ka'sut se'ret, slippers.
ser'kap, a hencoop, a basket of the same shape used to catch fish.
se'rong, oblique, slanting. Cf. mereng, senget and chondrong.
ser'ta, with, together with; (139) when, as. Cf. dngan and sama.
ser'ta d'ngan, together with.
ser'ta-mer'ta, immediately.
b-ser'ta (98), with, accompanying.
ser'ta'i (99), to accompany.
ser'ta-kan, to unite.
ser'wa (Sk. sarva), all, in the phrase: Tuhan serwa sklian ‘alam, Lord of the whole universe; usually mispronounced sru. Cf. serba.
setan, see shaitan.
se'wa, m-nye'wa, rent, hire; to let, hire.
se'wa ka'pal, passage money on a ship.
se'wa ru'mah, the rent of a house.
k-re'ta se'wa, hackney carriage.
s-ga'la (Sk.), all; sometimes used merely to indicate the plural number (82). Cf. smoa and sklian.
s-gan', reluctant, averse to.
p-ny-gan', a sluggard.
s-gar', refreshed, revived.
s-gi' or sa'gi, in its derivative:
per-s-gi', sided, having sides or faces.
am'pat per-s-gi', square.
ti'ga per-s-gi', three sided, triangular.
sg'ra (Sk.), speed, haste; quick, quickly. Cf. lkas and bangat.
ber-sg'ra, to be quick, make haste.
sg'ra-kan, to hasten, expedite.
shah' (Pers.), emperor, king.
sha-ha'dat (Ar.), confession of faith.
k-li'mah sha-ha'dat, the Mohammedan profession of faith.
shah-ban'dar, harbour-master.
sha'hid (Ar.), a witness, martyr.
sha‘ir' (Ar.), barley.
sha'‘ir (Ar.), a poem, poetry.
shai'tan (Ar.), Satan, the devil; a demon. Cf. iblis.
shak' (Ar.), doubt, suspicion, mistrust. Cf. wasangka.
sha'rat (Ar.), rule, regulation; condition, stipulation; contract, agreement.
sha'ri‘at (Ar.), law, divine law, statute.
shekh' (Ar.), a chief.
sher'bat (Ar.), lemonade.
shor'ga (Sk.), heaven. Cf. langit, indra and kayangan.
shu'kor (Ar.), thanksgiving, praise. Cf. kaseh and puji.
si, a particle placed before proper names, nouns and adjectives, somewhat in the same way as the word Mr. in English, as in the following phrases:
si-A'li, Mr. Ali.
si-a'nu, Mr. so and so.
si-a'pa? who?
ba'rang si-a'pa, whoever.
si bong'kok, Mr. hunchback.
si pn-chu'ri, Mr. thief.
si-a'-si-a', in vain, useless, futile, of no avail. Cf. chuma.