Page:Malay grammar (IA malaygrammar00winsrich).pdf/54

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in local practice to justify the adoption of that form which lends itself best to the explanation of the composition of a word, especially as such a decision will tend to bring British and Dutch methods of Romanizing more closely into harmony. In the case of derivatives of combinations such as the word měnyabělah from sa-bělah, we consider there is no sufficient reason for treating ordinary derivatives of sa as distinct words with distinct spellings of their own, and we recommend that the a of sa be retained’ (i.e. měnyabělah and not měnyěbělah). At the same time, a distinction may be fairly drawn between the words keluar to go out and ka-luar outwards, though etymologically they are the same; and we recommend that where a derivative form has become specialized in use, it be written as a separate word.

(d) ‘The use of hyphens should be restricted as much as possible. Derivatives (such as měnyakiti from sakit) should not be divided up. But prepositional and other particles may be separated by hyphens from the word to which they are accretions: thus sa-kali pun, ka-rumah, di-dalam-nya.’