[ 42 ]


da'ching, a steelyard.

ba'tu da'ching, the weight of a steelyard.

da'da, the breast, the chest.

tam'par da'da, to beat the breast.

da'deh (Sk.), curdled milk.

a'yer da'deh, whey.

da'du (Port.), dice.

da’erah, see da’irah.

daf'tar (Pers.), a list, inventory, register, index, table of contents.

da'gang, foreign; a foreigner; also o'rang da'gang.

da-ga'ngan, merchandise.

da'ging, the flesh of living bodies or fruits, also dead meat.

da'ging ba'bi, pork.
da'ging da'rah, blood relationship.
da'ging kam'bing or da'ging biri-biri, mutton.
da'ging lm'bu, beef.

da'gu, the chin.

dahaga, see dhaga.

da'hak, phlegm.

daham, see dham. [ 43 ]da'han, the smaller branches of a tree. Cf. chabang, charang, ranting, and chawang.

da'hi, the forehead.

dah'shat (Ar.), terrified; terrible; terror.

b-ri' dah'shat, to cause terror.

da'’ing, dried fish; also ikan kring.

da’i'rah (Ar. circuit), district, neighbourhood. Cf. jajahan.

da'kap, ber-da'kap and mn-da'-kap, to embrace. Cf. plok.

da'ki, dirt on the skin.

da'ki, usually in the form mn-da'ki, to ascend, climb (a hill).

dak-si'na (Sk.), south; usually slatan.

da'ku, phonetic form of aku, when following words ending in n.

da'lam (27), in, inside; while, whilst, during.

da'lam an-ta'ra itu, in the meanwhile.
dalam ber-ka-ta-ka'ta, while speaking.
ba'ju da'lam, vest, underclothing.
de'ri da'lam, from within.
di da'lam, in, inside.
k-da'lam, into.
ma'sok k-da'lam, to go in; to go into a king's palace (court language).
o'rang da'lam, royal household.

da'lam (36, Note), deep; depth.

da'leh, excuse.

ber-da-leh-da'leh, to make excuses.

da-li'ma (Sk.), the pomegranate.

da-lu-da'lu, willow.

dam' (D.), the game of draughts. Cf. choki.

da'mai, peace, concord. Cf. sjahtra and sntausa.

ber-da'mai, at peace.
da'mai-kan and ber-da'mai-kan, to pacify, reconcile.
per-da'mai-an, reconciliation, atonement (X.).

da'mar, resin: hence a torch.

da'mar ba'tu, common resin.
da'mar la'ut, a timber tree.
da'mar ma'ta ku'ching, a fine kind of resin.

damdam, see dmdam.

dam'par, ter-dam'par, aground, stranded. Cf. kandas.

dam'ping, ber-dam'ping, near by, close to.

dan, and. Cf. pun.

da'nau, a small lake. Cf. tasek.

da'pat, mn-da'pat (45, 55), to find, obtain, get, be able.

ta'da'pat ti-a'da, it cannot but be, it must.
da'pa-ti, to find, obtain, get.
da'pat-kan, to come up to or reach a person, meet.
pn-da'pa-tan, earnings.

'da'pur, cooking place, kitchen, stove, oven.

'dar' (Ar.), abode, dwelling; only used in such phrases as:

da'ru 's-sa-lam', the abode of peace.

da'ra (Sk.), usually a'nak da'ra, a virgin.

da'rah, blood.

'chirit da'rah, dysentery.
ta-han' da'rah, to stop bleeding, stanch.
tm'pat tum'pah da'rah, birthplace.

[ 44 ]

da'ging da'rah, blood relationship.
'ma'bok da'rah, faint through loss of blood.
bu-ang' a'yer da'rah, dysentery.

da'rat, dry land, land as opposed to water.

ber-ja'lan da'rat, to go by land or inland.
na'ik k-da'rat, or tu'run da'rat, to land, disembark.
mn-da'rat, to go inland.

dar'jat (Ar.), rank.

darji, see derji.

da'tang (62), to come. Cf. mari and sampai.

bu'lan da'tang, next month.
yang a'kan da'tang, future.
ber-da'tang sm'bah, to come and address a superior.
da'ta-ngi, to attack.
da'tang-kan, to bring to pass, bring about, cause.
k-da'ta-ngan, arrival, coming; attacked (by sickness, etc.).

da'tar, flat, level; usually rata.

da'tok or da'to', grandfather; a title of Malay chiefs. This word is used by Chinese to denote their gods = Chinese kong.

da'tok ne'nek, ancestors.

dau'lat (Ar.), power. state, majesty; hail!

dau'lat tu'an-ku, your majesty.

da'un, a leaf, blade of grass.

da'un ka'yu, the leaf of a tree.
da'un teh', tea-leaves.
da'un t-linga, the lobe of the ear.

d‘a'wa (Ar.), a prosecution, lawsuit.

k'na d‘a'wa, to be prosecuted.
mn-d‘a'wa and d‘a'wa-kan, to prosecute.

da'wai, wire. Cf. kawat.

da'wat (Ar.), ink. Cf. tinta.

tm'pat da'wat, inkpot.

da'ya (Sk.), means, resource, plan; also in a bad sense, trick, stratagem.

ti'pu da'ya, trickery, deceit.
da'ya u-pa'ya, resources, means of doing things.
per-da'ya-kan, to deceive, dupe, outwit.

da'ya, in its derivatives:

ba'rat da'ya, southwest. s-la'tan da'ya, south-southwest.

Da'yak, the inhabitants of the interior of Borneo.

da'yang, a girl, a maid-servant at court; used as a form of address in speaking to a girl.

da'yong, an oar.

a'nak da'yong, oarsman, rower.
ber-da'yong, to row, use an oar.

d'bar, ber-d'bar, to palpitate, beat (of the heart).

d-dak', bran (of rice).

d-bu', dust; see dbu and habok.

dekar, see dikar.

den'deng, dried meat.

de'ret, a row, series. Cf. banjar.

ber-de'ret, in a row.

der-ha'ka (Sk.), rebellion, treason: to rebel: also mnderhaka'.

der-ham' (Ar. dirham), a small silver coin.

de'ri or da'ri (27), from (usually of places).

de'ri a'tas, from above, above.
de'ri ba'wah, from below.
de'ri da'lam, from within.

[ 45 ]

de'ri-hal', about, concerning.
de'ri lu'ar, from outside.
de'ri ma'na, whence?
de'ri-pa'da, from (of persons), on account of (150), owing to (140), than (89, 90); baik de'ri-pa'da or l'beh ba'ik de'ri-pa'da, better than.
de'ri sa'na, thence.
de'ri s-bab', on account of.
de'ri situ, thence.

der'ji (Hind.), Indian tailor.

der'ma (Sk.), almsgiving, alms; usually sdkah.

der-ma'wan (Sk.), charitable, beneficent.

de'sa (Sk.), a district, territory, country.

de'wa and de-wa'ta (Sk.), the gods of Hindu mythology.

de'wan (Pers.), hall of justice, law court.

de-wa'sa (Sk.), time, period; usually zman or masa.

de'wi (Sk.), goddess; fem. of de'wa.

d-gil', obstinate.

d-ha'ga, thirst.

ber-d-ha'ga, thirsty.

d-ham', a slight cough, made to attract attention or to clear the throat.

ber-d-ham', to cough as described above.

dhat' or zat (Ar.), substance, essence.

zat' Allah or dha-tu ’l'lah, the divine essence or nature.

dho'bi, washerman; see dobi; also bnara.

d-hu'lu, previous, former; before (adv.); see hulu.

d-hulu kala, formerly, in olden times.
d-hu'lu de'ri-pa'da, before (prep.).
nan'ti d-hu'lu, wait a moment.
sa'bar d-hu'lu, please be patient.
z'man d-hu'lu, olden times.
d-hu'lu-i, to precede, go before.
d-hu'lu-kan, to prefer, put first.

di- (105), a particle prefixed to verbs to form the passive.

di (26, 27), at, in.

di'a (6, 9, 13, 15), he, she, it, they, him, her, them; also ia.

di'a o'rarg, they (colloquial, not found in Malay writings).
di'a pu'nya, his, hers, theirs.

di-am', ber-di-am', silent, quiet; to be silent, be quiet, dwell, live. Cf. tinggal and dudok.

di-am-di-am', quietly, secretly.
ber-di-am' di'ri, to keep silence.
di-a'mi, to inhabit.
di-am'kan, to silence, put to silence; to permit.
k-di-a'man, habitation, dwelling place.

di'an, a candle. Cf. lilin.

ka'ki di'an, a candlestick.

di'arg, mn-di'arg, to toast, warm at an open fire. Cf. panggang.

ber-di'ang and ber-di'ang diri, to warm oneself at a fire.

di'dal (Port.), thimble; also lidal.

di'deh, mn-di'deh, to boil, bubble.

a'yer di'deh, the water in which rice has been boiled = (E.) ayer am.

di'kar, mn-dikar, to fence (with kris or sword); also dekar.

di'kau, thee, phonetic form of angkau, chiefly used after words ending in n. [ 46 ]dikit, see sdikit.

di'na (Sk.), poor, unfortunate.

hi'na di'na, the poor and lowly, the common people.

di'nar (Ar.), a coin, usually of gold.

din'ding, a partition, interior wall of a house.

di'ngin, cold, cool. Cf. sjuk.

di-ni-ha'ri, early dawn, twilight.

diraja, see adiraja.

dirham, see derham.

di'ri (22-24), self, oneself; also sn-di'ri.

ba'wa di'ri, to take oneself off.
bef-di-am' di'ri, to keep silence.
da'lam di'ri, inwardly, in one's heart.
min'ta di'ri, to excuse oneself, take leave.
s'o'rang di'ri, alone, by oneself.
kn-di'ri, self.
sn-di'ri, self.
sa'ma sn-di'ri-rya, among themselves.
ber-di'ri, standing erect; to stand.
di'ri-kan, to erect, construct, establish.
ber-di'ri-kan, to erect.

di'rus, mn-di'rus, to sprinkle; also diris; usually perchek.

d-kan', the bamboo rat.

d-kat', close, near, nearly, almost ; also d-kat' d'ngan, and d-kat' k-pa'da. Cf. hampir.

d-ka'ti, to approach.
d-kat'kan, to bring near.

dla'’if (Ar.), weak, feeble, infirm; usually lmah.

d-la'ki (B.), male = laki-laki.

dlam'mah ( Ar. ), the vowel point corresponding to o and u; see baris.

d-la'pan, eight; also pronounced lapan. (For derived forms see ampat).

d-li'ma, pomegranate; see dalima.

d-mam', fever.

d-mam' gi'gil, ague.
d-mam' k-pi-a'lu, continued fever.
d-mam' ku'ra, intermittent fever.

dm'dam, rancour, animosity; see dndam.

d'mi or da'mi, when, as, at the time when; by (in oaths).

dm'ki-an or d-mi-ki'an (143), thus, in this manner, in that manner.

dm'ki-an i'ni, in this manner.
dm'ki-an i'tu, in that manner.
dm'ki-an ju'ga (162 a), just in that way.

dn'da (Sk.), a fine, mulct.

k'na dn'da, to incur a fine.

dn'dam, desires, longings; also in a bad sense, a desire for vengeance.

ba'las dn'dam, to revenge oneself.
m-na'roh dn'dam, to harbour revenge, bear malice; see dngki.
rin'du dn'dam, anxious longings.

d'ngan, with, together with, and, (91) as.

d'ngan dm'ki-an, that being the case.
d'ngan hi'dop-nya, alive.
d'ngan ka-dar'-nya, proportionately.
d'ngan na'ma Al'lah, in the name of God.
d'ngan p-ren'tah, by order.
d'ngan s-lng'kap-nya, fully equipped, complete.

[ 47 ]

d'ngan s'o'rang di'ri, alone.
d'ngan ti-a'da, without.
ber-ch-rai d'ngan, to separate from.
ser'ta d'ngan, together with.

d'ngar, m-n'ngar, (102f), to hear, listen.

d'ngar-kan, to listen to. k-d'nga-ran, it was heard (impers.). p-n'nga-ran, the sense of hearing.

dng'ki, envy, malice.

m-na'roh dng'ki, to bear malice.

dng'kur, ber-dng'kur, to snore.

d-gong', ber-d-ngong', to buzz, hum.

d'ngu or du'ngu, stupid, dull-witted; usually bodoh.

do'a (Ar.), prayer.

ba'cha do'a, to read or repeat prayers.
min'ta do'a, to pray.
ber-do'a, to pray.
do'a-kan, to pray for.

do'bi (Hind. dhobi), a washerman, Cf. bnara.

do'dol, a kind of sweetmeats.

dok'tor (Eur.), a doctor, one who practises western medicine. Cf. bomo and dukun.

dom'ba (Pers.), a sheep. Cf. kambing and biri-biri.

a'nak dom'ba, a lamb.
a'nak dom'ba Allah, the Lamb of God (X.).

do'sa (Sk.); a crime, an offence; sin.

ber-do'sa, to commit an offence, be guilty of a crime or sin; sinful.

dosin, see dusin.

d-pan', in front of; see hadap.

d-ras', rapid, swift. Cf. laju, pantas, lkas and bangat.

d-ri'ta, mn-d-ri'ta (Sk.), to withstand, bear, endure. Cf. tahan.

ti-a'da ter-d-rita, unendurable, unbearable.

d-ru', mn-d-ru', to roar (as the noise of waves or voices).

d-rum', mn-d-rum', to kneel (of elephants and camels).

d-rum'kan, to cause to kneel.

ds'tar (Pers.), turban, headcloth.

du'a, two. (For the usual derived forms see ampat). Cf. pasang and ganda.

du-a-du'a, both.
du'a ka'li, twice.
du'a la'pis, double (as cloth).
du'a-ti'ga, two or three.
ber-du'a and ber-du-a-du'a, in pairs.
du'a-kan, to make two.
pn-du'a, second, duplicate.

du'dok, to sit down, sit, remain, dwell.

du'dok ber-si'la, to sit with legs crossed like a tailor.
du'dok d'ngan, to be married to.
si'la du'dok, please be seated.
du'do-ki, to sit on, inhabit.
du'dok-kan, to seat (a person).
k-du'do-kan, seat, place of abode.

du'ga, mn-du'ga, to find out the depth, sound, probe, fathom.

ba'tu du'ga, sounding lead. Cf. prum.
ta'li du'ga, lead-line.

du'it (D.), a copper coin; in Singapore = ¼ cent, in Penang = 1 cent.

d'pa, a fathom. [ 48 ]du'ka (Sk.), grief, sorrow, sadness; also du-ka-chi'ta.

ber-du'ka and ber-du-ka-chi'ta, to be sad, grieve.

du'kong, mn-du'kong, to carry a person or a child, usually on the back or hip, sometimes in the arms.

du'ku, the name of a fruit.

du'kun, a native doctor, midwife. Cf. doktor, bidan and bomo.

du'lang, a salver or tray, usually of wood; smaller than the talam.

dulapan, see dlapan.

du'li (Sk.), dust; a form of address to kings, as du'li bgin'da, du'li yang di-per-tu'an, your or his majesty; see junjong.

dun'ia (Ar.), the inhabited world.

her'ta dun'ia, worldly goods.
i'si dun'ia, the inhabitants of the earth.
naf'su dun'ia, worldly lusts.
per-i'da-ran dun'ia, a cycle, period of time.
dun'ia a'khi-rat, in this world and the next, for all time.

du'ngu, stupid; see dngu.

du'pa (Sk.), incense. Cf. stanggi.

du'ri, a thorn, spine.

du'ri lan'dak, porcupines' quills. Cf. bulu landak.
ber-du'ri, thorny.
du'ri-an, the name of a fruit, the durian.

du'sin (Eng. and D.), dozen; also lusin.

dus'ta (Sk.), false, mendacious, untrue; (B.) jus'ta.

sak'si dus'ta, a false witness.

du'sun, a village; the country as opposed to the town.