Laman:A practical Malay grammar (IA practicalmalaygr00sheliala).pdf/71

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Wind (a clock), kunchikan. Write (compose), karang.
Write, tulis.

No exercises have been prepared for this and the following lessons, the number of words in each lesson being so great that they could not be dealt with adequately in the space available. Moreover the proper use of these words hardly requires further elucidation.


Compound Words.

164. The Malays use a large number of compound words. Some of these liave already been given in previous lessons, but a more complete list will probably be found useful, especially as some are very idiomatic. The references to Shellabear's Vocabulary will give the student a larger number of words than could possibly be printed here.

‘akal budi, intelligence. buang arang, chalk line.
‘alam maut, ‘alam barzakh Hades. bongkar sauh, weigh anchor.
brapa puloh, how many tens?
alas rumah, foundations. bri, see Vocabulary.
ampat persgi, square. bsi brani, magnet.
anak, see Vocabulary. bsi kuda, horseshoe.
angkat anak, adopt. buah pinggang, kidneys.
arang batu, coal. buat-buat, pretend.
atas angin, windward, western, European. buat rengan, frivolous.
bulat-bulat, entirely.
ayam itek, poultry. bulu kning, eyebrows.
ayer, see Vocabulary. bulu mata, eyelashes.
baik paras, handome. bunga api, sparks, fireworks.
balek sakit, relapse. bunga karang, sponge.
bapa saudara, uncle. chap batu, litography.
bapa tiri, stepfather. chara China, in Chinese style.
bara api, embers. chari ‘akal, devise means.
batok kring, consumption. chermin mata, spectacles.
batu, see Vocabulary. chermin muka, looking-glass.
bawa lari, run away with. chirit bintang, meteor.
bawa mulut, scandal, gossip. chompang-champing, ragged.
bawa pergi, take away. chuchok sanggul, hair pin.
biji mata, eyeballs. chukai kpala, poll tax.
bintang berekor, comet. chukai pintu, house assessment.
bkas tangan, signature. churi-churi, secretly.