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pgangan, occupation. | surohan, messenger. |
pujian, words of praise. | tudongan, lid, covering. |
rampasan, booty. | ukoran, measure. |
sumpitan, blow-pipe. | utusan, envoy, ambassador. |
kahandak, wish, will, desire. | kluar, go out. |
kkaseh, beloved. | kmunchak, summit. |
kmudi, helm. | ktahui, know. |
k’ada’an, existence. | k’masan, golden. |
kahilangan, lost. | kmatian, death. |
kbajikan, advantage, good deeds. | kmnangan, victory. |
kmulia’an, glory. | |
kbanyakan, majority. | kmurahan, mercy. |
kbodohan, stupidity. | knyata’an, evidence. |
kbsaran, grandeur. | kpandaian, skill, cleverness. |
kchurian, stolen. | kperchaya’an, trusty, faithful. |
kdatangan, arrival, coming. | |
kdngaran, heard. | kraja’an, kingdom. |
kdiaman, dwelling place. | ksalahan, error, wrong doing. |
k’esokan, to-morrow. | |
k’inginan, desire, lust. | ksnangan, ease. |
kjahatan, wickedness. | ksudahan, end. |
kkaya’an, wealth, riches. | ksuka’an, pleasure. |
kkuatan, strength. | ksukaran, difficulty. |
kkurangan, want. | ksusahan, trouble. |
klakuan, conduct. | ktakotan, fear. |
klaparan, hunger, famine. | kterangan, evidence. |
klihatan, seen, appeared. | kturunan, descent, genealogy. |
klngkapan, equipent, fleet. |
1 Folly often causes a man’s destruction. 2 Do not long for the glory and grandeur of the world. 3 It is through your own fault that you are suffering want. 4 Each one should seek the good of others. 5 That letter was not his own composition. 6 It is useless to make complaints if one has no evidence to justify them. 7 That work ought not to be given to an untrustworthy person. 8 It was heard that the ambassador from the kingdom of Siam was come. 9 Ask him for what purpose he has come here. 10 Which clothes did you tell me to dry in the sun, sir?