3098Malay-English Vocabulary — TW. G. Shellabear


ta’, not; a contraction from tidak (63-73).

ta’a'da or t’a'da, is not, are not = tiada.
ta’a'kan or t’a'kan, will not, it cannot be that―.
ta’ba'ik, not good, bad.
ta’bo'leh, cannot, impossible.
ta’da'pat, does not succeed, cannot.
ta’da'pat ti-a'da, it cannot but be, it must.
ta’gu'na, useless.
ta’ja'di, it did not come to pass, it will not do.
ta’nam'pak, it is not seen.
ta’sa'ma, not the same, unlike.
ta’u'sah, not necessary, never mind.

ta‘a'la (Ar.), exalted; in the phrase: Allah ta‘ala, God, exalted be He!

ta‘alok, see t‘alok.

ta'bal (Ar.), drum. Cf. gndrang and rbana.

ta'bal-kan, to announce by the beating of a drum.

ta'bek, greeting, salutation (159). Cf. salam.

ta'bi‘at (Ar.), nature, disposition, character. Cf. pkerti and pnangai.

ta'bib (Ar.), doctor. Cf. dukun and doktor.

ta'bir, curtain. Cf. tirai.

t‘a'bir (Ar.), explanation, interpretation.

't‘a'bir-kan, to explain, give the meaning of.

ta'bo-han, hornet = tbuan.

ta'bong, a length of bamboo used to contain fluids.

ta'bur, m-na'bur, scatter, sow (as seed). Cf. hambur.

p-na'bur, a sower; small shot.
ber-ta'bu-ran, scattered, dispersed.

ta'but (Ar.), the ark of the covenant.

ta'chi (B.) (Chin.), elder sister; usually kakak.

ta'ching (B.), worm = chaching.

ta'dah, m-na'dah, to catch or hold in the open hands, or in a vessel (as liquids); to extend the hands in such an attitude, as in prayer. Cf. hulor.

ta'di, just now, just, a moment ago, lately. Cf. bharu.

ta'di pa'gi, this morning.
ma'lam ta'di, last night.

taf'sir (Ar.), a commentary (especially on the Koran).

ta'gar, thunder.

ta'geh, craving; usually ktageh.

tah, an interrogative particie = kah.

ta-han', m-na-han', -kan, to bear, endure, withstand.

ta-han' da'rah, to stanch blood.
ta-han' naf'su, to restrain one's desires.
ter-ta-han', restrained, endured.

ta'hi, excrement, refuse.

ta'hi b-si', rust.
ta'hi ger-ga'gi, sawdust.
ta'hi la'lat, moles, freckles.
ta'hi t-li'nga, earwax.

ta'hil, a measure of weight; see end of Grammar.

ta'hu (62), to know, understand, be accustomed. Cf. knal.

ta'hu ‘a'dat, to know how to behave, be polite.
ta'hu ber-ka-ta-kata, to be able to speak (of children).
ta'hu du'dok, to be able to sit up (of children).
b-ri ta'hu, to make known, inform. Cf. khabar.
s-ta'hu, cognizant, privy to.
si-a'pa ta'hu, who knows, I don't know.
k-ta'hu-i (102 f) (126), to know a thing, be aware of.
k-ta'hu-an, known, that which is known.
ber-k-ta'hu-an, known, being known.
png-ta'hu-an, knowledge, learning, information.
ber-png-ta'hu-an, to have knowledge, know.

ta'hun, year.

ta'hun b-ha'ru, the New Year.
ta'hun da'tang, next year.
ta'hun d-hu'lu, last year.
ta'hun la'lu, last year.
ta'hun M-si'hi, the year of the Christian era, A. D.
ber-ta-hun-ta'hun, for years, year after year.
s-ta'hun la'ma-nya, for a year.
m-na'hun, to stay a year in a place.

tai'ko (B.) (Chin.), leprosy = kusta.

ta'jak, m-na'jak, a heavy cutting instrument with a long handle used for cutting down the weeds in an irrigated rice field; to cut down weeds with this instrument.

ta'jam, sharp (of cutting instruments and of the intellect).

ku'rang ta'jam, blunt. Cf. tumpol.
ta'jam-kan, to sharpen. Cf. asah.

ta'ji, the artificial spur used with fighting cocks.

t‘a'jub (Ar.), astonished. Cf. ‘aja'ib.

tak'dir (Ar.), ordained, decreed; the will or decrees of God.

tak'dir-kan, to decree, appoint, predestinate.

takh'ta (Ar.), throne. Cf. singgasana.

ta'kok, a notch.

ta'kot, fear; afraid, frightened; to be afraid, fear. Cf. dahshat and kjot.

b-ri ta'kot, to frighten.
ta'ko-ti, to fear a person.
p-na'kot, a coward; shy (of horses).
k-ta'ko-tan, afraid; fear, alarm.

tak'sir (D.), to estimate, value.

tak'sir (Ar.), negligent.

tak'wim (Ar.), calendar, almanас.

ta'lak (Ar.), divorce. Cf. chrai.

su'rat ta'lak, a bill of divorce.

ta'lam, a large metal tray. Cf. dulang.

ta'li, string, cord, rope.

ta'li b-sar', rope.
ta'li b-si', wire rope.
ta'li du'ga, sounding line.
ta'li ka'’il, fishing line.
ta'li karg', reins.
ta'li ka'wat, wire rope.
ta'li km'bar ti'ga, a threefold cord.
ta'li ku'lit, a strap, leather thong.
ta'li le'hir, necklace.
ta'li ping'gang, waist-belt, girdle. Cf. sabok.
ta'li p-rot', the intestines.
ta'li p-rum', sounding line.
ta'li pu'sat, umbelical cord.
ta'li ra'mi, string made of rami, q.v.
ta'li sa'’uh, cable.
ta'li t-ma'li, the cordage or rigging of a ship.
leng'kar ta'li, to coil a rope.

t‘a'lok (Ar.), dependent upon, subject to a dependency, a State which is subject to another.

t‘a'lok-kan, to subjugate.

ta-m‘a' (Ar.), covetousness, avarice; to covet. Cf. loba.

ta'man, garden, flower garden. Cf. kbun.

tamasha, see termasa.

ta'mat (Ar.), end, conclusion.

tam'bah, ber-tam'bah (115), to increase (in size or number).

tam'bah-kan, to add, augment, increase; also tambahi.
tam'ba-han and tam'ba-han pu'la, moreover, in addition.

tam'bak, m-nam'bak, to pile up or fill in earth, as in making embankments or filling in swamps.

tam'bang, fare, passage money on a ship or boat; to carry passengers.

sam'pan tam'bang, a ferry-boat.

tam'bat, m-nam'bat, to tie, fasten, tie up (as animals and boats). Cf. ikat.

tam'bi (Tam.), a form of address to Tamils; a messenger; a Tamil.

tam'bon, fat, fleshy, corpulent. Cf. gmok.

tam'pak, to appear, be visible; also nampak. Cf. lihat.

ta’nam'pak, invisible, it does not appear, it is not seen.

tam'pal, m-nam'pal, a patch, label, something stuck on; to patch, stick on, paste on. Cf. lkat.

tam'par, m-nam'par, to slap, strike with the open hand. Cf. spak.

tam'pi, m-nam'pi, to winnow with the nyiru, q.v.

tam'pil, to go forward, advance, progress. Cf. maju.

tam'pil-kan, to cause to advance, move forward.

tam'pok, the cup or short stalk at the point where fruits are broken off the stem; the ornamentation on the top of a cap (songkok) or on the ends of a pillow.

tam-pu'i, a tree with an edible fruit.

ta'nah, the ground, soil, land, a country. Cf. bumi.

ta'nah a'yer, one's native land.
ta'nah Ja'wa, the island of Java.
ta'nah ko'song, uncultivated land.
ta'nah li'at, clay.
ta'nah ma'ti, fallow ground.
ta'nah M-la'yu, Malaya.
ta'nah pa'ya, swampy land.
ta'nah ra'ta, level country.
hu'jorg ta'nah, peninsula, promontory. Cf. tanjong.
mi'nyak ta'nah, mineral oil.
trang' ta'nah, dawn.
tu'an ta'nah, landlord.

ta'nak, m-na'nak, to boil, cook. Cf. rbus and masak.

ju'ru ta'nak, a cook.

ta'nak (B.) (Chin.), a carpet.

ta'nam, m-na'nam, to plant, bury.

ta'nam cha'char, to vaccinate.

tan'da, a mark, sign, token. Cf. isharat and ‘alamat.

tan'da ma'ti, the orthographical sign jazm; see baris.
tan'da ta'ngan, signature.
tan'da-kan, to signify, indicate, betoken.
per-tan'da, an executioner.

tan'dak, ber-tan'dak, to dance. Cf. tari.

tan'dan, a bunch of fruit, such as bananas, coco-nuts, grapes, etc.

tan'dil (Tam.), headman of coolies.

tan'dok, a horn. Cf. chula.

tan'du, m-nan'du, a litter; to carry in a sedan chair or litter. Cf. usong. ta'ngan, the hand, the arm. Cf. lngan.

ta'ngan ba'ju, the sleeve of a coat.
ta'ngan ka'nan, the right hand.
ta'ngan sb'lah, one hand.
b-kas' ta'ngan, handwriting, signature. Cf. khat.
ja'bat ta'man, to shake hands.
ka'ki ta'ngan, hands and feet.
lam'bai-kan ta'ngan, to wave the hands.
ma'sok ta'ngan, to interfere. sa'pu ta'ngan, handkerchief.
tan'da ta'ngan, signature.
ta'pak ta'ngan, the palm of the hand.
un'jok ta'ngan, to hold out the hand.
ta'nga-ni, to handle, lay hands on, arrest.

tang'ga, ladder, stairs, steps; numeral coefficient of native houses (84).

tang'ga ba'tu, stone steps.
a'nak tang'ga, a step or rung of a ladder.
na'ik tang'ga, to go upstairs.
ru'mah tang'ga, home, homestead.

tang'gal, to fall out, fall off (as teeth, branches, etc.).

tang'gal-kan, to remove, take off (as clothes).

tang'goh, m-nang'goh, -kan, to postpone, adjourn, put off, defer.

ber-tang'goh, to delay, wait, temporize.

tang'gong, m-nang'gong, -kan, to support, bear, endure, gua- rantee. Cf. tahan and jamin.

tang-go'ngan, a burden.

ta'ngis, m-na'ngis, weeping; to weep, cry, shed tears.

ta'ngis-kan and ta'ngi-si, to weep for a person or thing. ta'ngi-san, weeping.

tang'kai, the stalk or stem of flowers or fruits. Cf. batang.

tang'kai ba'jak, the handle of a plough.

tang'kal, charm, amulet. Cf. azimat.

tang'kap, m-nang'kap, to seize, catch, capture, arrest. Cf. tawan.

tang'kas, agile, nimble. Cf. pantas.

tang'ki (Eng.), a tank.

tang'kis, m-nang'kis, to parry, ward off a blow. Cf. helak.

tang'kul, m-nang'kul, a bag net; to fish with a bag net.

tang'long (Chin.), a Chinese lantern. Cf. kandil.

tan'jong, promontory, point of land, cape.

ta'nya, ber-ta'nya, to ask questions, ask for information, inquire. Cf. minta, which means to ask for, request (86).

ta'nya-kan and ber-ta'nya-kan, to ask concerning a thing, propound a question.

ta'pa (Sk.), ber-ta'pa, penance, asceticism; to do penance, be an ascetic.

per-ta'pa’an, an act of penance.

ta'pai, cooked rice or other grain caused to ferment.

ta'pak, the palm of the hand, sole of the foot; footprint = bkas kaki.

ta'pak ka'ki, the sole of the foot.
ta'pak ta'ngan, the palm of the hand.

tapi, see ttapi.

ta'pis, m-na'pis, to strain, filter.

ta'pi-san, a strainer, a filter.

tar' and mi'nyak tar' (Eng.), tar.

ta'ra, level, of equal height; equality (of height or rank).

s-ta'ra, of the same rank.

ta'rah, m-na'rah, to rough hew timber.

ta'rek, m-na'rek, to pull, draw, drag. Cf. hela and seret.

ta'rek a'pi, a lucifer match, also korek api.
ta'rek na'fas, to draw a breath.

ta'ri, m-na'ri, to dance. Cf. joget.

ta'rikh (Ar.) (166), date, era, epoch.

ta'rikh hi'jrah, the Hegira, the Mohammedan era.
ta'rikh M-si'hi, the Christian era.

ta'ring, tusk (of rodents and pigs). Cf. gading.

ta'roh, m-na'roh (86 c), to place, put, put away, keep, lay by. Cf. buboh, ltak and simpan.

ta'roh her'ga, to fix a price.
m-na'roh dn'dam, to harbour revenge, bear malice.
m-na'roh dng'ki, to bear malice.
ber-ta'roh, to bet, wager.
p-ta'roh, a trust, a thing entrusted to a person.

ta'rok, a bud, sprout, young shoot.

tar'pal (Eng.), tarpaulin.

tas'bih (Ar.), a rosary.

ta'sek, lake, inland sea. Cf. danau and kolam.

tash'did (Ar.), an orthographical sign which indicates that the letter over which it is placed is doubled.

ta'tah, to mount, set (as precious stones). Cf. permata.

ta'tal, a shaving of wood.

ta'tang, m-na'tang, to carry on the palms of the hands. Cf. tadah.

tatkala, see ttkala.

t‘a'tlim (Ar.), respect, honour, reverence.

tau'bat (Ar.), repentance, amendment of life; also tobat. Cf. ssal.

ber-tau'bat, to repent.

tau'chang (Chin.), a queue.

tau'fan (Ar.), typhoon, storm; also tofan.

tau'gek (B.) (Chin.), bean sprouts.

tau'ke (Chin.), head of a house or business, employer.

tau'lan, companion, comrade, friend. Cf. handai, kawan and sahabat.

tau'rit and tau'rat (Ar.), the law of Moses, the Old Testament, the Pentateuch.

tau'yu (B.) (Chin.), bean oil.

tawa, see tertawa.

ta'wan, m-na'wan, -i, to capture, make prisoner (in war or of robbers). Cf. tangkap.

ter-ta'wan, captured, made prisoner.
ta'wa-nan, made prisoner, a captive.

ta'war, tasteless, insipid, fresh (of water) an antidote for poisons; to bargain, offer a lower price, beat down the price.

ta'war ha'ti, discouraged.

ta'war i'poh, an antidote for the Malay dart poison.
a'yer ta'war, fresh water (as opposed to salt).
t-pong' ta'war, meal used in Malay magic.
p-na'war, an antidote, cure or specific for a disease.

t-bal', thick, as opposed to nipis, thin.

mu'ka t-bal', shameless, brazenfaced.

t-bang', m-n-bang', to cut down trees, fell. Cf. tbas.

t-bas', m-n-bas', to cut down underwood. Cf. tbang.

t'bing, a high bank of a river.

t-bok', m-n-bok', to bore a hole, perforate.

t-bu', sugar-cane.

t'bu-an, a hornet. Cf. gula.

t'bus, m-n'bus, to redeem, buy back, ransom.

p-n'bus, Redeemer (X.).
t'bu-san, ransom.

t-doh', calm, tranquil; sheltered from sun or wind; to abate (of storms).

t-dong', the generic name for cobras.

te'bar, m-ne'bar, to scatter; to throw a casting net; see jala.

teh' (Chin.), tea.

a'yer teh', tea (the beverage).
da'’un teh', tea (the prepared leaves).

te-ko' (B.) (Chin.), kettle.

te-koan' (B.) (Chin.), tea-pot.

telek, see tilek.

te'lor, lisping, inarticulate speech. Cf. pelat.

tem'bak, m-nem'bak, to shoot with firearms, fire a gun. Cf. bdil.

tem'bok, a wall. Cf. dinding.

ka'ki tem'bok, foundations. Cf. alas.

tem'pang, lame, limping. Cf. penchang and chapek.

tem'po (Port.), time, intermission, respite; in the time of, during the time that. Cf. waktu.

teng', (Chin.), a Chinese lamp.

teng'kah, see tingkah.

teng'gek, to perch (as birds), squat.

te'ngok, m-ne'nyok, to look at. Cf. lihat and pandang.

ten'targ, a native shop window, hinged at the top and bottom.

te'pok, paralysis of the legs. Cf. lmpoh.

ter'barg, to fly.

sa'’uh ter'bang, grapnel.
ter'bang-kan, to send flying (of the wind); to fly away with (as birds of prey).

ter'bit, to arise, come up, spring up. Cf. naik.

ma-ta-ha'ri ter'bit, the sun rises.

ter'j-mah' (Ar.), to translate; also ter'j-mah'kan.

ter'jun, m-ner'jun, to plunge down, leap down.

ter'jun-kan, to cast down, drop a thing down.
a'yer ter'jun, waterfall.

ter'kam, to attack violently, rush at, spring at (as wild animals). ter'kas (Pers.), quiver.

ter-ma'sa (Pers. tamasha), festivities, rejoicings; to make merry, rejoice.

ter'pa, m-ner'pa, to spring forward, spring at. Cf. terkam.

ter-ta'wa, to laugh.

ter-ta'wa-kan, to laugh at (146).

ter'tib (Ar.), rank, station, order, arrangement.

te'tek, the breast when giving milk.

te'was (Jav.), defeated. Cf. alah.

te-yen' (B.) (Chin.), to subscribe, take a subscription.

t-gah', m-n-gah', to prevent, restrain, prohibit, hinder. Cf. larang and pantang.

t-gak', upright, erect, vertical.

t-gal', because, on account of.

t-gang', stretched tight. Cf. rgang.

t-gap', strong, muscular (of the body). Cf. kuat.

t-gar', stiff, fixed, unbending.

t-gar' k-m'udi, steady! (of the helm).

t-goh', firm, steady, strong; secure, sure (as a promise). Cf. ttap.

t-goh'kan, to strengthen, confirm.

t-gur', m-n-gur', -kan, to address, speak to, admonish, chide, rebuke. Cf. tngking and hardek.

tha-la'tha (Ar.), Tuesday; usually hari slasa.

thal'ju (Ar.), snow.

tian (B.) (Chin.), a hall.

ti-a'da (63-71), is not, are not; a contraction of tidak ada (64); used as an auxiliary verb (45).

ti-a'da a'da, there is not, there does not exist.
ti-a'da bo'leh, unable, cannot.
ti-a'da da'pat, cannot, does not succeed.
ti-a'da m-nga'pa = tidak apa, it does not matter, never mind.
d'ngan ti-a'da, without.
ta’da'pat ti-a'da, it cannot but be, it must.

ti'ang, post, pillar, mast.

ti'ang a'gong, mainmast.
ti'ang ba'tu, brick pillar.
ti'ang bn-de'ra, flagstaff.
ka'pal ber-ti'ang ti'ga, a three-masted ship.

ti-ap'-ti-ap', each, every. Cf. masing-masing.

ti-a'rap, m-ni-a'rap, prone, face downwards; to lie face downwards, prostrate oneself. Cf. jrumus and sujud.

ter-ti-a'rap, prostrated, prone.
ti-a'rap-kan, to lay a person face downwards.

ti'ba, to arrive, reach a place. Cf. sampai.

ti-ba-ti'ba, suddenly. Cf. kunnyong.

ti'dak, no, not (63-73); contracted to ta’, q.v. Cf. tiada.

ti'dak a'da, not present, absent.
ti'dak a'pa, never mind, it does not matter; also tiada mngapa.
tidak-kan. to deny the existence of.

per-ti'dak-kan, to make nothing of, make light of, depreciate.

ti'dor, ber-ti'dor, sleep, slumber; to sleep.

ti'dor l-lap', deep sleep; to sleep heavily. Cf. nyadar.
ter-ti'dor, asleep.

ti'ga, three. (For derived forms see ampat).

tiharap, see tiarap.

ti'kam, m-ni'kam, to stab, pierce, prick. Cf. chuchok.

ti'kar, mat.

ti'kar ban'tal, bedding (of a native).

ti'kus, rat, mouse.

ti'lam, a mattress.

ti'lek, m-ni'lek, to look carefully, observe; to practise divination, prognosticate; also telek. Cf. tnong.

tim (B.) (Chin.), to cook in a double boiler.

ti'mah, tin and other similar metals. Cf. tin.

ti'mah hi'tam, lead.
ti'mah pu'teh, tin.
ti'mah sa'ri, zinc.
bi'jeh ti'mah, alluvial tin ore.

ti'mang, m-ni'mang, to brandish in the air, toss up in the air (as weapons or children).

ti-ma'ngan, a pet name, nickname; a pet, a plaything.

tim'ba, m-nim'ba, a bucket, baler to draw water with a bucket, bale out a boat.

tim'ba a'yer, to draw water.
tim'ba ru'ang, to bale out bilge water.

tim'bal, to balance.

ber-tim'ba-lan, balancing.

tim'bang, m-nim'bang, to weigh, ponder, contemplate, think, meditate. Cf. fikir.

tim-ba'ngan, scales. Cf. nracha.
bu'ah tim-ba'ngan, weights.

tim'bol, m-nim'bol, to float, come up to the surface of the water, rise (as the sun), spring up (as plants). Cf. terbit.

tim'bon, m-nim'bon, to heap up, pile up.

tim'bo-nan, a heap.

tim'bus, m-nim'bus, to fill in, fill up (a hole or well). Cf. sbu.

ti'mon, cucumber; also hntimon.

ti'mor, the East; east.

timor la'’ut, north-east.
bin'tang ti'mor, Venus as a morning star.

tim'pa, m-nim'pa, to fall on, strike by falling.

tim'pas, dead low water.

tin (Eng.), tin plate. Cf. timah.

tin'das, m-nin'das, to crush an insect.

tin'deh, m-nin'deh, to lay a weight on, press by laving something on. Cf. apit, impet and tkan.

tin'dek, m-nin'dek, to pierce the ears (for earrings).

ting'gal, to remain, stay; dwell, live. Cf. diam.

s-la'mat ting'gal, good-bye (159).
m-ning'gal, to die.
ting'gal-kan, to leave, abandon, omit, neglect.
p-ninggal and s-p-ning'gal, departure, on or after the departure.

ting'gi, high, tall; height.

ting'gi-kan, to raise up, exalt, elevate.

ting'kah, behaviour, conduct; also tingkah laku. Cf. pkerti and laku.

ting'kap, window (of native houses). Cf. jndela.

ting'kat, a stage; numeral coefficient of the stories of a house or decks of a ship. Cf. loteng.

tin'ju, ber-tin'ju, to strike with the fist; boxing. Cf. tumbok and gochoh.

tin'ta (Port.), ink. Cf. dawat.

ti-op', ber-ti-op', to blow (of the wind or mouth). Cf. hmbus and puput.

ti-op'kan, to blow a thing (with the mouth).

ti'pis, thin (as opposed to tbal, thick). Cf. halus and nipis.

ti'pu, m-ni'pu, deceit, fraud; to deceive, cheat.

ti'pu da'ya, deception, trickery, swindling.
p-nipu, an impostor, cheat, swindler.

tir', the castle in the game of chess; see chator.

ti'rai (Tam.), a curtain. Cf. tabir.

ti'rai k-lam'bu, a mosquito net; usually klambu.

ti'ram, an oyster.

ti'ri, in the phrases:

an'ak ti'ri, stepchild.
ba'pa ti'ri, stepfather.
mak' ti'ri, stepmother.

ti'ru, m-ni'ru, to imitate, copy. Cf. salin.

ti'tah, m-ni'tah, -kan, order, command, word (of a king); to say, order, command (of a king). Cf. sabda.

jun'jong ti'tah, to obey a king's command.

ti'tek, m-ni'tek, a drop, a spot, a dot; to fall in drops.

ti'tek-kan, to pour out liquid by drops.

ti'ti, m-ni'ti, to walk along a narrow path or the trunk or bough of a tree.

ti'ti-an, a foot bridge formed of the trunk of a tree.

tiwas, see tewas.

t'ka-t-ki', riddle, enigma.

t-kak', the gullet.

a'nak t-kak', the uvula.

t-kan', m-n-kan', -kan, to press, press down (as with the hand). Cf. impet, apit and tindeh.

t-k-bur (Ar.), pride.

t-kek', the large house lizard, the gecko. Cf. chichak.

t-ku'kur, wild pigeon. Cf. punai and merpati.

t-kun', perseverance, persistence. Cf. usaha and rajin.

t-la'dan, example, model; also tuladan.

t-la'ga (Sk.), a small lake, pond, well. Cf. kolam.

t'lah, an auxiliary verb indicating the past tense, but only used in writings = sudah.

s-t'lah, when, after that—.

tla'hir (Ar.), visible, manifest, outward, exoteric; as opposed to batin, inward, q.v.

tla'lim (Ar.), tyrannical; tyranny. t-lan', m-n-lan', to swallow.

t-lan'jang, naked, nude; also ber-t-lan'jang.

t-lan'ju (B.), while.

t-lan'jur, in the phrase:

ka'ta su'dah t-lan'jur, “the murder is out.” Cf. anjur.

t-li'nga, the ear; the handle of a cup. Cf. kuping.

da'’un t-li'nga, the external ear.
lo'bang t-li'nga, the orifice of the ear.
pa'sang t-li'nga, to listen.

t'l-kan, ber-t'l-kan, to lean on (a stick or other support).

t'lok, bay, gulf.

t'lok ran'tau, the sea-board, the coast of a country.

t-lor', egg.

t-lor' a'yam, a fowl's egg.
t-lor' a'sin, preserved eggs.
t-lor' i'kan, spawn, fish-roe.
ku'lit t-lor', eggshell.
me'rah t-lor', the yoke of an egg.
pu'teh t-lor', the white of an egg.
ber-t-lor', to lay an egg.

t-lun'jok and ja'ri t-lun'jok, the forefinger. Cf. tunjok.

t-lut', ber-t-lut', to kneel, kneel down. Cf. lutut.

t-m‘a' (Ar.), covetousness, avarice; to covet. Cf. loba.

t'man, companion, comrade. Cf. taulan and kawan.

t'man-kan, to accompany.

tm-ba'ga (Sk.), brass, copper.

tm-ba'ga ku'ning, brass.
tm-ba'ga me'rah, copper.
tm-ba'ga su-a'sa, an alloy of copper and gold.

tm-ba'kau (Port.), tobacco.

tm-be'kar, potsherds, broken crockery.

tm-be'rang, the shrouds.

tm'b-lang, addled (of eggs).

tm-bo'lok, the crop of a bird.

tm'bus, perforated, pierced. Cf. psok.

tm-bu'su, a timber tree.

t-mng'gong, a high office in a Malay State.

tm'pa, m-nm'pa, to forge.

tm'pat (135), place, locality; space, room.

tm'pat da'wat, inkstand.
tm'pat du'dok, seat, chair.
tm'pat k-di-a'man, place of abode.
tm'pat man'di, bathroom.
tm'pat si'reh, betel-nut tray.
tm'pat ti'dor, bed.
b-ri tm'pat, to make room.

tm-pa'yan, a large earthenware jar, larger than a buyong.

tm'pek, a loud cry.

tm'pek so'rak, loud cries, usually of soldiers fighting.

tm-pe'leng, a box on the ear.

tm-pi'as, driven rain, spray.

tm-pi'nis, a timber tree.

tm'p-lak, m-nm'p-lak, to convince of a fault, reproach. Cf. tgur.

tm'poh, m-nm'poh, to strike against, dash against, assault, storm (as waves striking anything, or an army attacking).

tm-pu'a, the weaver bird.

tm-pu'rong, a piece of coco-nut shell; hence, the skull. t-mu', ber-t-mu', to meet, come together. Cf. jumpa.

per-t-mu'kan, to join together, unite.

t-nang', smooth, calm (of the surface of water).

tn'dang, m-nn'dang, to kick backwards (as a horse), kick with the sole of the foot. Cf. sepak and trajang.

t-nga'dah, m-n-nga'dah, to look up to the sky.

t'ngah (35), the middle; half; whilst, during. Cf. sparoh.

t'ngah du'a, one and a half.
t'ngah ha'ri, mid-day.
t'ngah ja'lan, in the middle of the road; during a journey.
t'ngah ma'kan, in the middle of a meal.
t'ngah malam, midnight.
t'ngah na'ik, when the sun is half way up, 9 a.m.
t'ngah ti'ga, two and a half.
t'ngah tu-run', when the sun is half way down, 3 p.m.
o'rang t'ngah, middle man, mediator.
s-t'ngah, half, one half.
sa'ma t'ngah, exactly in the middle.
per-t'nga-han, middle; medium.

trg-ga'la (Sk.), a plough. Cf. bajak.

trg-ga'ra, North-east.

tng-gi'ri, an edible fish.

tng'g-lam', to sink.

tng'g-lam'kan, to submerge.

tng'kar, ber-tng'kar, to dispute, wrangle, quarrel. Cf. bantah.

tng'king, m-nng'king, to rebuke, reprove, scold. Cf. tgur and hardek.

tng'kok, the back of the neck. Cf. lehir.

bu'lu tng'kok, mane.

tng-ko'rak, the skull, cranium.

tng'ku, a title of princes; also tungku.

tng-si' (B.) (Chin.), a large spoon.

t-nong', ber-t-nong', to practise divination. Cf. tilek.

tn'tang, opposite to, facing; concerning, in regard to.

tn'tang ma'ta, right in one's eyes.
m-nn'tang, to face, look directly at.
ber-tn-ta'ngan d'ngan, opposite to.

tn't-ra (Sk. tantra), army; also bala tntra.

tn'tu (138), certain, sure. Cf. nschaya and psti.

ter-tn'tu, settled, decided.
tn'tu-kan, to decide, determine, settle.
k-tn'tu-an, certainty.

t-nun', ber-t-nun', to weave.

to'a-ha (B.) (Chin.), mourning apparel.

toak' (B.) (Chin.), a drawer = lachi.

tobat, see taubat.

to'dak, sword-fish.

tofan, see taufan.

toh (B.) (Chin.), table.

to'hor, shallow. Cf. chetek.

ka'pur to'hor, slaked lime.

tokek = tkek, q.v.

to'ko (B.) (Chin.), a shop.

to'kok, m-no'kok, to add, increase by addition. to'kong, a small island, a rock in the sea.

to'lak, m-no'lak, to push away, push back, repulse, reject. Cf. sorong.

to'lak b-ha'ra, ballast.

to'leh, m-no'leh, to look at one side, look back.

to'long, m-no'long, to help, assist. Cf. bantu.

p-no'long, assistant, helper.
p-no'long bi-cha'ra, advocate.
to'lo-ngan and per-to'lo-ngan, assistance.

tom'bak, a spear. Cf. lmbing.

tom'pok, a heap, a group (of persons), clump (of trees).

ton'da, m-non'da, to tow (a ship or boat).

tong', cask, barrel, tub, pail.

tong'kang, a barge, lighter.

tong'kat, a staff, stick, walking stick, prop.

tong'kat k-ti'ak, crutches.

to-pe'kong (B.) (Chin.), an idol.

to'pi (Hind.), a hat, especially sun hats. Cf. chpiau.

bu'ka to'pi, to take off one's hat.

t-pat', exactly.

ba'rat t-pat', due west.

t'pi, edge, border, rim. Cf. pinggir.

t'pok, m-n'pok, to pat, strike with the palm of the hand. Cf. tampar and ktok.

t'pok da'da, to beat the breast.
t'pok ta'ri, to dance and clap the hands.

t-pong', flour.

t-ra'jang, to kick downwards with the sole of the foot. Cf. sepak and tndang.

t-rang', clear, plain, bright (of light). Cf. nyata.

t-rang' ta'nah, dawn.
bu'lan t-rang', moonlight.
t-rang'kan, to make clear, explain, prove, illuminate.

t-ras', the heart of timber, the hard wood at the centre oi a tree.

t-ra'tai, the lotus.

t-ra'tak, shed. Cf. pondok.

t-rek', strong, excessive, as:

i'kat t-rek', to tie tightly.
pa'nas t-rek', excessive heat.
t-ren'dak, a conical sun hat.
t-ren'dak lam'pu, a lamp shade.

t-ri'ak, ber-t-ri'ak, to shout, cry out, scream. Cf. sru.

tri'gu (Port.), wheat. Cf. gandom.

t-ri'ma, m-n-ri'ma, to receive, accept, take. Cf. sambot.

t-rima ka'seh, thank you (160).

t-ri'pang, bèche de mer, edible sea slug.

t-rok', severe (of illness or hard work).

t-rom'pah, wooden sandals, clogs. Cf. cherpu.

t-rom'pet (Eng.), bugle, cornet.

t-rong', the egg-plant, brinjal.

t-ro'pong, telescope, field glasses.

t-ru'na (Sk.), young man, youth.

t-rus', through, straight through, straight, in a direct line.

t-rus' t-rang', frankly, openly.
ja'lan t-rus', to go in a direct line.
t-ru'si, to traverse, pass through.
t-ru'san, a canal as a short cut between two rivers or two

reaches of the same river.

t-ru'si, sulphuric acid, sulphate of copper.

t-tak', m-n-tah', -kan, to chop, hack, give a cutting blow with a knife or sword. Cf. parang.

t-tam'pan, a cloth or kerchief worn on the left shoulder at ceremonies.

t-tap', firm, steady, fixed, settled (in mind or in a place), permanent. Cf. tgoh.

t-tap'kan, to strengthen, confirm, settle.

t-ta'pi, but, nevertheless; also tapi.

t-tas', to break open from within (as an egg when the chicken is hatched).

tt-ka'la (Sk.), when, at the time when.

tu'a, old (of age or of manufactured articles); deep (of colours).

tu'a mu'da, old and young.
me'rah tu'a, deep red.
o'rang tu'a, old people; parents.

tu'ah, good fortune, prosperity. Cf. untong.

ber-tu'ah, fortunate, lucky.

tu'ai, m-nu'ai, to reap, cut padi with a small knife called pnuai. Cf. ktam.

tu'ak, the fermented juice of the coconut palm.

tu-a'la (Port.), towel.

tu-a'lang, a swarm of bees.

tu'am, hot fomentation.

tu'an, master. owner; Mr., sir; you (6).

tu'an b-sar', the head of a firm, senior in office.
tu'an-ham'ba, sir (in writings).
tu'an k-chil', junior in office.
tu'an ru'mah, landlord of a house.
tu'an ta'nah, landlord.
tu'an-ku, my lord (used in addressing princes).
yang di-per-tu'an, his majesty.
ber-tu'an-kan, to serve a person, take a person as one's master.

tu-ang', m-nu-ang', to pour, pour out. Cf. churah.

tu'ba, a plant the root of which is used to stupify fish in a river in order to catch them.

tu'bir, a pit, hollow, deep place in the sea.

tu'boh, the body. Cf. badan.

b-kas' tu'boh, that, which has touched the body, clothes presented as a token of affection.
ber-p-lok' tu'boh, to fold the arms.

tu'doh, m-nu'doh, to accuse, bring a charge against. Cf. d‘awa.

tu'do-han, accusation.

tu'dong, m-nu'dong, to cover with a cloth, veil or other object. Cf. tutop and slimut.

tu'dong k-pa'la, head-covering.
tu'dong mu'ka, veil.
tu'dong sa'ji, dish cover.
tu'do-ngan, a lid or cover.

tu'gal, a dibble.

Tu'han, God, the Lord. Cf. Allah.

k-tu'ha-nan, divinity.

tu'joh, seven. (For derived forms see ampat).

tu'ju, m-nu'ju (149), to aim, aim at, go in the direction of.

s-tu'ju, with the same aim or purpose, in accord with, in keeping with.

tu'kang, workman, artisan. Cf. juru.

tu'kang a'yer, water carrier.
tu'kang ba'tu, mason, bricklaver.
tu'kang b-si', blacksmith.
tu'kang chap', printer.
tu'kang chat', painter.
tu'kang chu'kor, barber.
tu'kang ja'hit, tailor.
tu'kang ka'sut, shoemaker.
tu'kang ka'yu, carpenter.
tu'kang k-bun', gardener.
tu'kang ’mas', goldsmith.
tu'kang o'bat, apothecary, druggist.
tu'kang p-ri'ok b-la'nga, potter.
tu'kang ro'ti, baker.
tu'kang s-pa'tu, shoemaker.
tu'kang wang', cashier.
bu'rong tu'kang, nightjar.

tu'kar, m-nu'kar, to change one thing for another, exchange, barter. Cf. ganti and obah.

tu'kar wang', to change money.

tu'kol, a hammer; also tukol bsi. Cf. pukol.

tu-la'dan, model, example. Cf. chontoh.

tu'lah (Ar.), misfortune as the result of a curse, calamity.

tu'lang, bone.

tu'lang b-la'kang, backbone.
tu'lang k-ring', shin bone.
tu'lang mu'da, cartilage.
tu'lang p-ra'hu, ribs of a boat.
tu'lang ru'sok, ribs.
ban'ting tu'lang, to exert oneself.
o'tak tu'lang, marrow.

tu'lat, three days hence. Cf. lusa.

tu'len (Jav.), real, genuine = Malay sunggoh and btul.

tu'li, deaf. Cf. pkak and buta.

tu'lis, m-nulis, to write, draw, delineate. Cf. surat and karang.

tu'lis gam'bar, to draw a picture.
tu'lis m-nu'lis, writing, clerical work.
ju'ru tu'lis, secretary, clerk.
tu'li-san, writing, handwriting.

tu'lus, sincere, honest, straightforward; also tulus ekhlas.

tu'lus ha'ti, sincere.

tu'ma, a louse.

tum'bang, to fall (of trees). Cf. rbah and roboh.

tum'boh, ber-tum'boh, to grow, spring up, sprout. Cf. tunas.

tum'boh-tum'bo-han, plants in general.
k-tum'bo-han, small-pox. Cf. chachar.

tum'bok, m-num'bok, to strike with the end of a pole or with the fist; to pound in a mortar. Cf. tinju and gochoh.

tum'bok la'da, the smallest kind of Malay dagger.
tum'bok pa'di, to husk rice by pounding in a mortar.

tu'mit, the heel.

tum'pah, m-num'pah, -kan, to spill, pour out. Cf. churah.

tum'pang, m-num'pang, to lodge, sojourn, live temporarily as in an inn or on board ship.

tum'pang-kan, to board a person in a house or on a vessel.
ru'mah tum-pa'ngan, an inn.

tum'pas, m-num'pas, to exterminate.

tum'pat, to stop up, plug. Cf. sumbat.

tum'pol, blunt. Cf. tajam.

tum'pu, m-num'pu, to press, push (as with the feet).

tu'nai, and wang' tu'nai, cash, ready money.

tu'nang, ber-tu'nang, to betroth.

tu-na'ngan, betrothed, fiancé.

tu'nas, ber-tu'nas, a sprout; to sprout.

tun'da, to tow; see tonda.

tun'dok, m-nun'dok, to bow the head or body, make a bow, bend down. Cf. sungkor.

tung'gal, solitary, sole, only, unique.

a'nak tung'gal, only child.

tung'gang, m-nung'gang, to ride (on horseback). Cf. kndara.

tung'gang lang'gang, head over heels, headlong.

tung'gu, m-nung'gu, -i, to watch, guard, wait. Cf. jaga and nanti.

p-nung'gu, a watchman.
p-nung'gu pin'tu, a porter, gatekeeper.
p-nung'gu pn-ja'ra, prison warder.

tung'gul, a banner, flag. Cf. panji and bndera.

tung'gul, the stump of a tree.

tung'ku = tuan-ku, a title of princes.

tun'jang, roots such as those of the mangrove, which shoot out from the stem. Cf. akar, banir and jangkar.

tun'jok, m-nun'jok, -kan, to point, point out, indicate, show. Cf. unjok.

t-lun'jok, the forefinger.

tun'jong, water-lily.

tun'tut, m-nun'tut, to seek for, pursue, search after (especially knowledge, vengeance, etc.). Cf. chari.

tun'tut be'la, to seek vengeance.
tun'tut ‘il'mu, to search for knowledge.

tu'nu, to burn.

tu'pai, squirrel.

tu'run, m-nu'run, to descend (46 b), go down; to be descended from; to come up (of a storm of wind or rain).

tu'run ka'pal, to go on board a ship from a pier or wharf. Cf. naik.
tu'run k-da'rat or tu'run da'rat, to land, disembark.
tu'run t-mu'run, in successive generations.
hu'jan mau tu-run', rain is coming.
na'ik tu-run', to go up and down (as a road in hilly country).
tu'run-kan, to let down, lower.
k-tu'ru-nan, generation, genealogy, descendants.

tu'rus, post, pillar.

tu'rut, m-nu'rut, to follow, succeed, imitate, obey, conform to. Cf. ikut.

tu'rut p-ren'tah, to obey.
m-nu'rut, according to, as, like.
ber-tu-rut-tu'rut, one after another, successively.

tut', to propagate by binding earth round a branch and thus causing it to root.

tu'toh, m-nu'toh, to lop, cut off branches of a tree. tu'top, m-nu'top, -kan, to cover, close up, shut up. Cf. katop and tudong.

tu'top j-nang', the upper post of a screen or partition.
tu'top ti-ang', wall-plate.
tu'to-pan, a cover.

tu'tor, ber-tu'tor, to speak, talk. Cf. kata and chakap.