2921Malay-English Vocabulary — PW. G. Shellabear


pa', father. Cf. bapa and ayah.

pa'chai, species used on bodies when buried.

pa'chal, slave.

pa'chat, the small jungle leech.

pa'chu, m-ma'chu, a spur, goad; to spur on, urge on.

pa'da, sufficient, satisfactory. Cf. chukop.

m-ma'da’i, to suffice.

pa'da, at, on, to, according to.

deri-pada, see deri.
k-pa'da, to (usually of persons).

pa'dam, extinguished, put out (of fire and anger).

pa'dam-kan, to extinguish.

pa'dan, proper, fit, adapted, suited to. Cf. patut and layak.

pa'dang, a plain, open country, as distinguished from jungle.

pa'di, the rice plant; rice in the husk. Cf. bras and nasi.

pa'di la'dang, rice grown in dry fields.
pa'di sa'wah, rice grown in irrigated fields.
tum'bok pa'di, to pound rice in a mortar to remove the husk.

pa'd-ri (Port.), a priest, used of the Protestant clergy as well as of the Roman Catholics. Cf. guru and pndita.

paduka, see pduka.

pa’edah, see fa’idah.

pa'gar, fence, hedge, palisade, stockade, wall, enclosure.

pa'gar bu'lan, a halo round the moon.
pa'gar-kan, to fence in, enclose.

pa'gi, morning; also pa'gi ha'ri.

pa-gi-pa'gi, early morning.
ma'kan pa'gi, breakfast.

pa'gut, m-ma'gut, to peck, bite (of birds and snakes). Cf. patok.

pa'ha, thigh.

pang'kal pa'ha, the hip.

pa-ha'la (Sk.), reward, recompense. Cf. balas.

paham, see faham.

pa'hat, m-ma'hat, -kan, chisel; to chisel, carve.

pa'hit, bitter.

pah-la'wan (Pers.), hero, champion; courageous.

pa'jak (D.), contract, monopoly, farm; to farm, take a contract.

pa'jak chan'du, opium farm.
pa'jak ga'dai, pawnbroker's farm.

pa'kai, m-ma'kai, -kan, to use, make use of, wear, put on, be clothed. Cf. kna.

pa'kai-an, clothes.
pa'kai-an ku'da, harness.

pa'kal, m-ma'kal, to caulk.

pa'kan, the woof in weaving. Cf. longsin.

pa'kau (Chin.), a card game.

pa'kat (Ar. fakat), to confer, consult with, consult together, plot, come to an agreement; see fakat.

pak'sa, favourable (of wind or opportunities).

pak'sa, m-mak'sa (Sk.), to compel, force. Cf. gagah.

pa'ku, a nail, spike.

pa'ku s-k-rup', screw.

pal', in the phrases:

bu-ang' pal', to tack.
ber-pal-pal', tacking, beating to windward.

pa'la (Sk., fruit), the nutmeg tree.

bu'ah pa'la, the nutmeg.
bu'nga pa'la, mace.

pa'lang, cross-bar, transverse beam; see alang. Cf. lintang.

pa'las, a generic name for fan palms.

pa'ling (Jav.), very, exceedingly, most (used with adjectives to form the superlative degree).

pa'ling, ber-pa'ling, to turn the head or the whole body.

pa'ling-kan, to turn (trans.).

pa'lis, m-ma'lis, to turn the head.

pa'lit, m-ma'lit, to smear, daub.

pal'kah (naut.), a hatch.

pa'long, trough, manger; also pa'lo-ngan.

pal'su (Port.), false, spurious.

pa'lu, m-ma'lu, to strike, beat (with a stick); also used of striking certain musical instruments, and of the chastening of God. Cf. gasak and bdal.

pa'man, uncle; a form of address to elderly men.

pa'nah, m-ma'nah, a bow (the weapon of that name); to shoot with the bow. Cf. busar.

a'nak pa'nah, arrow.

pa'nas, heat, warmth, sunshine; hot, warm (of temperature or anger, but not hot of spices, which is pdas). Cf. hangat.

pa'nas ha'ti, anger.
pa'nas t-rek', extremely hot (of the weather).
hu'jan pa'nas, rain during sunshine.
mu'sim pa'nas, the hot season.
u-am' pa'nas, prickly heat.

pa'nau, a disease causing large white patches on the skin.

pan'cha (Sk.), five, in the expressions—

pan'cha-in'd-ra, the five senses.
pan'cha-per-sa'da, bathing pavilion.
pan'cha-wer'na, variegated.

pan'chang, a peg, a stake driven in to tie a boat to, a pile. Cf. galah.

pan'char, m-man'char, to shoot out, spurt out (as liquids, rays of light, etc.). Cf. panchur.

pan'ching, m-man'ching (Jav.), to fish with the line; = Malay ka’il.

pan'chong, the extremity of a garment; to cut off the end of anything, cut off the head. Cf. pnggal.

pan'chur, to spurt out horizontally or downwards. Cf. panchar.

pan'chu-ran, gutter, water-pipe, eaves’ trough. Cf. saluran.

pan'chut, to spurt upwards (of liquids).

pan'dai (146), skilful, expert, clever; a skilled workman. Cf. bijak.

pan'dai b-si', blacksmith; usually tukang bsi.
k-pan'dai-an, skill, proficiency, ability.

pandak, see pendek.

pan'dan, the screw-pine. Cf. bngkuang.

pan'dang, m-man'dang (149), to look, look at, behold, gaze at. Cf. lihat and tengok.

pan'dang mudah, to look down on.
p-man-da'ngan, sight, view.

pandita, see pndita.

pangeran, see pngeran.

panggal, see pnggal.

pang'gang, roasted; to roast. Cf. diang and jrang.

pang'gil, m-mang'gil, to call, send for, call by name, invite.

pang'gong, a stage, platform.

ru'mah pang'gong, a house built on poles.

pang'kal, the basal end of a thing, as the trunk of a tree, the haft of a weapon, etc.

pang'kal hi'dong, the bridge of the nose.
pang'kal pa'ha, the hip.
pang'ka-lan, landing place.

pang'kat, stage, platform, tier; rank, position; see angkat.

pang'ku, m-mang'ku, the lap; to carry on the lap or bosom, or in the arms; to hold supreme authority, govern in place of another.

pang'ku-an, the lap or bosom.
mang'ku bu'mi, prime minister.

panglima, see pnglima.

pang'sa, sections of certain fruits, as oranges, durians, etc.

pan'jang (36, Note), long; length and (both of time and distance). Cf. lanjut and lama.

pan'jang ha'ti, patient, forbearing.
pan'jang li'dah, talkative, garrulous.
pan'jang pen'dek, of unequal lengths.
s-pan'jang ha'ri, all day long.
s-pan'jang ja'lan, all the way.
pan'jang-kan, to lengthen, prolong.

pan'jat, m-man'jat, to climb, climb up. Cf. naik and daki.

pan-ji-pan'ji, banner. Cf. tunggul.

pan'tai, shore, beach, bank (of the sea or of a river).

pan'tang, m-man'tang, -kan, prohibited, tabooed; to prohibit, abstain from. Cf. larang and tgah.

pan'tas, agile, nimble, smart, quick.

pan'tat, the base, lower or hinder part of a thing; the buttocks. Cf. punggong and buntut.

pan'tun, rhyming verses of four lines. Cf. gurindam and sloka.

ber-pan'tun, to improvise or recite pantuns.

pa'pa (Sk.), poor, in want, necessitous. Cf. miskin.

pa'pan, plank, board.

pa'pan cha'tur, chessboard.
pa'pan cho'ki, a draughtboard.
pa'pan lan'tai, floor boards.
pa'pan loh', a slate.
mu'ka pa'pan, impudent.
ru'mah pa'pan, a house built of planks.

pa'ra, shelf.

pa'rah, severe (of wounds).

pa'rarg, m-ma'rang, a chopping knife; to cut with such a knife or a sword. Cf. ttak.

i'kan pa'rang, a very bony fish shaped like a sword.
yu' pa'rang, the saw-fish.

pa'ras, the face, countenance.

pa'rau, hoarse. Cf. garau.

pa'ri, the skate and similar fish.

pa'rit, a trench, ditch, channel.

paroh, see sparoh.

pa'roh, beak, bill (of birds). Cf. pagut and patok.

Parsi, see Farsi.

pa-ru-pa'ru, the lungs.

pa'rut, a scar. Cf. bilur.

pa'rut, to rasp, grate.

pa'ru-tan, a rasp; a board on which coco-nut is grated.

pa'sak, a spike, wooden peg. pasal, see fasal.

pa'sang, m-ma'sang, to fit together, set, fix, fasten, adjust as in putting up machinery, harnessing horses, setting traps, etc.); to set fire to, light a fire, discharge firearms; flood tide. Cf. rakit and susun.

pa'sang a'pi, to light a fire.
pa'sang b-dil', to fire a shot.
pa'sang gon'dah, neap tide.
pa'sang j-rat', to set a snare.
pa'sang p-li'ta, to light a lamp.
pa'sang p-noh', high tide.
pa'sang t-li'nga, to listen.
a'yer pa'sang, flood tide.
s-pa'sang, a pair.

pa'sar (Pers.), market. Cf. pkan.

pa'seh (Ar. fasih), eloquent, in speech. Cf. pitah.

pa'sir, sand. Cf. kersek.

gu'la pa'sir, granulated or moist sugar.

pa'sok, in its derivative:

pa'so-kan, a troop, company or regiment of soldiers.

pa'song, the stocks, handcuffs. Cf. blunggu.

rumah pa'song, lock-up, police station. Cf. balai.

pasti, see psti.

pa'su, earthenware bowl, basin, flower-pot. Cf. mangkok and jambang.

pa'tah, m-ma'tah, -kan, to break, break across, snap (as long, brittle things). Cf. pchah and putus.

pa'tah ping'gang, “to break one's back” (carrying heavy burdens, e.g., a child).
pa'tah p-rang', to break (of a line of battle).
pa'tah sa'yap, to break a wing.
pa'tah tu'lang, to break a bone.
s-pa'tah ka'ta, one word.

pa'teh (Jav.), a title given to prime ministers.

pa'tek, slave; I, me (used in addressing a king). Cf. hamba.

pa'til, the small Malay adze.

pat'lot (D.), lead pencil.

pa'tok, m-ma'tok, to peck, bite (of birds and snakes). Cf. pagut.

pa'tong, a statue, image.

pa't-rum, cartridge = ptrum.

pa'tut, right, proper, fit, suitable, adapted; ought (45). Cf. harus.

pa'tut d'ngan, adapted to. Cf. padan.
pa'tut-kan, to adapt, harmonize.

pau', a measure of capacity (see end of Grammar).

pa'us, i'kan pa'us, the whale.

pa'ut, ber-pa'ut, to hold fast, pull win hard.

pa'wang, medicine-man, sorcerer, guide, pilot.

pa'ya, marsh, swamp, bog.

pa'yah, difficult, heavy, severe (as work or sickness).

pa'yar, m-ma'yar, to cruise.

pa'yong, umbrella.

pa'yong ker'tas, a Chinese umbrella.

p'chah, m-m'chah, to break in pieces, fracture, shatter, break up; to break up or disperse (of a body of troops or a crowd). Cf. patah and putus.

p'chah kha'bar, the news spread.

p-chat', m-m-chat', to depose, dethrone, reduce from a higher to a lower rank.

ter-p-chat', deposed.

p-dang', sword.

cha'bot p-dang', to draw a sword.
hu'nus p-dang', to draw a sword.
sa'rorg p-dang', scabbard.

p-das', pungent, hot.

p-da'ti (Jav.), cart, waggon. Cf. kreta.

p-deh', pain; to smart, be sore (as a wound or the heart). Cf. bisa.

p-do'man (Jav.), compass.

ma'ta p-do'man, the divisions on the compass card.

p-du'ka (Sk., shoes), a title of Malay princes. Cf. kaus.

p-du'li (Ar. fadluli), to care, trouble oneself, concern oneself.

p-du'li-kan, to care for, take trouble about.

pe'gang (B.), to hold = pgang.

pe'lat, lisping, inarticulate speech. Cf. telur.

pen'chang, lame. Cf. tempang and chapek.

pen'dek, short, low in stature; also pandak.

peng'san, a swoon, fainting fit; to faint. Cf. pitam.

pe'rak, silver.

pe'rang, brown, reddish-brown.

per'ba (Sk.), per'ba ka'la, ancient, in former times.

per'cha, in the phrases:

g'tah per'cha, gutta percha.
pu'lau per'cha, Sumatra.

per-cha'ya (Sk.). to believe, trust. Cf. iman and harap.

per-cha'ya’i, to trust (a person), have faith in.
k-per-cha'ya’an. trustworthy.

per'chek, to sprinkle; see rchek.

perchuma, see chuma.

per-da'na, in the phrase:

per-da'na mn't-ri, prime minister.

per'du, trunk of a tree, stem of a plant.

per'gam, the large wood pigeon.

per'gi (49), to go, go away, depart. Cf. jalan.

per'gi ba'iek, there and back, to and fro.
ba'wa per'gi, to take away.
p-m'gi-an, departure.

peristewa, see perstua.

per-ka'kas, tools, utensils, instruments. Cf. alat.

per-ka'kas k-ra'ja’an, royal insignia.
per-ka'kas ru'mah, furniture.

per-ka'ra (Sk.), thing, article, affair, subject. Cf. barang.

per-ka'sa (Sk.), brave, valiant; usually brani.

per'kat, mucilage, paste. Cf. lkat.

per-la-han', per-la-han'-la-han', p-la-han'-p-la-han' and p-lan'-p-lan', slowly, softly, gently. Cf. lambat.

per'lu (Ar. fardlu). obligatory (as a religious duty).

per-ma-da'ni, carpet. Cf. tikar.

per'mai, beautiful, lovely. Cf. elok.

per-mai-su'ri (Sk.), queen; also raja prempuan. perman, see firman.

per-ma'ta (Sk.), precious stone, jewel. Cf. manikam.

b-per-ma'ta, jewelled, set with precious stones. Cf. tatah.

per-mi'si (D.), permission, a permit.

per'nah, ever.

b-lum' per'nah, never yet, never. ti-a'da per'nah, never.

per-na'ma (Sk.), full (of the moon).

bu'lan per-na'ma, full moon.

persagi, see sgi.

per-s-tua' (Sk.), in the phrase,

s-ka'li per-s-tu'a, it happened, once upon a time.

per-ta'ma (34) (Sk.), first; also yang pertama.

per-ta'ma-ta'ma, firstly, first of all, in the first place. Cf. mula.

per-wa'ra (Pers.), court ladies.

per-wi'ra (Sk.), heroic.

pes'ta (Port.), festival.

petah, see pitah.

pe'tak, compartment, division (in ships, houses or rows of houses) flower beds or similar divisions in nurseries.

p-gang', m-m-gang', to hold, take hold of, grasp, keep, control. = (B.) pegang. Cf. paut.

p-gang' ‘a'dat, to observe a custom. p-gang' k-mu'di, to steer. p-gang' p-ren'tah, to hold authority. p-ga'ngan, that which is held or controlled, charge, task, vocation, office.

p-ga'wai, officer, official.

phala, see pahala.

pi-a'la (Pers.). drinking cup. Cf. chawan.

pi-ang'gang, a stink bug.

pi-a'ra (B.), to take care of, keep (as animals), nurture, bring up (as children) = plihara, q.v.

pi-a'tu, orphan; also anak piatu. Cf. yatim.

pi'chak = pichek, q.v.

pi'chek, narrow, confined, limited. Cf. smpit.

pi'chit, m-mi'chit, to pinch, nip.

pi'hak, side, quarter, flank, party.

pihutang, see hutang.

pi'jak, m-mi'jak, to tread on, stamp on. Cf. injak, irek, and lanyak.

pi'jat, a bed-bug; also kutu busok.

pi'kat, a horse-fly.

pi'kat, m-mi'kat, to catch birds with birdlime.

p-mi'kat, a decoy bird; a bird catcher.

pikir, see fikir.

pi'kul, m-mi'kul, to carry on the shoulders or back; a measure of weight = 133 lbs.

pi'leh, m-mi'leh, to choose, select, elect.

pi'le-han, chosen, elect.

pi'lu, moved, affected, troubled, agitated. Cf. rawan.

pim'pin, m-mim'pin, to hold or lead by the hand, guide, lead.

p-mim'pin, a guide.

pi'nang, m-mi'nang, the betel-nut palm to ask in marriage, make an offer of marriage.

pu'lau Pi'nang, Penang.

pin'dah, ber-pin'dah, to move from one place to another, migrate, move house. Cf. aleh.

pin'dah-kan, to remove a thing, transport, transplant, translate.

ping'gan, a large plate, a dish. Cf. piring.

ping'gang, the waist.

bu'ah ping'gang, the kidneys.
ikat ping'gang, belt, girdle.

ping'gir (Jav.), edge, border, shore. Cf. tpi.

pi'ngit, confined, secluded (of women).

pin'jam, m-min'jam (149), to borrow, or lend.

b-ri' pin'jam, to lend.
min'ta pin'jam, to borrow.
pin'jam-kan, to lend (a thing).

pin'ta, m-min'ta, to request, ask; see minta.

pin'tal, m-min'tal, to twist, spin thread. Cf. rahat.

pin'tar (Jav.), clever.

pin'tas, m-min'tas, to make a short cut, cut across. Cf. rntas.

pin'tu, door, gate.

pin'tu ger'bang, the gate of a fort or city.
pin'tu pa'gar, gate of a fence.
bn'dol pin'tu, threshold.
chu'kai pin'tu, house assessment.
j-nang' pin'tu, door posts.
p-nung'gu pin'tu, door-keeper.

pi'pa (Port.), a barrel.

pi'peh, flat, smooth.

pi'pi, the cheeks.

pi'pis, m-mi'pis, to bray or grind on a stone, as spices. Cf. giling.

pi'pit, a generic name for birds of the sparrow tribe.

pirasat = firasat, q.v.

pi'ring, plate, saucer (smaller than pinggan).

pi'sang, banana, plantain.

pi'sau, knife.

pi'sau chu'kor, razor.
pi'sau li'pat, a pocket knife.
pi'sau ra'’ut, a small knife used for cleaning rattans.
ma'ta pi'sau, the edge or blade of a knife.

pi'ta (Port.), ribbon, tape.

pi'tah, usually pi'tah li'dah, eloquent. Cf. paseh.

pi'tam, giddiness, swoon, fit. Cf. pengsan.

pi'tis, a very small native coin of tin or copper.

pi'ut, great-great grandchild.

p-jam', m-m-jam', to close (of the eyes); also kjam.

p-kak', deaf; also tuli.

p-kakas, see perkakas.

p-kan', a market; a town. Cf. pasar.

p-kat', thick, glutinous (of fluids) = kntal. Cf. cha'ir.

p-kek', m-m-kek', to shriek (of animals).

p-ker'ti (Sk.), nature, disposition, character, conduct. Cf. prangai and tabi‘at.

p-kong', the largest ulcers.

plahan, see perlahan.

p-la'min and p-la'mi-nan, the bridal bed, or sleeping place set apart for a newly married couple.

p-lan'-p-lan', slowly; see perlahan.

p-la'na, saddle. Cf. sela.

p-lan'dok, the mouse-deer = kanchil. Cf. rusa and kijang.

p-la'ngi, rainbow.

p-lan'ting, ter-p-lan'ting, stretched out, sprawling. Cf. jrumus.

plbagai, see bagai.

p-le'chok, ter-p-le'chok, sprained, strained.

p-lek', strange, uncommon.

p-le'kat, a certain kind of sarong made in British India.

p-li-ha'ra, mm-li-ha'ra-kan (Sk.), to take care of, protect, keep (86), preserve, nourish, maintain, bring up (as children) (B.) piara, q.v. Cf. bla.

ter-p-li-ha'ra, kept, preserved.

p-li'pis, the temples.

p-lir', the male organs of generation.

p-li'ta (Pers.), lamp. Cf. lampu.

pa'dam p-li'ta, to put out a lamp.
pa'sang p-li'ta, to light a lamp.

p-lm'pap, a hand's breadth. Cf. jngkal.

p-loh', ber-p-loh', sweat, perspiration; to perspire.

p-lok', m-m-lok', to embrace, hug. Cf. dakap.

p-lok' le'hir, to embrace.
ber-p-lok' tu'boh, to fold the arms.
s-p-m-lok', a measure for girth of trees, about 5 feet.

p'l-pah', the branch of a palm-tree.

p-lu'ru (Port.), bullet.

p-nat' (146), tired, weary. Cf. llah and lteh.

pn'ding, a belt buckle.

pn-di'ta (Sk.), scholar, learned man; (in Neth. India) protestant clergyman. Cf. ‘alim.

p-nga'nan (Jav.), cakes, confectionery. Cf. kueh.

p-ngan'tin (Jav.), bride, bride-groom (B.) kmantin. Cf. mmplai.

p-ngeʼran (Jav.), a title of princes of high rank.

png'gal, m-mng'gal, -kan, to cut off, cut through, sever, amputate. Cf. krat.

png-ga'wa (Sk.), military officer, court official.

png-hu'lu, chief; see hulu.

png-ka'lan, landing-place; see pangkal.

png-li'ma, a military officer.

p-ning', dizzy, giddy. Cf. pusing.

p-ni'ti (Port.), pin.

pn-ja'ra (Sk.), prison, gaol. Cf. jel.

ter-pn-ja'ra, imprisoned.
pn-ja'ra-kan, to imprison.

pn-ju'rit (Jav.), robber, thief.

pn-ju'ru, a corner, an angle. Cf. sempang.

p-noh', full.

p-noh' s-sak', brimful.
p-no'hi, to fill up, make full. Cf. isi and muat.

pn'tas, the raised platform in native houses on which they sit and sleep. Cf. katil. p-nyu', sea-turtle. Cf. katong.

po’-ho' (Chin.), peppermint.

po'hon, tree; origin, beginning.

po'hon ka'yu, a tree.

po'hon, m-mo'hon, -kan, to request, ask for, beg, beseech.

mo'hon, ber-mo'hon, to ask leave to go, excuse oneself, take leave.

po'kok, plant, tree; origin, source; capital, principal. Cf. modal.

po'kok a'ngin, storm cloud.

po'lan, (Ar. fulan), so-and-so = anu; also si-polan.

po'lis (Eng.), police.

po'long, a kind of evil spirit, demon. Cf. hantu and jin.

pon'dok, hut, small house, shed. Cf. bangsal.

pong'kis, an open basket for carrying earth.

pontianak, see puntianak.

pon'toh, an armlet.

pos' (Eng.), post, mail.

po'tong, m-mo'tong, to cut, cut off, deduct; to kill animals for food. Cf. krat and smbleh.

po'torg le'hir, to cut the throat.

p-rah', m-m-rah', to press or squeeze out (as the juice of fruits, or milk).

p-ra'hu, a native vessel, boat.

a'nak p-ra'hu, sailor, boatman.
na'ik p-ra'hu, to go on board a vessel.

p-ram', to keep fruits so that they may ripen after being taken from the tree.

p-ran'chah, scaffolding, staging.

p-rang', ber-p-rang', war, battle; to fight, be at war.

p-rang' sa-bil', holy war (against unbelievers).
ikat p-rang', to form a line of battle.
ka'pal p-rang', warship.
pa'tah p-rang' and p'chah p-rarg', to break (of a line of battle), break the ranks.

p-ra'ngai, character, disposition, nature. Cf. pkerti and tabi'at.

p-rang'gu (Jav.), a suit (of clothes), set (of dishes, etc.).

p-rang'kap, trap. Cf. jrat and serkap.

p-ran'jat, in its derivative:

ter-p-ran'jat, startled. Cf. kjut.

p-ra'wan, a young girl, virgin. Cf. dara.

p-rek'sa, m-m-rek'sa (Sk.), to examine, investigate, inquire; inquiry, investigation. Cf. slidek and siasat.

ku'rang p-rek'sa, I don't know.

p-re'man (Eng.), civilian, free from Governinent service.

p-rem'pu-an, woman; feminine, female (87). Cf. btina.

p-rem'pu-an jan'da, a widow.
a'nak p-rem'pu-an, a girl.

p-reng'gan, boundary = perhingga’an, see hingga.

p-ren'tah, m-m-ren'tah, -kan, order, command, authority; to command, rule, rule over, govern.

d'ngan p-ren'tah, by order.
p-gang' p-ren'tah, to hold authority.
p-m-ren'tah, governor.

p-ri' (Pers.), fairy.

p-ri', manner, style, way, condition. Cf. hal.

p-ri hal', condition, circumstances.
p-ri'kan, to describe, explain.

p-ri'gi, a well.

i'kat p-ri'gi, the masonry with which a well is lined.

p-ring', stinking.

pringgi, see fringgi.

p-ri'ok, cooking pot (of earthenware or metal). Cf. kuali and blanga.

p-ri'ok a'pi, bombshell.

p-ri'sai, a shield.

p-ro'sok, ter-p-ro'sok, to fall through, fall into a hole.

p-rot', the abdomen, intestines (stomach, bowels or womb).

p-rot' ko'song, starving, famished.
i'si p-rot', the intestines.

p-rum' (Eur.), a sounding lead. Cf. duga.

p-sa', the beam on which the cloth is rolled in weaving.

p-sa'ka (Sk.), inheritance, heirloom; also pusaka.

p-sa'ka'i, to inherit.

p-san', m-m-san', -kan, -i, order, command, commission; to command, give an order or commission. Cf. hukum.

ber-p-san', to give orders.
p-sa'nan, order, command, commission.

p-sa'ra = pasar, q.v.

p-sa'wat, a machine, machinery. Cf. injin and jntra.

p-se'ban (Jav.), hall.

p-si-ang', p-si-ang'kan (B.), to peel, skin; to beat violently.

p-sok', a hole or perforation (as in clothes or pots and pans); punctured, perforated.

p-sok'kan, to make a hole in a thing, puncture.

pstaka, see pustaka.

ps'ti (Jav.), certain, sure, of course = Malay tntu.

p'ta, map, plan, delineation, sketch.

p-ta'ling, a hardwood tree.

p-tang', afternoon; also ptang hari.

p-tas', fire crackers. Cf. merchun.

p-tek', m-m-tek', to pluck (as flowers, fruits, etc.); to strike the strings of a harp.

p-ti', (Tam.), box. Cf. kpok.

p-ti' b-si', iron safe.

p-tir', a peel of thunder. Cf. guroh and kilat.

ptra, see putra.

p-t-ra'na, a ceremonial seat or throne used by princes.

p't-ri, solder.

p-t-rum', cartridge.

p-tu'a (Ar. fatwa), decision, judgment, advice.

pu-a'ka, an evil spirit; haunted, unlucky.

pu-a'lam (Tam.), marble. Cf. marmur.

pu'an, a metal tray for betel-nut.

pu-as', satisfied, content, satiated. Cf. jmu and knnyary.

pu-as'kan, to satisfy.

pu-a'sa (Sk.), fast, fasting.

bu'ka pu-a'sa, to cease fasting.
bu'lan pu-a'sa, the fasting month.
ber-pu-a'sa, fasting: to fast.

pu'chat, pale (of colours and the complexion). pu'chok, a shoot, sprout; numerical coefficient of letters and firearms (84).

pu'chong, the purple heron.

pu'ja (Sk.), to perform religious ceremonies (only used of Hindu rites).

pu'ji, m-mu'ji (Sk.), praise, commendation; to praise, laud, glorify.

pu'ji-an, words of praise or commendation.
pu-ji-pu'ji-an, the complimentary introduction to a Malay letter.

pu'jok, m-mu' jok, to coax, entice, persuade; also bujok.

pu'kat, m-mu'kat, a seine net: to fish with the seine net.

pu'kol, m-mu'kol, to strike, hit, beat, knock; also used of the hours in reckoning time. Cf. palu, gasak, bdal.

pu'kol b-ra'pa (37), what time is it?
pu'kol du'a, two o'clock.
pu'kol ka'wat, to telegraph.

pu'la, again, moreover, in addition, over again.

pu'lang (49), to return, go back to the place a person or thing came from, go home. Cf. balek and kmbali.

pu'lang-kan, to return, send back, restore.

pu'las, m-mu'las, to wring, twist.

pu-la'san, an edible fruit, similar to the rambutan.

pu'lau, an island.

pu'leh, recovered, restored, reestablished.

pu'loh, a numeral which forms the multiples of ten; in speaking of indefinite numbers this word is used as we say “dozens” or “scores.”

du'a pu'loh, twenty.
s-pu'loh, ten.
da'lam s-pu'loh sa'tu, one in ten, a tithe.

pu'lut, glutinous rice; also bras pulut.

pun', also, and, even. Cf. dan.

a'da pun (133), a punctuation word.
ms'ki pun, although.
s-kali pun (144), even.
s’o'rarg pun ti-a'da, no one.
sung'goh pun (144), although.

pu'nai, green pigeons.

pun'cha, the corner of a cloth or garment, end of a rope. Cf. panchong.

pun'chak, top, point, summit; usually kmunchak.

pun-di-pun'di, purse, money-bag.

pung'gah, m-mung'gah, to unload, discharge cargo.

pung'gok, an owl.

pung'gong, the back or hind part of a thing, the back of a knife, the buttocks. Cf. buntut and pantat.

pu'ngut, m-mu'ngut, to pick up, take up, gather, glean.

pu'ngut chu'kai, to collect taxes.

pun'tau (B.) (Chin.), dust pan.

pun-ti-a'nak, a kind of evil spirit.

pun'tong, a half-burnt log or stick, the stump of a cigar.

pu'nya (12, 14, 15, 24), the possessive particle. Cf. ampunya.

pu'pu, a degree of relationship.

sau-da'ra s-pu'pu, first cousins.
sau-da'ra du'a pu'pu, second cousins.

pu'pus, bereft.

pu'put, to blow, make a blast of air. Cf. hmbus and tiop.

pu'pu-tan, bellows.

pu-ra-pu'ra, in pretence, pretending, feigning, sham, hypocritical.

pu'ru, sore, ulcer. Cf. bisul and barah.

ka'tak pu'ru, a toad.

pusaka, see psaka.

pu'sar, to cause to revolve horizontally.

pu'sa-ran a'ngin, whirlwind.

pu'sat, the navel; the centre of a thing.

pu'sing, ber-pu'sing, to revolve, turn round (intrans.). Cf. idar.

pu'sing k-pa'la, giddy, confused. Cf. pning and bingong.
pu'sing-kan, to cause to revolve.

pus-ta'ka (Sk.), a book of charms or magic formulæ.

pu'tar, m-mu'tar, to turn, cause to revolve. Cf. kisar and pusing.

pu'tar ba'lek, fickle, vacillating, capricious.
pu'ta-ran, windlass, capstan.

pu'teh, white.

pu'teh ma'ta, disappointed.
pu'teh t-lor', the white of an egg.
ha'ti pu'teh, a clear conscience.
o'rang pu'teh, European.
pu'teh-kan, to bleach.

pu'tek, fruit when just set.

pu'ting, the pointed end of anything made to fit into a hole; a plug.

pu'ting b-li'ong, water-spout.

pu't-ra (88) (Sk.), son (of a king), prince.

pu't-ri (88) (Sk.), daughter (of a king), princess.

pu'tus, m-mu'tus, -kan, broken by tension (as ropes), broken off, discontinued, ceased, finished, ended; to break by tension, end, conclude.

pu'tus a'sa, without hope, in despair.
pu'tus bi-cha'ra, to end a consultation by coming to a decision.
putus harap = putus asa.
pu'tus hu'kum, to pass judgment, pronounce sentence.
pu'tus nya'wa, to die.
ti-a'da ber-k-pu'tu-san, without interruption, without ceasing, without end.

pu'yoh, quail.