2801Malay-English Vocabulary — MW. G. Shellabear


ma'‘af (Ar.), pardon, forgiveness. Also pronounced mahap. Cf. ampun.

min'ta ma'‘af, to ask pardon.
ma'‘af-kan, to pardon, forgive.

ma'bok, intoxicated, stupified, drunk.

ma'bok da'rah, faint through loss of blood.
ma'bok la'ut, sea-sick.

ma'cham, kind, sort, method, manner. Cf. bagai and jnis.

ma'cham-ma'cham, of various kinds, all sorts.
a'pa ma'cham (18, 19), what kind of?

ma'dam (Eur.), a lady.

ma'dat, opium prepared for smoking. Cf. apiun and chandu.

hi'sap ma'dat, to smoke opium.

madh'hab (Ar.), sect; usually maz'hab.

ma'du (Sk.), honey.

a'yer ma'du, honey.
in'dok ma'du, honey-comb.

maf-hum' (Ar.), understood; usually mfaham.

magh'rib (Ar.), the sun-setting, the West; usually barat.

ma'ha (Sk.), great, in the following expressions:

ma'ha b-sar', very great.
ma'ha ku-a'sa, almighty.
ma'ha mu-li'a, most excellent.
ma'ha mu'rah, most gracious.
ma'ha-ra'ja, a great prince.
ma'ha ting'gi, most high.

ma-hal', dear, high priced, difficult to obtain.

her'ga ma-hal', a high price.

ma-ha-li'gai (Tam.), palace; also maligai.

ma'hap, to forgive, see ma‘af.

ma'hir (Ar.), skilful, expert.

mah-ka'mah (Ar.), court of justice, tribunal.

mai'dan (Ar., arena), battlefield.

ma'in, ber-ma'in, to play, amuse oneself, jest; to play musical instruments; game, amusement.

ma'in cha'tur, to play chess.
ma'in ga'sing, to play tops.
ma'in gi'la, to play the fool.
ma'in ju'di, to gamble.
ma'in ma'ta, to make eyes at a person.
ma'in su'ling, to play the flute.
ma'in wa'yang, to act in a play.
per-ma'i-nan, a game, sport, entertainment.

ma'j-lis' (Ar.), session, audience, assembly, council.

ma'ju (Jav.), to go forward, progress.

ma'jus (Ar.), magian, fire worshipper.

mak', mother; also ibu.

mak'-ba'pa, parents.
mak' mu'da, and mak' sau-da'ra, aunt.
mak' ti'ri, step-mother.

ma'ka (133), a punctuation word.

ma'kam (Ar.), a grave.

ma'kan, m-ma'kan, to eat, consume, corrode, absorb.

ma'kan a'ngin, to go for an airing or pleasure excursion.
ma'kan chan'du, to take opium, smoke opium.
ma'kan da'lam, to penetrate (as rust, acids or sharp things).

ma'kan ga'ji, to receive a salary, work for wages.
ma'kan hak' o'rang, to rob a person of his rights, do an injustice.
ma'kan mi'num, to eat and drink.
ma'kan na'si, to take a meal.
ma'kan pa'gi, breakfast.
ma'kan ra'chun, to take poison, be poisoned.
ma'kan ro'kok, to smoke the native cigarette.
ma'kan s-hi-da'ngan, to eat together.
ma'kan su-ap', to take a bribe.
ma'kan sum'pah, to break one's oath, perjure oneself.
b-ri' ma'kan, to feed.
cha'ri ma'kan, to get a living.
di-ma'kan a'pi, consumed by fire.
ha'bis ma'kan, after eating.
ma'ka-nan, food.

makh'lok (Ar.), creature, created being. Cf. jadi.

ma'ki, m-ma'ki, abuse, scolding, vituperation; to abuse, revile, call names. Cf. nista.

ma'kin (95), more, the more. Cf. mangkin and mingkin.

ma'kin.. ma'kin.., the more.. the more..
s-ma'kin, by so much the more.

ma-ko'ta (Sk.), crown.

mak'sud (Ar.), aim, object, purpose; sense, meaning. Cf. hndak and mau.

ma'lam, night; the Malays reckon the day to begin at 6 p.m., so the night belongs to the following day, and therefore malam ahad is Saturday night, not Sunday night.

ma'lam ha'ri, night time.
ma'lam s-ka'rang, ma'lam ini or ma'lam da'tang, to-night.
ma'lam ta'di, last night.
ja'uh ma'lam, late at night.
s-ma'lam, last night.
si-ang' ma'lam, day and night.
t'ngah ma'lam, midnight.
ber-ma'lam, to pass the night.

ma'lang, unfortunate, wretched.

un'tong yang ma'lang, bad fortune.
o'rang ma'lang, a wretched fellow.
k-ma'la-ngan, misfortune.

ma'las, lazy, idle.

Malayu, see Mlayu.

ma-li'gai (Tam.), palace; usually istana.

m‘a'lim (Ar.), teacher, instructor, pilot, guide, mate on a ship.

ma'lu, shame, disgrace; ashamed, bashful, modest.

b-ri' ma'lu, to cause shame or disgrace to a person.
k'na ma'lu, to be disgraced.
k-ma'lu-an, shame, disgrace; the private parts.

m‘a'lum (Ar.), known, notorious.

b-ri' m‘a'lum, to make known.
m‘a'lum-kan, to inform, make known. Cf. bri tahu.

ma'mah, to chew, masticate. Cf. kulom.

ma'mak, uncle, aunt.

ma-man'da, a polite form of mamak.

mam'bang, certain supernatural beings, spirits.

mam'pus, dead; usually mati.

m‘a'mur (Ar.), populous, thickly inhabited. m‘a'na (Ar.), sense, meaning, signification; (B.) a parable, allegory = kias. Cf. arti.

ma'na (18, 19), where? which? also (as an abbreviation of bgimana) how?

ma'na bo'leh, how it is possible?
ma'na su'ka, whichever you like.
ba'rang di ma'na, wherever.
ba'rang k-ma'na, whithersoever.
b-gi-ma'na, how? in what way?
de-ri-ma'na, whence?
di ma'na, where?
di ma-na-ma'na, everywhere.
k-ma'na, whither?
o'rarg ma'na, which man?
ma'na-kan, an abbreviation of bgimana akan, how will? how can? how could?

man-dar'sah (Ar. madrasah, school), a village mosque; koran school; also bandarsah. Cf. surau.

man'di, to bathe, take a bath.

a'yer man'di, bathing water.
tm'pat man'di, bathroom.
man'di-kan, to bathe a person, give a person a bath.

man'dul, barren.

man'dur (Port.), an overseer.

ma-nek-ma'nek, beads.

mang'ga, the mango.

kun'chi mang'ga, a padlock.

mang'gis, the mangusteen.

mang'kat, dead; to die (of kings and princes).

mangkin = makin, q.v.

mang'kok, cup, bowl, basin. Cf. chawan and bokor.

mang'ku-bu'mi, prime minister. Cf. mntri and pangku.

mang'sa (Sk.), prey.

ma-ni'kam (Tam.), precious stones, rubies, carbuncles.

ma'nis, sweet, gentle, soft, amiable.

hi'tam ma'nis, brown.
ja'ri ma'nis, the fourth finger.
ka'yu ma'nis, cinnamon.
ku'lit ma'nis, cinnamon.
li'mau ma'nis, orange.
ma'ni-san, sweets, sweetmeats.

man'ja, man'ja-kan, spoilt; to of spoil, indulge (a person).

man'sukh (Ar.), abrogated, annulled.

ma-nu-si'a (Sk.), mankind, man as distinguished from other beings, the human race. Cf. orang.

ma'ra (Sk.), injury, harm, misfortune.

ma'ra bah'ya or mer-bah'ya, danger, peril.

ma'rah and a-ma'rah, anger; angry. Cf. murka, gusar and gram.

mar'hum (Ar.), the late, the deceased (usually of kings).

ma'ri, hither, come, come here; (Penang) to come. Cf. datang and sampai.

k-ma'ri, hither.

markah, see merkah.

mar'mur (Ar.), marble. Cf. pualam.

’mas', gold.

’mas' kah'win, dowry.
’mas' lan'chong, spurious gold.
’mas' u'rai, gold dust.
a'yer ’mas', gilding.
ker'tas ’mas', gold leaf.
’ma'si, to bribe.
’ma'san, gilt.

ka'in k’ma'san, material embroidered or woven with gold.

ma'sa, usually ma'sa-kan, how can it be? how could it be?

ma'sa (Sk.), time, period, epoch. Cf. waktu and zman.

termasa, see termasa.

ma-sa’i'lah (Ar.), question, problem.

ma'sak, ripe, cooked; to cook (86), smelt. Cf. tanak.

b-lum' ma'sak, unripe.
ju-ru-ma'sak, cook.

ma'sam, acid, sour; also asam.

ma'sam mu'ka, scowling, frowning, long-faced, sour.

ma'seh, still. Cf. lagi.

maseh, see almaseh.

masehi, see msihi.

mash'ghul (Ar.), troubled, disturbed in mind, sad.

mash-hur' (Ar.), well-known, celebrated, famous.

mash-hur'kan, to make known, publish, divulge.

mash'rik (Ar.), the sunrising, the East; usually timor.

mash-wa'rat (Ar.), ber-mash-wa'rat, to consult, deliberate; consultation.

ma'si, still, yet; usually maseh.

ma'sin, salt, saline (adj.); also asin. Cf. garam.

ma-sing-ma'sing, each, every. Cf. tiap.

Ma'sir (Ar.), Egypt.

mas'jid (Ar.), mosque; usually msjid.

ma'sok, m-ma'sok (49), to enter, go in, penetrate.

ma'sok Is'lam, to become a Mohammedan.
ma'sok Kris'ten, to become a Christian.
ma'sok mu'lut, to interrupt, interfere.
ma'sok ta'ngan, to interfere.
ba'wa ma'sok, to take in, introduce.
bri' ma'sok, to let in, admit.
ma-ta-ha'ri ma'sok, sunset, the West.
ma'sok-kan, to put in, cause to enter.
ma'sok-kan da'lam pn-ja'ra, to put in prison.

ma'ta, eye; the edge of a knife.

ma'ta a'ngin, the main points of the compass.
ma'ta a'yer, spring of water.
ma'ta ba'jak, ploughshare.
ma'ta bn'da, jewellery.
ma'ta da'ching, the scale of a steelyard.
ma-ta-ha'ri, the sun.
ma-ta-ha'ri ma'sok, sunset.
ma-la-ha'ri ter'bit, sunrise.
ma'ta ha'ti, spiritual perception.
ma'ta i'kan, wart.
ma'ta ka'’il, fishhook.
ma'ta ka'in, the darker pattern on a sarong forming a vertical bar of colour.
ma'ta ka'ki, ankle.
ma'ta ka'yu, a knot in timber.
ma'ta k-ris', the blade of a kris.
ma'ta ku'ching, catseye (a stone); an edible fruit.
ma'ta lu'ka, the opening of a wound.
ma-ta-ma'ta, policeman.
ma-ta-ma'ta g-lap', a detective.
ma'ta p-do'man, the divisions on the compass card.
ma'ta pi'sau, the blade or edge of a knife.
ma'ta su'su, nipple.

a'nak ma'ta, pupil of the eye.
a'yer ma'ta, tears.
bi'bir ma'ta, the eyelids.
bi'ji ma'ta, eyeballs.
bu'lu ma'ta, eyelashes.
cher'min ma'ta, spectacles.
ch-lek' ma'ta, to open the eyes.
e'kor ma'ta, the corners of the eyes.
k-jam' ma'ta, to close the eyes.
k-lo'pak ma'ta, the eyelids.
ma'in ma'ta, to make eyes at a person.
p-jam' ma'ta, to close the eyes.
pu'teh ma'ta, disappointed.
s-ma-ta-ma'ta, altogether, entirely.
sb'lah ma'ta, one eye.
s-k-lip' ma'ta, the twinkling of an eye.
tn'tang ma'ta, right in one's eyes.

ma-ta-ha'ri, the sun; see mata.

ma'ti, dead; to die; a fixture, fixed. Cf. mampus.

ma'ti di-bu'noh, assassinated, executed.
ma'ti la'par, died of starvation.
ma'ti l-mas', suffocated, drowned.
ma'ti pu'chok, impotent.
a'ngin ma'ti, the wind has died away.
ba'ris ma'ti, see baris.
g-ran' ma'ti, freehold.
her'ga ma'ti, fixed price.
i'kat ma'ti, to tie with a knot that will not slip.
ja'ri ma'ti, the middle finger.
ma-ta-ha'ri ma'ti, the West.
o'rang ma'ti, a corpse.
s-pa'roh ma'ti, half dead.
tan'da ma'ti, see baris.
ma'ti-kan, to kill.
k-ma'ti-an, death, decease.

ma-to'ka (Eng.), motor car.

mat'ros (D.), sailor. Cf. prahu.

mau' (45), to wish, desire; also was an auxiliary verb, will, shall, would, should. Cf. hndak.

mau',..mau'.., either.. or..
mau' ta'mau', whether willing or not, nolens volens.
a'pa mau'? what do you want.

maut' (Ar.), death. Cf. mati.

‘a'lam maut', hades; also ‘alam barzakh.

ma'war (Pers.), rose.

a'yer ma'war, rose water.
bu'nga a'yer ma'war, the rose.

ma'was, the “orang utang.”

ma'yang, a cluster of flowers on palm trees. Cf. klopak.

mayas = mawas, q.v.

ma'yat (Ar.), corpse, dead body (of human beings). Cf. bangkai.

ma'yong, a Malay theatrical performance. Cf. wayang.

maz'mur (Ar.), a psalm; see zabur.

maz'hab, sect; also madhhab.

’m'bek, to bleat (of sheep and goats).

’m'boh, to be willing, agree.

’m-boh-m'bo-han, although.

’m'bun, dew.

medan, see maidan.

me'ga (Sk.), clouds.

me'ja (Port.), a table.

ja'ga me'ja, to wait at table.
ta'roh me'ja, to lay the table.

mem' (Eng.), madam, Mrs., lady. Cf. nonya.

me'mang, already, in the same condition as before, always, invariably, naturally, of course. me'rah, red.

me'rah mu'da, pale red.
me'rah t-lor', the yoke of an egg.
me'rah tu'a, deep red.
ku'da me'rah, a bay horse.

merak, see mrak.

mer'bau, a timber tree.

mer'bok, a small turtle dove.

mer'chun, fire crackers, fireworks. Cf. ptas.

mer-d-he'ka (Jav.), freed from slavery, manumitted, free. Cf. bebas.

mer'du (Sk.), soft, gentle, sweet (of sounds). Cf. manis.

mer-gas-tu'a (Sk. marga satwa), wild animals.

me'reng, slanting, oblique. Cf. ereng, chondrong and serong.

mer'kah (Port.), the marks on a lead line, a soldier's badges of rank.

mer'kah, very fine cracks in porcelain.

mer-pa'ti (Sk.), pigeon, dove = (B.) burong komba. Cf. pergam, punai, tkukur and merbok.

mer-ta'bat (Ar.), high position, rank, station. Cf. pangkat.

mer-tu'a (B.), father-in-law, mother-in-law = mntua.

mesal, see mithal.

me'wah, abundant. Cf. lempah.

k-me'wa-han, abundance.

m-f-ham (Ar. mafhum), to understand: see faham.

m-gah', fame, glory.

m-gah'kan di'ri, to boast, exalt oneself.

mhal, see mahal.

mi'ang, itchiness caused by the fine hair of the bamboo, and similar things.

mi'ka, thou, thee = angkau.

mil' (Eng.), mile.

mi'lek (Ar.), property, possessions.

mi'le-ki, to possess, acquire.

mim'bar (Ar. minbar), the pulpit in a mosque.

mim'pi, a dream; also (B.) m-nimpi.

ber-mim'pi, to dream.

minarah, see mnarah.

ming'go (Port. domingo, lord), hari minggo, the Lord's day, Sunday. Hence minggo has come to mean a week. Cf. ahad.

mingkin (B.), more, the more = makin, q.v.

mi'nit (Eng.), minute.

min'ta, m-min'ta (86 b, 157), to request, ask for; also pinta.

min'ta a'man, to seek for peace.
min'ta am'pun, to ask for forgiveness.
min'ta di'ri, to excuse oneself, take leave. Cf. mohon.
min'ta do'‘a, to pray.
min'ta jan'ji, to request the fulfilment of a promise.
min'ta ka'seh, to ask a favour.
minta ma'‘af, to beg pardon.
min'ta pinjam, to borrow.
min'ta s'd-kah', to beg, ask for alms.
per-min'ta'an, request, prayer.

mi'num, m-mi'num, to drink.

a'yer mi'num, drinking water.
p-mi'num, a drinker, drunkard. Cf. mabok.
mi'nu-man, beverage.

mi'nyak, oil, grease (animal or vegetable). Cf. lmak.

mi'nyak ba'bi, lard.
mi'nyak bau-bau'an, perfumed ointment.
mi'nyak gas', mineral oil.
mi'nyak ja'rak, castor oil.
mi'nyak k-la'pa, coco-nut oil.
mi'nyak sa'pi, beef fat.
mi'nyak ta'nah, mineral oil.
mi'nyak tar', tar.
mi'nya-ki, to oil, anoint.

mi'sai, moustache. Cf. kumis.

misjid, see msjid.

miski, see mski.

mis'kin (Ar.), poor. Cf. papa.

mi'thal (Ar.), resemblance, similarity; simile, metaphor, type; also pronounced mesal.

m-j-lis', pretty.

m-j-lis', assembly; see majlis.

m-la'’i-kat (Ar.), angel.

mlainkan, see lain.

M-la'ka, a tree with edible fruit; the town of Malacca.

ba'tu M-la'ka, flooring tiles.
gu'la M-la'ka, coco-nut sugar.

M-la'yu, Malay.

b-ha'sa M-la'yu, the Malay language.
ta'nah M-la'yu, Malaya.

mm'p-lai (Tam.), bridegroom; sometimes bride. Cf. pngantin.

m-na', in the phrases:

d'ngan ti-a'da s-m-na'm-na', without cause.
ti-a'da t-per-m-na'i, incalculable. Cf. kira.

mnafik, see munafik.

m-nang', victorious; to win, gain the victory. Cf. alah.

m-nang'kan, to cause to win, give the victory to.
k-m-na'ngan, victory.

m-nan'tu, son-in-law, daughter-in-law.

m-na'rah (Ar.), a tower, minaret.

mn-di'kai, water melon.

mn-d-rong', reed grass, sedge.

m-ngah', ter-m-ngah'-m-ngah', panting.

m-nga'pa, why; see apa.

mng-ka'rong, a kind of lizard = bngkarong.

mng'ku-ang, the screw pine; see bngkuang.

mniaga, to trade; see niaga.

mn-je'la (B.), window = jndela.

m-nim'pi (B.), dream = mimpi.

mn'tah, unripe, uncooked, raw. Cf. muda.

mn-te'ga (Port.), butter.

mn't-ri (Sk.), minister, statesman; one of the pieces in the game of chess; see chatur.

per-da'na mn't-ri, prime minister.

mn-tu'a, father-in-law, mother-in-law = (B.) mertua.

mo'dal (Tam.), invested funds, capital. Cf. pokok.

mohon, see pohon.

mo'lek, beautiful, lovely.

monyet, see munyit.

mo'rong, melancholy, gloomy.

mo'yang, great-grandfather, ancestor. Cf. nenek.

ne'nek mo'yang, ancestors.

’m'pang, to bar, stop, check, dam.

’mpat, see ampat.

’m-pek (B.) (Chiu.), uncle; a form of address to fathers and other elderly persons. ’m'ping, green rice roasted and crushed.

’m'pok, mealy, soft (of cooked vegetables), tender (of flesh).

’mpunya, see ampunya.

m-rak', a peacock.

m-ran'ti, a common timber tree.

m-ri'am, a cannon; ordnance.

m-ri'ka, persons, people (only used in writings).

m-rika i'tu, they, them.

m-ri'nyu (Port.), police inspector.

mshwarat, see mashwarat.

m-si'hi and ma'se-hi' (Ar.), Christian, of or belonging to the Messiah; also Kristen.

o'rarg m-si'hi, Christians.
ta'rikh m-si'hi and ta'hun m-si'hi, the year of the Christian era, A. D.

ms'jid (Ar.), mosque; also msgit. Cf. surau and mandarsah.

ms'ki (Port.), although, notwithstanding; also mski-pun. Cf. sunggoh.

mstahil, see mustahil.

ms'ti, must. Cf. psti.

mt'rai, seal, stamp. Cf. chap.

mt'rai-kan, to seal, stamp.

mu (13), an abbreviation of the 2nd personal pronoun kamu; when affixed to a noun it has the force of a possessive pronoun.

mu-a-fa'kat, ber-mu-a-fa'kat (Ar.), agreement; to agree, unite, consult together. Cf. fakat, which is generally used sense.

mu-’a'laf (Ar.), proselyte, convert.

mu'at, to contain. Cf. isi.

mu'at-kan, and m-mu'at, to stow (cargo), put things into a box, cart or ship. Cf. isi.
mu'a-tan, cargo, load.

mu'da, young, immature, unripe; pale (of colours). Cf. mntah.

la'gi mu'da, still young.
me'rah mu'da, pale red.
o'rarg mu'da, a youth.

mu'dah, easy. Cf. snang.

pan'dang mu'dah, to slight, make light of.
mu'dah-kan, to esteem lightly, despise.
mu-dah-mu'da-han, perchance, if possible.

mu'dek, to ascend a river, go up stream; also udek. Cf. hilir and hulu.

mudi, see kemudi.

mu-ga-mu'ga (Jav.), oh that! would that!

m‘u-ji'zat (Ar.), miracle, wonder.

mu'ka, face.

mu'ka a'yer, the surface of the water.
mu'ka ma'nis, a pleasant expression of face.
mu'ka ma'sam, scowling, frowning, long faced.
mu-ka-mu'ka, hypocritical.
mu'ka pa'pan, impertinent.
mu'ka su'rat, a page of a book.
mu'ka t-bal', shameless, brazen-faced.
a'rang di mu'ka, disgrace, insult.
a'yer mu'ka, complexion.
cher'min mu'ka, looking-glass.

di mu'ka, in the fore part (of a ship).
di mu'ka pin'tu, in front of the door, at the door.

mu'kah, paramour; adultery.

ber-mu'kah, to commit adultery.

mu'kim (Ar.), a district. Cf. desa.

mu'la (Sk.), beginning, origin, cause.

mu-la-mu'la, at first, first of all.
ber-mu'la and s-ber-mu'la (133), punctuation words.
s-mu'la, as at first, as before, over again.
mu-la'’i, to begin.
per-mu'la’an, beginning, commencement.

mu-li'a (Sk.), glorious, illustrious, honorable, magnificent.

mu-li'a-kan, to honour, glorify.
k-mu-li'a’an, glory, splendour.

mu'lut, mouth.

mu'lut bo'chor, tell-tale, blab.
mu'lut ko'tor, foul-mouthed.
mu'lut ma'nis, smooth tongued, plausible.
ba'wa mu'lut, to talk scandal, gossip.
bi'bir mu'lut, the lips.
nga'nga-kan mu'lut, to open the mouth.

mu'’min (Ar.), believer. Cf. iman.

o'rang mu'’min, the faithful.

mu-na'fik (Ar.), hypocrite; hypocritical. Cf. pura-pura.

mun'chong, prominent, projecting (of the nose, lips, etc.); snout. Cf. jungor.

mun'kir (Ar.), to disavow, disown, renounce, retract, deny. Cf. sangkal.

mun'nyit and mu'nyit, monkey.

mun'shi (Ar., author), a teacher of languages. Cf. guru.

mun'tah, m-mun'tah, -kan, vomit; to vomit.

mu'rah, generous, liberal, benevolent; cheap.

k-mu'ra-han, generosity, liberality.

mu'rai, the magpie-robin.

mu'rid (Ar.), pupil, scholar, disciple.

mur'ka (Sk.), angry; wrath (of kings or of God). Cf. marah.

mur'ka’i, to be angry with.

murong, see morong.

mur'tad (Ar.), apostate, pervert, renegade. Cf. mu’alaf.

mu'sang, a species of civet cat.

mu'sang j-bat', polecat, civet cat.

mush'kil (Ar.), difficult.

mu'sim (Ar.), season of the year, monsoon.

mu'sim bu'ah, the fruit season.
mu'sim di'ngin, the cold season.
mu'sim hu'jan, the rainy season.
mu'sim k-ma'rau, the dry season.
mu'sim pa'nas, the hot season.

mu'soh, enemy of one's country, common enemy, as opposed to stru, a personal enemy.

mus'li-hat (Ar.), arrangement, stratagem, trick.

mus-ta'‘id (Ar.), prepared, ready.

mus-ta'hil (Ar.), impossible.

mu-ti-a'ra, a pearl.

a'yam mu-ti-a'ra, guinea fowl.

in'dok mu-ti-a'ra, mother-of-pearl.

mu'tu, the degree of purity of gold.

’mas' s-pu'loh mu'tu, pure gold.