ber-bak'ti, devout, loyal.
k-bak'ti-an, loyalty, devotion.
ba'kul, basket. Cf. kranjang, garing and raga.
ba-la’' (Ar.), trouble, affliction, calamity; also bla’.
ba'la (Sk.), soldiers, an army.
ba'la tn't-ra, an army.
ba'lai, a hall, the roof resting on pillars, and not enclosed by walls; a police station (Penang and Perak).
ba'lai-rorg' or ba'lai ru'ang, a king's hall of assembly.
ba'lak (D.), a beam, baulk.
ba'lang, a long-necked bottle.
ba'lar, whiteness of the skin, as of an albino.
ba'las, mm-ba'las, -kan, to send a reply, recompense (good or evil), return, revenge, reward.
ba'las dn'dam, to revenge oneself.
ba'las su'rat, to answer a letter.
ba'la-san and pm-ba'la-san, reward, requital, revenge.
ba'lau, a timber tree.
bal'di (Hind.), iron pail.
baldu, see bludu.
ba'lek, ber-ba'lek, to turn (163), return (B.) on the contrary. Cf. kmbali.
ba'lek sa'kit, relapse.
pu'tar ba'lek, shuffling, prevarication.
ba'lek-kan, to turn round or upside down, upset.
baligh (Ar.), adult, at the age of puberty; also ‘a'kal ba'ligh.
ba'lu, widow, widower; usually janda. Cf. bujang.
ba'lut, mm-ba'lut, to wrap, bandage. Cf. barut and bbat.
bam'bu, the bamboo; see buloh and aur.
ba'mi (Chin.), Chinese vermicelli with meat and vegetables.
ban'chi, poll-tax, census.
ban'dar (Pers.), a seaport town.
shah-ban'dar, harbour-master.
ban-dar'sah (Ar.), a village mosque; see mandarsah. Cf. surau, and msjid.
ban'ding, a match, counterpart, peer, compeer; to compare; also bandingkan.
ba'ngat, quick, rapid, hurried. Cf. chpat, lkas, dras, laju and pantas.
ba'ngat-kan, to hurry a person, or work.
ba'ngau, heron.
bang'kai, carcase, corpse. Cf. mayat.
bang'kit, ber-bang'kit, to rise (to a standing posture or as dust), rise from the dead (X.).
bang'kit-kan, to raise up, rouse up.
k-bang'ki-tan, resurrection (X.).
bang'ku (Port.), a bench, stool.
bang'sa (Sk.), a race, nation, people, caste, good breeding.
ber-barg'sa, of good birth, noble.
barg'sal, shed.
bang'sal ku'da, stable.
bang'sat, vagabond, tramp, pauper.
bang-sa'wan (Sk.), noble, of good birth.