si'al, unlucky, inauspicious, ill-omened. Cf. chlaka.
si-a'mang, the gibbon.
si-ang', daylight, day as opposed to night; early. early in the morning.
si-ang' ha'ri, daylight, day as opposed to night.
si-ang' ma'lam, day and night.
si-ang'-si-ang', very early.
si-ap', ber-si-ap', prepared, made ready; to be ready or prepared, especially of food, clothes, etc. Cf. sdia.
si-ap'kan, to prepare, make ready.
si-a'sat (Ar.), punishment, torture; to investigate, examine.
si-a'sat-kan, to torture, make a searching examination.
siau' (B.) (Chin.), to digest.
si'bok busy, busily engaged (of a number of persons at work); also sebok.
si-da-si'da, a title of certain officers at court, a eunuch.
si'dang, assembly, society, company; also sidarg jma‘ah. Cf. jma‘ah and kongsi.
si'dek, m-nyi'dek, to examine carefully; usually slidek.
siet-siet' (B.) (Chin.), false, deceptive, hypocritical.
si'fat (Ar.), quality, condition, attribute, character, nature; also pronounced sipat.
si'gai, a bamboo with the branches cut to the length of a span to form a ladder.
si'hat (Ar.), good health; healthy, well. Cf. nyaman and siuman.
si-hir' (Ar.), magic; also ‘ilmu sihir.
si'kap, figure, posture, attitude.
si'kat, a comb, a harrow; a bunch (of bananas). Cf. sisir.
si'kat ram'bot, a hair comb.
si'kit, a little = sdikit, q.v.
si'ku, the elbow; angle.
si'la, ber-si'la (158), to sit with the legs crossed under one; to invite a person to sit down; to invite; also silakan.
si'la du'dok, please sit down.
si'la ma'sok, please come in.
du'dok ber-si'la, to sit cross-legged.
per-si'la-kan, to invite.
si-la-si'lah (Ar. silsilah), genealogy.
si'lap (Ar. khilaf), a mistake, error, over-sight.
si'lap ma'ta, sleight of hand.
sim'pai, a circle, ring, hoop.
sim'pan, m-nyim'pan (86 c), to keep, preserve, take care of, save. Cf. plihara and taroh.
sim'pol, a knot.
sim'pol hi'dop, sim'pol pu'leh, running knot, bow.
sim'pol ma'ti, a knot that will not slip.
ter-sn-nyum' sim'pol, a slight smile.
si'nar, m-nyi'nar, a sunbeam, a ray of light; to shine. Cf. chahya.
sin'dir, m-nyin'dir, to mock, jeer, rail at. Cf. olok.
si'nga (Sk.), a lion.
sing'gah, to call in at a place, visit, stay temporarily.
sing-ga-sa'na (Sk.), throne. Cf. takhta.
singit, see senget.