ber-s-ku'tu, to be associated with.
per-s-ku'tu-an, association, society. Cf. jma‘ah and kongsi.
s-la', empty space, space, room.
ti-a'da ber-s-la', there was no room.
s-la'dang, the wild ox.
s-lam', m-ny-lam', to dive, dive for.
s-la'mat (Ar.), health; safety, security; salvation (X.).
s-la'mat ja'lan (159), go in peace (the usual Malay salutation).
s-la'mat ting'gal, abide in peace.
Ju'ru S-la'mat, Saviour (X.).
s-la'mat-kan, to save, preserve from danger.
s-lam'pit, a plait, plaiting. Cf. anyam.
s-lang', interval of time or space. Cf. jarak and antara.
s-lar', m-ny-lar', to brand.
s-la'sa, ha'ri s-la'sa, Tuesday = thalatha.
s-la'sar, verandah.
s-la'seh (Sk.), basil, mint.
s-lat', strait, channel; the town of Singapore.
s-la'tan, the South.
slbi, see sulbi.
s-len'dang, a garment worn over one shoulder by Malay women.
s-le'ra, appetite.
slerang, see lerang.
s-li'dek, m-ny-li'dek, to examine carefully; also sidek. Cf. preksa.
s-li'gi, a javelin. Cf. tombak and lmbing.
s-li'mut, a blanket or other bed covering.
s-li'mut-kan, to cover with a cloth.
s-lin'dong, ber-s-lin'dong, to take shelter.
s-li'seh, ber-s-li'seh, to differ, be at variance, quarrel.
per-s-li'se-han, dispute, quarrel.
s-li'sek, m-ny-li'sek, to hunt for vermin in hair, to preen.
s-lit', inserted, slipped or pushed in between two surfaces.
s-lok', m-ny-lok', to insert hand or finger.
s-lo'ka (Sk.), verses of poetry, couplets. Cf. pantun and gurindam.
s-l-sai', m-ny-l-sai', -kan, to decide, settle, adjust.
s-l's-ma, catarrh, a cold in the head.
s-lu'ar (Ar.), trowsers. Cf. chlana.
s-lu'bong, m-ny-lu'bong, to cover up, envelop.
s-lu'dang, the sheath which covers the blossom on palms.
s-lum'bar, a splinter.
s-lu'pat, cuticle, thin membranous covering.
s-lu'roh, the whole, all (of superficial measure).
s-lu'roh neg'ri, the whole city or country.
s-lu'roh tu'boh, all over one's body.
s-mai', m-ny'mai, to sow seed in a nursery, from which the seedlings are afterwards to be planted out.
s-mai'an, a nursery for plants.