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diri masing-masing.each other. Serta berfikirAnd thought s’ekorone srigala,jackal, “Apa kah“What granganprythee bunyinoise ini?this? KernaFor s’orangone manusiaman puneven tiadais not di sini.”here.” LaluSo di hampiriwas approached -  nyaby him s’orangone man pun tiada,even was not, hanya-lahonly dahan kayuthe branches of the trees juga (162 e)merely mmaluwere striking gndrang itu;the drums; laluand then di-blahkanwere split -  nyaby him gndrang itu,the drums, di-lihatand was seen -  nyaby him kosong,empty, suatuone thing tiadawas not di dalam -inside nya.of them. S-telah ituAfter that maka  berbalek-lahreturned sgalaall srigala ituthe jackals pulaagain mmakanto eat bangkai-bangkai itu.the carcases. granganprytheeDmkian-lahSuch hikayat itu;the story;maka oleh sbabfor reason yangwhichdmkianthus jangan-lahdo nots-kali-kaliat all tuan-kuyoupdulikantrouble about bunyinoisesyang dmkian itu.which such as that.

There was a country the king of which was named Shula Raja. Now there came a king to attack it, and afterwards that king was routed in the battle, and all his soldiers were scattered; and many of his soldiers and elephants and horses were killed, and all his implements and his war-drums remained in the middle of the plain. And jackals came from the jungle and ate the carcases. Then a strong wind cane and blew the branches of the trees so that they kept striking against each other, and they struck against the war-drums, and the drums sounded. And all the jackals were startled and every one of them ran away, wondering at each other. Now one jackal thought, “Whatever is this noise? For there is not a single man here.” So he approached the drums, and saw that there was no one, but merely the branches of the trees were striking the drums; so then he split the drums, and saw that they were empty,—there was nothing inside them. Then all the jackals came back again to eat the carcases. Such is the story; so for this reason do not trouble yourself at all about such noises.—Kalilah dan Daminah.