Malay-English Vocabulary oleh W. G. Shellabear

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bab' (Ar.), chapter.

ba'ba, foreigners born in Malaya, especially Chinese.

ba'bi, pig.

ba'bi hu'tan, wild pig.

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gi'la ba'bi, epilepsy.

ba'cha, mm-ba'cha, to read.

ba'chang, the horse mango.

ba'dak, the rhinoceros.

ba'dam (Pers.), the almond.

ba'dan (Ar.), the human body. Cf. tuboh.

ba'gai, kind, sort.

ber-ba-gai-ba'gai (115), plba'gai, ba-gai-ba'gai, of various kinds.
s-ba'gai, the same kind, even as. like.
bagaimana, see bgimana.

ba'gan, (Penang) landing stage; see pangkalan.

ba'ghal (Ar.), mule.

ba'gi, to, for, towards; (Penang) to give, cause = kasi.

bagitu, see bgitu.

ba'gus, beautiful, fine, nice.

bah', flood, inundation. Cf. sbak.

ba'hang, radiant heat.

bah'kan, yea, moreover.

bah't-ra (Sk.), state barge; ark (X.).

ba'hu, shoulder.

bah'wa (Sk.) (138). a punctuation word; see bhawa.

bah'ya or ba'hi-a (Sk.), danger, peril. Also ma'ra bah'ya.

bai-du'ri (Sk.), certain precious stones, opals, cat's eyes, etc. Cf. manikam.

ba'ik, good, well; (B.) in good health.

ba-ik-ba'ik, be careful.
ba'ik … ba'ik …, both … and …
ba'ik-lah, all right.
ba'ik pa'ras, handsome.
a'da ba'ik? (B.) are you well?
ja'ga ba-ik-ba'ik, be careful.
kha'bar ba'ik, lit., good news, a reply to salutation; see khabar.
mm-ba'i-ki (103), to mend.
k-ba'i-kan, goodness.

bait' (Ar.), house, in certain phrases, as:

ba-i'tu ’llah, the house of God.
Bai'tu ’l-mu-ka'dis, Jerusalem.

ba'ja, manure.

mm-ba'ja, to manure.

ba'ja (Sk.), steel.

b-si' ba'ja, steel.

ba'jak, plough. Cf. tnggala.

ma'ta ba'jak, ploughshare. tang'kai ba'jak, plough handle.

ba'ji, wedge.

ba'jik, only found in its derivative:

k-ba'ji-kan, virtue, good deeds, welfare, advantage.

ba'ju, coat, jacket. Cf. jubah.

ba'ju da'lam, underwear, vest.
ba'ju ran'tai, coat of mail.
ba'ju zi'rah, coat of mail.
ta'ngan ba'ju, sleeve.

ba'ka, origin, birth, breeding.

ba'ka (Ar.), eternal, imperishable, as opposed to fana, perishable. Cf. kkal.

ba'kar, mm-ba'kar, -kan, to burn, roast. Cf. hangus.

ba'kar b-si', to make iron hot.
ter-ba'kar, burnt.

ba'kau, mangrove.

ba'ki (Ar.), surplus, remainder, cash balance.

ba'koig, lily.

bak'sis (Pers.), present.

bak'ti (Sk.), loyalty, loyal service, devotion. [ 26 ]

ber-bak'ti, devout, loyal.
k-bak'ti-an, loyalty, devotion.

ba'kul, basket. Cf. kranjang, garing and raga.

ba-la’' (Ar.), trouble, affliction, calamity; also bla’.

ba'la (Sk.), soldiers, an army.

ba'la tn't-ra, an army.

ba'lai, a hall, the roof resting on pillars, and not enclosed by walls; a police station (Penang and Perak).

ba'lai-rorg' or ba'lai ru'ang, a king's hall of assembly.

ba'lak (D.), a beam, baulk.

ba'lang, a long-necked bottle.

ba'lar, whiteness of the skin, as of an albino.

ba'las, mm-ba'las, -kan, to send a reply, recompense (good or evil), return, revenge, reward.

ba'las dn'dam, to revenge oneself.
ba'las su'rat, to answer a letter.
ba'la-san and pm-ba'la-san, reward, requital, revenge.

ba'lau, a timber tree.

bal'di (Hind.), iron pail.

baldu, see bludu.

ba'lek, ber-ba'lek, to turn (163), return (B.) on the contrary. Cf. kmbali.

ba'lek sa'kit, relapse.
pu'tar ba'lek, shuffling, prevarication.
ba'lek-kan, to turn round or upside down, upset.

baligh (Ar.), adult, at the age of puberty; also ‘a'kal ba'ligh.

ba'lu, widow, widower; usually janda. Cf. bujang.

ba'lut, mm-ba'lut, to wrap, bandage. Cf. barut and bbat.

bam'bu, the bamboo; see buloh and aur.

ba'mi (Chin.), Chinese vermicelli with meat and vegetables.

ban'chi, poll-tax, census.

ban'dar (Pers.), a seaport town.

shah-ban'dar, harbour-master.

ban-dar'sah (Ar.), a village mosque; see mandarsah. Cf. surau, and msjid.

ban'ding, a match, counterpart, peer, compeer; to compare; also bandingkan.

ba'ngat, quick, rapid, hurried. Cf. chpat, lkas, dras, laju and pantas.

ba'ngat-kan, to hurry a person, or work.

ba'ngau, heron.

bang'kai, carcase, corpse. Cf. mayat.

bang'kit, ber-bang'kit, to rise (to a standing posture or as dust), rise from the dead (X.).

bang'kit-kan, to raise up, rouse up.
k-bang'ki-tan, resurrection (X.).

bang'ku (Port.), a bench, stool.

bang'sa (Sk.), a race, nation, people, caste, good breeding.

ber-barg'sa, of good birth, noble.

barg'sal, shed.

bang'sal ku'da, stable.

bang'sat, vagabond, tramp, pauper.

bang-sa'wan (Sk.), noble, of good birth. [ 27 ]bang'si, flute, flagiolet

ba'ngun, to arise, awake. Cf. jaga and sdar.

ba'ngun-kan, to arouse, erect, build.
ba'ngu-nan, building, erection.
ba-ngun-ba'ngu-nan, tower.

ba'ni (Ar.), sons, people; see bni.

ba'ni-an (Hind.), a Hindu trader.

ba'ni-an, a shirt.

ba'nir, projections at the base of certain trees which extend to the ground like buttresses.

ban'jar, a row, series. Cf. deret.

ban'tah (149), ber-ban'tah, to dispute, argue, quarrel.

per-ban'ta-han, dispute, quarrel.

ban'tai, mm-ban'tai, to slaughter; beat severely.

ban'tal, pillow, cushion.

ti'kar ban'tal, bedding (of a native).

ban'ting, mm-ban'ting, -kan, to beat together, dash down; to beat as clothes on a stone in washing them to toss about in bed as in delirium.

ban'ting k-pa'la, to rack one's brains.
ban'ting tu'lang, to exert oneself.

ban'tu, mm-ban'tu, to help, aid, assist. Cf. tolong.

ban'tun, mm-ban'tun, to tear up by the roots, pull up, pull out. Cf. chabot.

ban'tut, abortive.

ba'nyak, much, many, very; quantity (36, Note).

ba'nyak o'rang, many people.
o'rang ba'nyak, the people, the populace, a crowd.
s-ba'nyak, so many, as many.
k-ba'nya-kan, the majority, the major part; common, ordinary.

ba'pa, father. Cf. ayah.

ba'pa sau-da'ra, uncle.
ba'pa ti'ri, step father.
mak' ba'pa or ibu bapa, parents.

bap'tis and bap'ti-san, baptism, (X.).

bap'tis-kan, to baptize (X.).

ba'ra and ba'ra a'pi, embers, live coals.

ba'rah, abcess, ulcer, tumour. Cf. pkong, bisul and jrawat.

ba'rang, things, goods, personal property, baggage. Also barang-barang.

ba'rang a'pa (20), whatever, anything.
ba'rang bila, whenever.
ba'rang di ma'na, wherever.
ba'rang-ka'li, perhaps.
ba'rang k-ma'na, whithersoever.
ba'rang si-a'pa (20), whoever, anyone.
ba'rarg s-su-a'tu, whatever.
ba'rang yang', whatever.
s-ba'rarg, any, anything.

ba'rat, west.

ba'rat da'ya, south-west.
ba'rat la'ut, north-west.
s-sat' ba'rat, altogether astray.

ba'ring, ber-ba'ring, to lie down.

ba'ring-kan, to lay down.

ba'ris, a line or row, a line of soldiers, hence drill; vowel points.

ba'ris di a'tas, the Arabic vowel sign fathah = a.
ba'ris di ba'wah, the Arabic vowel sign kasrah = i.

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ba'ris di ha'da-pan, the Arabic dlammah = u.
ba'ris ma'ti, or tan'da ma'ti, the sign jazm, q. v.

ba'rus, ka'pur ba'rus, camphor.

ba'rut, mm-ba'rut, a bandage or bodice worn by native children; to bandage a wound.

bar-zakh' and ‘a'lam bar-zakh', Hades, the place of departed spirits.

ba'sah, wet, moist.

ba'sah kuyup, wringing wet.
ba'sah-kan, to wet.
ka'in ba'sa-han, bathing cloth.

ba’'sat (B.) (Chin.) bed bug.

ba'si, mouldy, stale.

ba'soh, mm-ba'soh, -kan, to wash.

ba'ta and ba'tu ba'ta, a brick.

ba'tal (Ar.), futile, ineffectual.

ba'tal-kan, to bring to nought.

ba'tang, trunk or stem (of trees and plants); numeral coefficient of long cylindrical objects (83, 84).

ba'tang a'yer, watercourse, main stream of a district.
ba'tang hi'dong, the bridge of the nose.
ba'tang ka'yu, trunk of a tree.
ba'tang le'hir, the neck.

ba-ta'ra (Sk.), a title given to Hindu gods. Usually btara.

ba'tas, ridges, banks round wet rice fields, hence boundaries; also batasan.

ba'tek (Jav.), ka'in ba'tek, cotton prints or hand painted cloths.

ba'til, a small metal bowl or drinking cup.

ba'tin, a title of Malay chiefs.

ba'tin (Ar.), concealed, inward, esoteric, as opposed to tlahir, outward.

ba'tok, cough.

ba'tok k-ring', consumption.
ba'tok sa'lak, whooping cough.

ba'tu, stone, rock, milestone, and hence a mile.

ba'tu a'pi, flint.
ba'tu a'sah, whetstone.
ba'tu ba'ta, brick.
ba'tu b-ra'ni, loadstone.
ba'tu b-si', granite, or any hard rock. Cf. batu ubin.
ba'tu da'ching, the weight of a steelyard.
ba'tu giling, a stone roller for grinding curry stuff.
ba'tu k-pa'la, the crown of the head, the cranium.
ba'tu ka'rang, coral, coral reef.
ba'tu kisa-ran, millstone.
ba'tu k-likir, gravel.
ba'tu k-ri'sek, gravel, finer than the above.
ba'tu li'chin, pebbles.
ba'tu M-la'ka, flooring tiles. Cf. batu rubin and batu ubin.
ba'tu ru'bin, flooring tiles.
ba'tu ter-an'tok, stumbling block (X.).
ba'tu u'bin, flooring tiles; (in Singapore) granite. Cf. rubin.
ba'tu u'ji, touchstone.
a'rang ba'tu, coal.
a'yer ba'tu, ice.
chap' ba'tu, lithography.
gu'la ba'tu, loaf sugar.
ju'ru ba'tu, the second mate of a vessel.
ru'mah ba'tu, a brick house.
tu'kang ba'tu, mason, bricklayer.

[ 29 ]bau', odour, smell, fragrance.

bau' bu'sok, a bad smell.
ber-bau', having a smell, odorous.
bau-bau'an (130), incense, perfumes.

ba'ur, mixed, confused, in disorder.

cham'pur ba'ur, in confusion.

ba'wa, mm-ba'wa (55), to convey, carry, take, bring.

ba'wa di'ri, to take oneself off.
ba'wa i'man, to embrace the faith, become a Mohammedan.
ba'wa ja'lan, to lead the way.
ba'wa la'ri, to run away with.
ba'wa ma'sok, to take in, introduce.
ba'wa mulut, to talk scandal, gossip.
ba'wa per'gi, to take away.

ba'wah, below, under.

de'ri ba'wah, from below.
di ba'wah, below.
di ba'wah a'ngin, leeward, Malayan lands.
k-ba'wah, to the lower side.

ba'wang, onion.

ba'yam, spinach.

ba'yan, a kind of parroquet.

ba'yang, shadow, image.

ba'yar, mm-ba'yar, to pay.

ba'yar ni'at, to pay a vow.
ba'ya-ran, a payment.

b-bal', ignorant, stupid. Cf. bodoh.

b-ban', burden, load.

b-bat', to wrap round, bind round with cloth, etc. Cf. balut and barut.

b-b-ra'pa, some, a certain quantity; however much (144); see apa.

b-dak', a cosmetic made of rice flour, toilet powder.

b-da'ki, to powder.

b-dal', to beat violently with a stick to eat to excess. Cf. gasak.

b-d-bah' (Pers.), ill-omened, accursed, wretched.

b-dil', firearmis.

o'bat b-dil', gunpowder.

b-dong', ka'in b-dong', swaddling clothes. Cf. lampin.

be'a, cowrie shells; taxes, customs.

be'bas, free, having liberty. Cf. merdheka.

be'bas-kan, to set free, liberate.
k-be'ba-san, liberty, freedom.

be'cha (Chin.), jinrikisha.

be'chak, puddle, muddy swampy place.

be'da or be'za (Sk.), difference, distinction.

be'da-kan, to distinguish, discriminate.

behkan, see bahkan.

be'la, human sacrifice, suttee; vengeance.

tun'tut be'la, to seek vengeance.

be'lek, mm-be'lek, to look closely.

be'lok, to luff, tack (in sailing).

be'lot, treachery; to be a traitor.

pm-be'lot, a traitor.

beng'kang, see bengkok.

beng'kok, crooked, bent.

beng'kang beng'kok, zig-zag.

be'ngong or bi'ngong, confused (of the mind), disconcerted, stupid.

ben'teng, fort, stockade. Cf. kubu. [ 30 ]be'rak, to ease oneself; see buang ayer.

beranda, see branda.

be'rang, furious, wild with rage.

ber-ha'la, an idol.

rumah ber-ha'la, a heathen temple.

beringin, see brirgin.

ber'kas, a faggot, a bundle of things tied together.

ber'kat (Ar.), blessing, benediction, good influence.

ber-ka'ti, to bless.

ber'kek, snipe.

Ber'ma (Sk.), the Hindu god Brahma; also brahma.

ber'man (Sk.), a brahmin; also brahman.

ber-nang', to swim; see rnang.

ber-ni-a'ga, to trade; see bniaga.

berok, see brok.

ber-o'leh, to possess, own; see boleh.

ber'seh, clean. Cf. suchi.

ber'seh-kan, to clean.

ber'sin, sneezing; to sneeze.

be'san, ber-be'san, related by marriage of their children.

be'sok, to-morrow; see esok.

be'ta (Hind.), slave, servant. Used as a pronoun of the 1st person by royalty.

b-gi-ma'na (144), how, in what way?

b-gin'da (Sk.), a title given to lot kings and princes, and used as a pronoun of the 2nd or 3rd person.

b-gi'ni, thus, so, like this.

b-gi'tu, thus, so, like that.

b-ha'gi, mm-b-ha'gi, -kan (149), a division, share, part; to share, divide.

b-ha'gi-an, a share.

b-ha-gi'a (Sk.), good fortune, blessing; blessed, happy; also berbhagia.

b-ha'na (Sk.), sound of voices, noise.

b-ha'ra (Sk.), a measure of weight.

to'lak b-ha'ra, ballast.

b-ha'ru (161), new, recent; newly, lately, just, then and not till then.

b-ha'sa (Sk.), language, good manners, politeness.

bu'di b-ha'sa, tact and politeness. ja'lan b-ha'sa, idiom. ju'ru b-ha'sa, interpreter. ku'rang b-ha'sa, impolite.

bhatra, see bahtra.

b-ha'wa (138) (Sk.), a punctuation word, generally introducing a quotation. Also bahwa.

b-ha'ya (Sk.), danger; see bahya.

bi-a'dab (Pers.), rude, disrespectful.

bi'ak, prolific, fertile.

bi'ar, -kan, to allow, permit; sometimes used almost in the sense of although (let it be), as, biar lambat pun jadi juga, though it be a long time it will do.

bi-ar-bi'ar, intestinal worms.

bi-a'sa (Sk.), accustomed, experienced, intimate, usual.

bi-a'sa-kan diri, to accustom oneself, practise.

[ 31 ]bi-a'wak, the iguana or monitor lizard.

bi'bi (Hind.), lady, aunt; form of address to ladies.

bi'bir, the lips, edge or rim of anything.

bi'bir cha'wan, the edge of a cup.
bi'bir ma'ta, eyelids.
bi'bir mulut, the lips.

bi'bit, mm-bi'bit, to carry or pick up with the tips of the fingers.

bi-cha'ra, deliberation, discussion, discourse, conversation, advice, opinion, legal proceedings, court of justice.

ber-bi-cha'ra, to discuss, consult.
bi-cha'ra-kan, to advise.

bi-da-da'ri (Sk.), nymphs in Hindu mythology, houris.

bi'dai, hanging screens or blinds made of split rattan or bamboo.

bi'dak, a pawn in the game of chess; see chatur.

bi'dal, thimble; better didal.

bi'dan (Sk.), midwife. Cf. dukun.

bi'dang, broad, extensive; numeral coefficient of sails, mats, etc. (84)

bi'du-an and bi-du-an'da, body guard, royal messenger.

bi'dur, an ingot or block of tin.

bi'jak (Sk.), learned, clever, skilful; (B.) fluent of speech.

bi-jak-sa'na (Sk.), intelligent, skilful, discreet.

bi'ji, a seed, grain; numeral coefficient of small of small objects (83, 84).

biji ma'ta, eyeballs.

bi'jeh, tin ore

bi'kin (B.), to make, do. Cf. buat.

bi'la, when, when?

a-pa-bila, when.

bi'lah (83, 84), numeral coefficient of knives, swords, needles, etc.

bi'lal (Ar.), the man who calls to prayer, the muezzin.

bilalang, see blalang.

bi'lang, mm-bilang, to count, recount, reckon, tell, say.

ter-bi'lang, famous, renowned.
bilang-kan, to reckon, consider, account.
bi-la'ngan, reckoning, number.

bi'lek, room.

bi'lur, scar, mark of a blow, weal.

bi-ma-sak'ti (Sk.), the milky way.

bim'bang, anxious, uncertain, vacillating, irresolute.

bin' (Ar.), son, son of.

bi-na'sa (Sk.), ruin, destruction; to go to ruin.

bi-na'sa-kan, to destroy.

bi-na'tang, animal.

bing'kis, a gift, a present sent with a letter.

bi'ngong, confused, disconcerted, stupid.

bi'ni, wife. Cf. istri.

a'nak bi'ni, wife and family.
ber-bi'ni, to have a wife, be married (of the man).
ber-bini-kan, to take to wife.

[ 32 ]bin'tang, star; also a decoration.

bin'tang ber-a'sap, comet.
bin'targ ber-e'kor, comet.
bin'targ ber-i'dar, planet.
bin'tang p-tang' or bin'tang ba'rat, Venus as an an evening star.
bin'targ ti'mor or bin'targ ba'bi, Venus as a morning star.

bin-ta'ngor, the name of a tree; see bntangor.

bin'ti (Ar.), daughter of.

bio (B.) (Chin.), temple.

bi-o'la (Port.), violin.

bi'ras, brother-in-law or sister-in-law.

bi-ri-bi'ri (Hind.), sheep. Cf. domba and kambing.

bi'ru, blue.

ha'ru biru, confusion, disorder.

bi'sa, poison; poisonous, painful.

bi'sa (Jav.), able, capable, can.

bi'sek, ber-bi'sek, to whisper.

bi'sing, chattering, or any unpleasant noise of that kind.

Bis'nu (Sk.), the Hindu god Vishnu.

bi'su, dumb. Cf. klu.

bi'sul, a boil, abcess. Cf. jrawat and barah.

b-kal', supplies for a journey, especially food, provisions.

b-kas', mark or impression left by any body or action; vessel in which anything is contained.

b-kas' ka'ki, footprint.
b-kas' ta'ngan, handwriting, signature.
b-kas' tu'boh, that which has touched the body, clothes presented as a token of affection.

b-ku', congealed, coagulated, frozen.

a'yer b-ku', ice. Cf. ayer batu.

b-la’ (Ar.), affliction, calamity, misfortune; also ba-la’.

b-la', mm-b-la', to nurture, support, bring up children. Cf. plihara.

b-la'chan, a composition of dried fish and prawns used to season curries.

b-la'chu, unbleached calico.

b-lah', mm-b-lah', to split, cleave, divide, cut in two lengthwise.

s-b-lah' or sb'lah, one side of that which is divided, hence one side of anything.
sb'lah kanan, the right side.
sb'lah kiri, the left side.
sb'lah ma'ta, one eye.
sb'lah si'ni, this side.
Often = the other side, as: sb'lah gu'nong, the other side of the mountain.
sb'lah m-nyb'lah or k-du'a b-lah', both sides.
sb'lah-kan, to lay aside, separate.

b-la'jar, to learn; see ajar.

b-la'ka, altogether, entirely, quite.

b-la'kang, the back, the posterior; behind, hereafter, afterwards.

b-la'ka-ngi and b-la'kang-kan, to turn one's back on.

b-la'lai, the trunk of an elephant, the proboscis of insects.

b-la'lang, grasshoppers, locusts and crickets.

B-lan'da, Dutch; a corruption of Hollander; also wolanda. [ 33 ]b-lang', piebald, variegated; spotted, striped.

b-la'nga, an earthenware pot used for cooking.

b-lan'ja, expenses, cost of anything, allowance to meet expenses, hence salary.

b-lan'ja-kan, to expend.

b-lan-ta'ra, wild, waste places, as:

hu'tan b-lan-ta'ra, the jungle.
rim'ba b-lan-ta'ra, the wilds of the forest.

b-las' (30), a word which forms the numerals from eleven to nineteen, similar to the English “teen.”

b-las', pity, sympathy, compassion.

b-las'kan, to arouse sympathy or to have pity on.

b-lat', network of rattans laced together, used with fishing stakes; hence fishing stakes or fish traps.

b-la'tok, woodpecker.

b-la'yer, to sail; see layer.

b-le'rang, brimstone, sulphur.

b-le'tir, to babble, chatter; see letir.

b-li', to buy, purchase.

jual b-li', to trade, buy and sell.
pm-b-li', that which buys, the price or the buyer

b-li'an, a timber tree.

b-li'kat, the shoulder blade.

b-li'ong, the large Malay axe. Cf. kapak and patil.

a'ngin pu'ting b-li'ong, waterspout.

b-lit', a coil, a turn; a necklace or a bandage; to encircle (as a snake).

b-lu'du (Port.), velvet; also pronounced bal'du.

b-lu'kar, underwood, jungle cut down and grown up again, scrub. Cf. hutan and rimba.

b-lu'lang, untanned or raw hides; callus, callosity of the skin.

b-lum' (72), not yet; this word sometimes has only the force of a simple negative.

b-lum' kah'win, unmarried.
b-lum' la'gi, not yet.
b-lum' ma'sak, unripe or insufficiently cooked.
b-lum' per'nah, never yet.
s-b-lum', before (conj.).

b-lung'gu, fetters, shackles.

b-lut', eel.

b-nam', ter-b-nam', sunken, depressed, partly buried.

b-nang', thread.

b-nang' a'rang, chalk line.

b-nar', true, right, just, good.

s-b-nar-nya, truly, verily.
b-nar'kan, to confirm, authorise, approve, justify.
k-b-na'ran, accuracy, truth, verification, righteousness.

b-na'ra, a washerman; usually dobi.

b-na'sa, ruin; see binasa.

b-na'tang, animal; see binatang.

bn-cha'na (Sk.), trouble, injury, harm.

bn'chi, mm-bn'chi, to hate.

bn'da, a thing, an article or object, especially valuables.

her'ta bn'da, property, especially household property.
ma'ta bn'da, jewellery.

[ 34 ]bn-da-ha'ra (Sk.), the title of the highest official in a Malay State, originally meaning treasurer.

per-bn-da-ha'ra'an, treasury.

bn-da-ha'ri (Sk.), treasury officers.

bn'dang, fields (either irrigated or dry). Cf. huma, ladang and sawah.

bn-de'ra (Port.), flag.

ti-ang' bn-de'ra, flagstaff.

bn'dul, the beams on which the walls of a native house rest.

bn'dul pin'tu, threshold.

b-neh', seed, grain.

Bng-ga'la, Bengal.

Bng-ga'li, a Bengalee.

b-ngis', cruel; cruelty.

bng'kak, a swelling; swollen.

bng-ka'rong, a kind of lizard.

bng'ku-ang, the screw-pine, from the leaves of which kajangs are made, see kajang; also mngkuang.

b'ni or ba'ni (Ar.), sons.

b'ni Is'ra'el, the children of Israel.

bn-ia'ga (Sk.), trade, commerce; to trade; also mniaga and berniaga.

bn'tang, mm-bn'tang, to spread out, lay out (as a mat or cloth). Cf. hampar.

bn-ta'ngor, the name of several timber trees.

bn'tar, in its derivative:

s-bn'tar, a moment, an instant.

bn-ta'ra (Sk.), herald, an officer of court.

bn'tok, curved; numeral coefficient of rings, fishhooks, etc.

b-nu'a, a large region or country, continent.

o'rang b-nu'a, aborigines.

bo'chor, leaky.

mulut bo'chor, tell-tale, blab.

bo'doh, foolish, stupid. Cf. bbal.

k-bo'do-han, stupidity.

boek (B.) (Chin.), stocking.

bo'hong, false, untrue; a lie or falsehood. Cf. dusta.

pm-bo'hong, a liar.

bo'kor, a metal basin.

bo'la (Port.), a ball, billiards, football.

bo'leh, able, can, may, could, might. See oleh.

bo'lu (Port.), sponge cake; also buah hulu.

bom' (Eng. and D.), a boom, the pole or shafts of a carriage.

bom'ba (Port.), pump, fire-engine, syringe.

bo'mo or bo'mor, a native doctor. Cf. dukun and doktor.

bon'da, mother (polite style); a contraction from i-bu-n'da.

bong'kar, mm-bong'kar, to pull up (as an anchor).

bong'kar sa'uh, to weigh anchor.

bong'kok, hunchbacked, bent (as: an old man).

bong'su, youngest child, last born; also anak bongsu.

bo'peng, pockmarked.

bor' (D.), auger, drill.

bo'rong, wholesale, outright, en masse. [ 35 ]bo'ros, extravagant, prodigal.

bo'ta (Sk.), a goblin, demon.

bo'tak, bald, premature or unnatural baldness owing to disease. Cf. gondol.

bo'tol (Eur.), bottle.

bo'ya (Port.), a buoy.

b-ra'hi, sexual passion.

B-rah'ma, the Hindu god Brahma; usually berma.

B-rah'man (Sk.), a Brahmin; usually berman.

brai, see chrai-brai.

b-ran'dah (Port.), verandah.

b-ra'ngan, arsenic.

b-ra'ngan, chestnut.

b-ra'ngan ba'bi, oak.

b-ra'ni, brave, daring, courageous; to dare to, have the courage to.

ba'tu b-ra'ni, loadstone.
b-si' b-ra'ni, magnet.
b-ra'ni-kan di'ri, to make bold, encourage oneself.

b-ra'pa, how much? how many? also used as a contraction for bbrapa; see apa.

b-ra'pa banyak, how many.
b-ra'pa her'ga, how much (price)?
b-ra'pa kali, how often.
b-ra'pa la'ma, how long.
b-ra'pa pu'loh, how many tens.
s-b-ra'pa, as much as, as many as.

b-ras', husked rice. Cf. padi and nasi.

b-ras' ber'teh, rice roasted in the husk.
b-ras' ku'nyit, rice stained with saffron.
b-ras' pu'lut, glutinous rice.

b-rat', heavy, difficult, important; weight (36, Note).

b-rat'kan di atas o'rang, to lay the responsibility on a person.

b-ri', mm-b-ri', -kan (78, 149), to give, grant, concede, allow, permit.

b-ri' ha'ti, to encourage.
b-ri' i'rgat, to remind, caution.
b-ri' i-sha'rat, to make a sign.
b-ri' i'zin, to give permission or leave.
b-ri' ja'wab, to answer.
b-ri' ma'kan, to feed.
b-ri' ma'sok, to let in.
b-ri' pin'jam, to lend.
b-ri' sak'si, to witness, testify.
b-ri' sa-lam', to salute.
b-ri' ta'hu, to inform, tell.
b-ri' ta'kot, to frighten.
pm-b-ri'an, a gift, present.

b-ri'ngin, the waringin tree.

b-rin'jal (Port.), the egg-plant = trong, q. V.

b-ri'ta, news, information = werta.

b-rok', an ape, often trained to gather coconuts.

b-ro'ti, a lath.

b-ru'ang, a bear.

b-ru'ga, a'yam b-ru'ga, jungle fowl.

B-ru'nai, a State in N. Borneo, whence the whole island is so named.

b-rus' (Eng.), brush.

b-sar', big, large; size (36, Note).

ha'ri b-sar', festival, holiday.
ha'ti b-sar', proud.
o'rang b-sar', chief, headman.
tu'an b-sar', the senior in office.

[ 36 ]

b-sar'kan, to enlarge, exalt, magnify.
k-b-sa'ran, grandeur, greatness.
pa'kai-an k-b-sa'ran, uniform.

b-ser'ta, together with; see serta.

b-si', iron.

b-si' ba'ja, steel.
b-si' b-ra'ni, magnet.
b-si' ku'da, a horseshoe.
ba'tu b-si', granite.
ta'hi b-si', rust.
tu'kang b-si', blacksmith.

bs-ta'ri (Sk.), polite, accomplished, well-bred.

b-ta'pa, how; see apa.

b-ta'ra (Sk.), a title given to Hindu gods.

b-ti'na (87), female (of animals).

b-ting', sandbank. Cf. tbing.

b-tis', the lower leg.

bu'ah b-tis' and jan'tong b-tis', the calf of the leg.

b-tul', correct, true, accurate, straight, erect, real, genuine. Cf. lurus.

ha'ti b-tul' (B.), sincere, honest.
b-tul'kan, to straighten, repair.

bu'ah, fruit; numeral coefficient of houses, ships, towns, etc. (83, 84).

bu'ah b-tis', the calf of the leg.
bu'ah cha'tur, chessmen.
bu'ah ha'ti-ku, my treasure, a term of endearment.
bu'ah hu'lu, see bolu.
bu'ah pa'la, nutmeg.
bu'ah ping'gang, the kidneys.
bu'ah p-lir', the testes.
bu'ah tim-ba'ngan, weights.
a'nak bu'ah, the dependents of a Malay chief.
ber-bu'ah, to bear fruit.
buah-bu'a-han (130), fruits.

bu'ai, to rock, swing (as a cradle). Cf. ayun.

bu-ai'an, a cradle, hammock.

bu-ang', mm-bu-ang', -kan, to throw away, get rid of, waste.

bu-ang' an'chak, to put out offerings to the spirits; see anchak.
bu-ang' a'yer, and bu-ang' a'yer b-sar', to ease oneself.
bu-ang' a'yer da'rah, dysentery.
bu-ang' a'yer k-chil', to urinate.
bu-ang' bi'ni, to put away one's wife.
bu-ang' ingus, to blow one's nose.
bu-ang' un'di, to cast lots.
bu-ang' wang', to waste money.
sa'kit bu-ang'-bu-ang' a'yer, diarrhoea.

bu'as, wild, fierce, ferocious (of animals). Cf. liar.

bu'at, ber-bu'at (116), mm-bu'at (100), to do, make, cause.

bu-at-bu'at, to pretend.
bu'at re'ngan, frivolous.
bu'a-tan, manufacture.
bu'a-tan Ai-ro'pa, European make.
per-bu'a-tan, deed, act, action.

bu-a'ya, crocodile.

bu'boh, mm-bu'boh, to put, place, lay. Cf. ltak and taroh.

bu'bok, wood-maggots, weevils.

bu'bol, mm-bu'bol, to make or mend nets.

bubong, see bumbong.

bu'bor, gruel, broth.

bu'bu, a fish-trap of rattan.

bu'dak, child, boy or girl. [ 37 ]bu'di (Sk.), wisdom, prudence.

bu'di bi-cha'ra, wise discretion.
bu'di b-ha'sa, tact and politeness.
‘a'kal bu'di, intelligence.
ber-bu'di, wise, prudent.

bu-di'man (Sk.), wise.

bu'eh, foam, scum, froth.

Bu'gis, a Malayan race inhabiting the island of Celebes.

bu'jang, unmarried, single, a bachelor or widower. Cf. janda.

bu'jok, mm-bu'jok, to coax, entice, persuade; also pujok.

bu'jor, lengthwise, the long way, as opposed to lintang, transversely.

buk, see buku.

bu'ka, mm-bu'ka, to open, uncover.

bu'ka ja'lan, to lay out a road.
bu'ka ka'in, to take off clothes.
bu'ka k-dai', to set up a shop.
bu'ka la'yer, unfurl sails.
bu'ka pu-a'sa, to break off or cease fasting.
bu'ka rah'si-a, to reveal a secret.
bu'ka to'pi, to raise or take off one's hat.
ter-bu'ka (110), opened.

bu'kan (69, 70), not, is not, are not.

bu-kan-bukan, non-existent, of no account.

bu'kit, a hill. Cf. changkat.

ka'ki bu'kit, the foot of a hill.
o'rang bu'kit, wild tribes.

bu'ku, joints (as of the fingers), knots in wood, lumps.

bu'ku (Eng.), a book. Also buk.

bu'lan, the moon; a month.

bu'lan da'tang and bulan d-pan', next month.
bu'lan d-hu'lu, and bu'lan la'lu, last month.
bu'lan g-lap', when the moon is invisible.
bu'lan per-na'ma, full moon.
bu'lan tim'bul, new moon.
bu'lan t-rang', moonlight.

bu'lang, mm-bu'lang, to wrap or wind anything round with cloth. Cf. bbat and balut.

bu'lat, round, spherical, cylindrical.

bu-lat-bu'lat, entirely.
d'ngan s-bu-lat-bu'lat ha'ti, with the whole heart.

bu-li-bu'li, a small, long-necked bottle. Cf. balang.

bu'loh, bamboo, of many kinds. Cf. aur and bambu.

bu'loh ba'ngsi, the Malay flute.
bu'loh p-rin'du, æolian pipe.

bu'lu, feathers, down, wool, hair of the body. Cf. rambut and roma.

bu'lu k-ning', eyebrows.
bu'lu lan'dak, the quills on a porcupine; when removed from the animal they are called du'ri lan'dak.
bu'lu ma'ta, evelashes.
bu'lu ro'ma, hairs on the human body.
bu'lu tng'kok, the mane (of a horse).
la'yer bu'lu a'yam, the Malay latteen sail.
u'lat bu'lu, hairy caterpillar.

bum'bong, the ridge of a roof, a roof; usually bum-bo'ngan, sometimes bubong and bu-bongan.

tu'lang bum'bong, ridge pole.

[ 38 ]bu'mi (Sk.), the earth, the ground.

bun'dar, round; a ring or circle drawn with a pen.

bu'nga, flower; also ornamental designs.

bu'nga a'pi, sparks, fireworks.
bu'nga chng'keh, cloves.
bu'nga ka'rarg, sponge; also lumut kararg.
bu'nga pa'la, mace.
bu'nga wang', interest on money.

bu'ngar, in the phrase:

bu'ah bu'nga-ran, first-fruits.

bung'kus, a parcel, bundle.

bung'kus-kan, to wrap up.

bu'noh, mm-bu'noh, to kill, murder.

pm-bu'noh, murderer.
per-bu'no-han (124), place of execution.
pm-bu'no-han (124), murder.

bun'ting, pregnant. Cf. hamil.

bun'tut, the posterior, the buttocks, the end, the tail, the last. Cf. pantat and punggong.

bu'nyi, sound, noise.

bu'nyi su'rat, the contents of a letter.
ber-bu'nyi, to sound, make a noise.
bu-nyi-bu'nyi-an, music.

bu'ri-tan, stern of a ship.

bu'rok (163), rotten, worn out, decayed, bad (of vegetable substances and manufactured articles). Cf. haus.

bu'rong, bird.

bu'rong han'tu, owl.
bu'rong on'ta, ostrich.

bu'ru, mm-bu'ru, to hunt, chase.

pm-bu'ru, hunter.
han'tu pm-bu'ru, “the spectre huntsman.”

bu'rut, hernia, rupture.

bu'sar, a bow, an arc of a circle, an instrument for cleaning raw cotton. Cf. panah.

bu'sok (163), putrid, rotten, decomposed, bad smelling, foul.

bau bu'sok, a bad smell.
na'ma bu'sok, a bad reputation.

bu'sut, ant-hill.

bu'ta, blind.

buta-tu'li, blind and deaf, hence used of doing things blindly or recklessly.

bu'ta (Sk.), an evil spirit, demon; also bota.

bu'tang (Eng.), button.

bu'tir, a grain, small particle; numeral coefficient of gems (83, 84).

bu'yong, a water jar, smaller than tmpayan, q. v.