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Hence many derivatives of ber become true adjectives. Thus, berbudi, having wisdom, is almost invariably need simply as an adjective, meaning wise; and similarly berakal, intelligent; berguna, useful; bersandara, related; etc.

115. The prefix ber is very frequently used with reduplication of the root, either to express a continuance of action, or diversity, or multiplicity. Thus:—

bertambah-tambah, continually increasing.
berjnis-jnis, of various kinds.
berribu-ribu, thousands and thousands.
bergilir-gilir, by turns, in succession.
berbagai-bagai, of various kinds.
bersama-sama, together with.

The Prefix “per.”

116. In the case of some verbs having the prefix ber, this prefix becomes changed to per, especially in the passive, as,

di-perbuat-nya istana, he built the palace.
di-peristri oleh Sultan akan dia, the Sultan married her.
prahu-nya di-perbaiki-nya, he repaired his boat.

117. The change from ber to per is perhaps most common in transitive verbs formed by means of the suffixes kan or i from adjectives or verbs which have the prefix ber. Thus from beristri we have peristrikan, and from beranak, peranakkan.

The change occurs more particularly when the prefix m is used, as can be seen in the following words, which are in common use:— mmpergunakan, mmperanakkan, mmperhimponkan.

118. The prefix ter may be used in some cases with these derivatives formed with per, to form the past participle; in which case the r of the ter is elided, as explained in section 98.

The only derivative of this kind which is in common use, and that only in literature, is permna’i, in the phrase tiada tpermna’i, incalculable.



sru, call, cry out.
berhimpon, assemble. tambah, increase.
himpon, collect, heap up.
pgang, hold.


peranakkan, bear or beget children. ‘akal, intellect.
alas, foundation.
persmbahkan, present to a superior, offer. bagai, sort, kind.
gilir, turn.
smbah, worship. istri, wife (polite form).