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After a considerable interval, swordfish came and attacked Singapore, jumping and coming up on the dry land; and many of the people on the shore died, being jumped on by the sword-fish. If they struck the breast, they pierced through to the back; if they struck the neck and waist, they pierced through to the other side. People could not stand on the shore, and many died. So the people were in a tumult, running here and there, and all of them saying. “The sword-fish are attacking us! Many of our people are dead, having been killed by them.”—Sjarah Mlayu.

Reading Lesson IV.

DanAnd padaon suatuone hariday RadinRadin didi KlangKlang bermainamused himself k- (149)to KampongKampong KlingKling. MakaAnd oranga man punalso mngamok;ran “amok”; msksand sklianall orangpeople pchahscattered habis (76)completely MakaBut RadinRadin didi KlangKlang pun  berdiristood mngunusdrew kris,dagger, mnantikanawaited orang mngamokamok-runner itu;the; makaand orang mngamokamok-runner ituthe pun  datang,came, laluand bertikamstabbed dnganwith RadinRadin didi Klang;Klang; makaand samatogether mnikamstabbed samatogether knastruck k-padain the dada,breast, kdua-nyaboth of them mati,died, s’orangone rbahfell k-kiri,to the left, s’orangone rbahfell the right.

And one day Radin di Klang went to Kampong Kling to amuse himself. And a man ran “amok,” and all the people scattered and ran away every one of them. But Radin di Klang stood still and drew his dagger, waiting for the amok-ruuner; and the amok-runner came and had a stabbing encounter with Kadin di Klang; and they stabbed at the same time and each struck the other’s breast, and both died, one falling to the left and the other to the right.—Sjarah Mlayu.