Laman:A practical Malay grammar (IA practicalmalaygr00sheliala).pdf/73

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mata, see Vocabulary. sarong, see Vocabulary.
merah tlor, yolk of an egg. sepak raga, Malay football.
minta, see Vocabulary. siang-siang, very early.
minyak tanah, mineral oil. sikat rambot, comb.
minyak tar, tar. silap mata, sleight of hand.
muka, see Vocabulary. skarang ini, just now.
mula-mula, at first. sual jawab, catechism.
naik, see Vocabulary. suka-chita, joy, gladness.
nama busok, a bad reputation. surat khabar, newspaper.
nanti dhulu, yolk wait a bit. surat kuasa, power of attorney.
nenek moyang, ancestors. surat wasiat, will.
nyata-nyata, openly, publicly. tahi bsi, rust.
obat bdil, gunpowder. tahi lalat, moles, freckles.
obat guna, magic. tahu ‘adat, polite.
orang, see Vocabulary. tali, see Vocabulary.
otak tulang, marrow. tanah liat, clay.
pagar bulan, halo. tanda tangan, signature.
panjang lidah, talkative. tapak kaki, sole of the foot.
papan loh, slate. tapak tangan, palm of the hand.
pergi balek, there and back. tawar hati, discouraged.
perkakas rumah, furniture. tikar bantal, bedding (of a native).
pgang kmudi, steer.
pgang ras, drive. timah hitam, lead.
pisau chukor, razor. timah puteh, tin.
pisau lipat, penknife. timah sari, zinc.
pitah lidah, eloquent. tipu-daya, deceit.
pnoh ssak, chock-full. tka-tki, riddle.
pgang ras, drive. timah hitam, lead.
priok api, bombshell. tmpat, see Vocabulary.
prot kosong, famished. tngah, see Vocabulary.
pusing kpala, giddy, confused. tolak bhara, ballast.
puting bliong, waterspout. trima kaseh, thank you.
putus harap, in despair. tuan rumah, landlord.
rindu dndam, anxious longings. tudong muka, veil.
rumah, see Vocabulary. tukang, see Vocabulary.
sakit, see Vocabulary. tulang, see Vocabulary.
salah faham, misunderstand. tunggang langgang, headlong.
salah urat, sprain. turut prentah, obey.
sama tngah, exact centre. ubi kayu, tapioca.
sampai umor, full age. ubi kladi, yam.
sana sini, here and there. ular naga, dragon.
sapu chat, to paint. urat darah, vein.
sapu kapur, whitewash. urat puteh, nerve.
sapu tangan, handkerchief. wang kertas, bank notes.