp.

che'rek, a kettle.

cheret, see chirit.

cherewet, see chrewet.

cherita, see chrita.

cher'mat, careful, frugal, economical.

cher'min, mirror, looking glass, pane of glass. Cf. kacha.

cher'min mata, spectacles.
cher'min mu'ka, looking glass.

cher'p-lai (Tam.), mongoose.

cher'pu (Tam.), sandals. Cf. trompah.

cher't-ra, cher't-ra-kan (Sk. charitra), a narrative, tale; to narrate; also chtra and chrita.

che'tek, shallow. Cf. tohor.

chi'chak, the common house lizard. Cf. tkek.

chi'chir, to spill, drop out in small quantities, quantities, dribble. Cf. chuchor.

chi'chit, great-grandchild.

chi-ke'weh (B.) (Chin.), family.

chim'chen (B.) (Chin.), the open court in a Chinese house.

Chi'na, China, Chinese.

la'da China, the chili, red pepper.

chin'chang, to chop up, mince.

chin'chin, a ring.

chin'chu (Chin.), a supercargo.

chin'ta (Sk.), sadness, solicitude, heartache, love.

ber-chin'ta-kan, to mourn for.
per-chin'ta’an, mourning, sorrowing.

chi'rit, diarrhoea; usually buang-buang ayer.

chirit da'rah, dysentery.
chirit bin'tang, meteor.

chi'ta (Sk.), feelings, sensations, emotions.

du-ka-chita, sorrow.
su-ha-chita, joy.

chi'ta (Hind.), print, printed calico, chintz.

chi'tak, to print: usually chap.

chi-um', mn-chi-um', to smell, kiss.

ch-kar' (Hind.), hard over (of a helm or ruder).

ch-kek', to throttle, strangle.

chkeweh, see chikeweh.

ch-ki' (Chin.), Chinese cards.

ch-kra-wala (Sk.), the firmament.

ch-la', mn-ch-la', -kan. defect, fault, flaw: to blame, censure. Cf. chachat.

ch-lah', crack, crevice, fissure.

ch-la'ka, misfortune, calamity, unlucky; an imprecation.