Laman:A practical Malay grammar (IA practicalmalaygr00sheliala).pdf/52

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trusty, trustworthy”; kahilargan is not “loss,” but “lost” or “suffered loss,” as,

orang itu kahilangan pisau-nya, that man has lost his knife.

(g) The prefix “ber” and suffix “an.”

129. The prefix ber and suffix an, usually with reduplication of the root, form a kind of verbal noun. As bersuka-suka’an, rejoicing; berkurang-kurangan, gradually diminishing; berramai-ramaian, in crowds; berlari-larian, running.

(h) The suffix “an” with reduplication.

130. In nouns, the reduplication of the root, with the addition of the suffix an, expresses diversity or multiplicity, in a manner somewhat similar to that explained in paragraph 115 in the case of verbs; thus:—

buah-buahan, various fruits. bau-bauan, scents, incense.
puji-pujian, words of praise. manis-manisan, sweets.
kayu-kayuan, various trees. sayur-sayuran, vegetables.

131. Ber is sometimes prefixed to derived nouns, as,

orang yang tiada bpkerja’an, men who are not employed.
bginda berkraja’an di situ, the king reigned there.




atur, arrange. surat kiriman, letter.
bilang, count, reckon.
bnarkan, justify, prove true.


datangkan, cause, induce. chuma, only.
diam, be quiet, dwell. krap kali, often.
ingin, desire, long for. perchuma, in vain, useless.
jmor, dry in the sun.
puji, praise.


rasa, feel, taste, experience. masing-masing, each.
tudong, cover.
utus, send an envoy.

DERIVED NOUNS. (Para. 125.)

aturan, arrangement. kiriman, thing sent.
bilangan, number. lautan, ocean.
buritan, stern (of a ship). makanan, food.
fikiran, thought. minuman, drink.
hadapan, front. pakaian, clothes.
haluan, bow (of a ship). panchuran, water course, gutter.
karangan, composition.
kasehan, love, pity. panchutan, fountain, spring.