ki'lir, to sharpen. Cf. asah.
kim'kha (Pers.), damask.
ki'pas, a fan.
kira, m-ngi'ra, to reckon, calculate, guess, think, suppose. Cf. hitong and bilang.
ki-ra-ki'ra, accounts. calculations; about, nearly, more or less. Cf. lbeh-kurang.
ki'ra-nya, pray, prithee (in prayers or requests); perchance, in the phrase jikalau kira-nya, if perchance; also s-kira-nya.
kir'bat (Ar.), water-skin; see greba.
ki'ri, left, as opposed to kanan, right.
sb'lah ki'ri, the left side.
ta'ngan ki'ri, the left hand.
ki'rim, m-mgi'rim, -kan, -i, to send (things not persons). Cf. hantar.
ki'ri-man, the thing sent.
su'rat ki'ri-man, a letter.
kisah, see kesah.
ki'sar, m-ngi'sar, to turn, cause to revolve horizontally, as a millstone. Cf. putar and pusing.
ba'tu ki'sa-ran, a millstone. Cf. giling.
ber-ki'sar, to revolve.
ki-si-ki'si, trellis-work.
kis'mat (Ar.), fate.
kis'mis (Pers.), raisins.
ki'ta (6), we, us (including the person or persons spoken to). Cf. kami.
ki'tab (Ar.). a book, especially religious works.
isi ki'tab, contents of a book. Cf. daftar.
k-jam', m-ng-jam', to close the eyes; also pjam.
k-jap', a wink, the blinking of the eyes. Cf. klip.
s-k-jap', an instant.
k'jar, m-ng'jar, to pursue, chase. Cf. hambat.
k-ji', base, vile, mean, despicable. Cf. hina.
k-ji'kan, to despise, slight.
k-jot', to be startled, start.
ter-k-jot', startled.
k-jot'kan, to startle, from sleep.
k-kal', durable, permanent, continual, eternal. Cf. baka and lama.
k-kal'kan, to perpetuate.
k-kan'da, elder brother or sister (polite form of kakak).
k-kang' and kang', a horse's bit. Cf. lagam.
ta'li k-kang', bridle.
kkaseh, see kaseh.
k-la'bu, grey.
k-la'dak, dregs, sediment.
k-la'di, the vam; also u'bi k-la'di. Cf. kledek.
k-la'hi, ber-k-la'hi, to fight, quarrel.
per-k-la'hi-an, quarrel, fight.
k-lak', a participle expressing the future tense, sometimes used in conjunction with akan, q.v.
k-la'ki-an (133), a punctuation word; see kian.
k-lam', dark; darkness. Cf. glap.
k-lam' ka'bot, thick darkness. thick fog.
k-lam'bu, mosquito net.