2436Malay-English Vocabulary — GW. G. Shellabear


ga'dai, pawn, mortgage.

pa'jak ga'dai, pawnbroker's farm or monopoly.
t'bus ga'dai, to redeem pledge, take out of pawn.
ga'dai-kan, to mortgage, pawn.

ga'ding, elephant's tusk; ivory; also the ribs of a boat.

ga'doh, disturbance, uproar, noise; also per-ga'do-han.

ga'gah, strong, powerful; force, strength. Cf. kuat.

ga'ga-hi, to compel, force. Cf. paksa.

ga'gak, a crow, raven.

ga'gap, to stammer, stutter.

gah', fame, renown, glory; also mgah, q.v.

ga-ha'ru or g-ha'ru, aloeswood. Cf. alwat.

ga'jah (Sk.), an elephant.

ber-ma'in ga'jah = ber-ma'in cha'tur, to play chess; see chatur.

ga'ji (Eur.), wages, salary. Cf. upah.

o'rang ga'ji, a hired man, servant.
ma'kan ga'ji, to receive wages or a salary.

ga-la-ga'la, pitch used for caulkading boats.

ga'lah, a long thin pole such as is used on native boats for poling or mooring them.

ga'lak, fierce, savage.

ga'lak-kan, to stir up (as flame or passion), excite.

ga'lang, mng-ga'lang, to prop up, shore up; also kalang.

ga'li, mng-ga'li, to dig.

png-ga'li, spade; pick-axe.
ga'li-an, a mine, also k-li'an.

ga'mak, mng-ga'mak, to draw a dagger or sword partly out of the sheath, so as to threaten an adversary.

ga'mak, ga-mak-ga'mak, at a guess, approximately.

gam'bang, a musical instrument.

gam'bar, a picture, portrait, pictoral representation.

tu'lis gam'bar, to draw a picture.

gam'bir, the name of a plant, gambier.

ga'mis (Ar. qamis), shirt, vest.

ga'm-lan (Jav.), a Javanese band.

gam'pang (Jav.), easy; usually snang or mudah.

a'nak gam'pang, illegitimate child.

ga'nas, fierce, ferocious, violent.

gan'chu, a hook.

gan'da, fold, in the expressions =

s-pu'loh gan'da, ten-fold.
s-ra-tus gan'da, a hundred-fold.
s-kali gan'da, or gan'da, two-fold.
du'a ka'li gan'da, twice as much again.
ber-gan'da-gan'da, manifold.

gan'dom (Pers.), wheat; also trigu.

gang'gang, ber-gang'gang, to warm oneself at a fire. Cf. diang.

mng-gang'gang, to warm or dry over a fire.

gang'gu, impatient, importunate, interfering, meddlesome; to be in a hurry.

gan'ja, the Indian hemp, from which an intoxicating drug is made.

gan'jal, a wedge or “liner” inserted in frames or bearings to tighten them up; the spaces used with type to separate the words.

gan'jil, odd, uneven (of numbers). Cf. gnap, even.

gan'tang, a measure of capacity (see end of Grammar).

gan'ti, substitute, successor; in place of, instead of.

ber-gan-ti-gan'ti, in turn, successively. Cf. gilir.

gan'ti-kan, to succeed, take the run over by the wheels of a place of a person.

gan'tong, ber-gan'tong, to hang, suspend; to rely upon.

gan'tong-kan, to hang up.

ga'nyut, hard, not mealy after cooking (of bad potatoes).

ga'ram, salt.

tm'pat ga'ram, salt cellar.
ga'ra-mi, to salt, cure.

ga'rang, fierce, savage, furious. Cf. ganas.

ga'rau, loud, deep, hoarse (of sounds).

gar'fu (Port.), a fork.

gar'ham, see gerham.

ga'ring, a basket slung on the back.

ga'ris, a scratch, score, groove, incised mark = goris.

mng-ga'ris, to score, make a scratch.

ga'rok, mng-ga'rok, to scratch, scrape.

png-ga'rok, scraper, rake, currycomb.

ga'rut, a scratch. Cf. garis.

ga'sak, mng-ga'sak, to beat, strike with a stick. Cf. bdal.

ga'sing, a child's top.

ma'in ga'sing, to play tops.

ga'tal, itchy, itching; the itch; also lascivious.

ga'yong, a ladle made out of a coco-nut shell. Cf. chebok, which has no handle.

g-dong', storehouse, barn. Cf. gudang.

ge'lek, mng-ge'lek, to roll with a roller or rolling pin; to be run over by the wheels of a carriage. Cf. giling.

ge'leng, mng-ge'leng, to shake the head.

ger'bang, the gate of a fortress, town or castle; also pin'tu ger'bang.

ger'bang, mng-ger'bang, to let down the hair in disorder.

ge'rek, mng-ge'rek, to bore, drill.

png-ge'rek, a drill.

ger-ga'ji (Sk.), saw.

ger-ga'si, a fabulous race of giants.

ger'ham, a double tooth, molar; cf. gigi.

tu'lang ger'ham, jaw bone.

gerhana, see grahana.

ger'sek, coarse sand, gravel. Also kersek.

ger'tak, mng-ger'tak, to stamp, strike with the feet (as a person urging on a horse), strike weapons together in (order to intimidate; hence to threaten.

ger'tak gigi, to grind the teeth. Also kertak gigi.

ge'sek, mng-ge'sek, to rub, cause friction (usually of rough things). Cf. gesel, gesir and gosok.

ge'sek bi-o'la, to play the fiddle.
png-ge'sek, the fiddle bow.

ge'sel, mng-ge'sel, to rub together.

ge'sir, mng-ge'sir, to rub between the palms of the hands.

g-gak', in the phrase:

g-gak gm-pi'ta, a loud confused noise.

g-gap' = ggak, q.v. g-gat', a bookworm; the larva of the moth which destroys clothing.

gha'’ib (Ar.), to disappear, vanish.

g-ha'ra, a'nak g-ha'ra, legitimate children.

gha'rib (Ar.), foreign, strange.

g-ha'ru, aloes-wood.

gi', ghee, clarified beef fat, used by natives of India; also minyak sapi.

gi'gi, a tooth. Cf. gerham.

gi'gi a'su, canine teeth.
gigi s-ri', the front teeth.
cha'bot gi'gi, to draw a tooth.
chung'kil gi'gi, tooth-pick.

gi'git, mng-gi'git, to bite.

gi'la, mad, insane, idiotic.

gi'la ba'bi, epilepsy.

gi'lang, gi'lang-g-mi'lang, shining, glittering. Cf. kilat.

gi'ling, mng-gi'ling, to roll (between rollers as in a roller mill), roll up (as sails), grind (as with curry stone and roller). Cf. gelek and guling.

ba'tu gi'ling, stone for grinding curry stuff.

gi'lir (115), alternation, change, turn, relieving guard.

ber-gilir, alternately, in succession, in turn. Cf. ganti.
gili-ran, turn, change of guard.

gin'ting, a roofing tile = gnting.

g-lak', in the phrase:

ter-ta'wa g-lak' g-lak', to laugh uproariously.

g-lam', the name of a tree, the bark of which is used for caulking boats.

g-lang', bracelet, anklet.

g-lang' ka'ki, anklets.
g-lang' ta'ngan, bracelets.

g-lap', dark, obscure. Cf. klam.

g-lap' gu-li'ta, pitch dark.
bu'lan g-lap', the time when the moon is invisible.
ma-ta-ma'ta g-lap', detective.

g-lar', mng-g-lar', to confer title or surname.

ber-g-lar', having a title or surname.
g-la'ran, surname, title.

g-las' (Eur.), drinking glass.

g-l-gar', floor joists.

g-li', ticklish, excitable, unable to control oneself.

g-lin'chir, mng-g-lin'chir, to slip, slide.

glitar, see gltar.

g-lo'joh, greedy, gluttonous.

g-lok', a vessel for water with a narrow neck.

g-lo'rah (Ar.), stormy, troubled.

g-lom'bang, large waves, breakers. Cf. ombak and alun.

g-l'tar, mng-g-l'tar, to tremble. Cf. gmntar.

g-lu'mang, mng-g-lu'mang, to wallow in mud; smeared with mud. Cf. lumor and kubang.

g-mal', a bundle of sticks, sheaf of grain.

g-ma'la, mythical jewels supposed to have magic properties. Also kmala.

g-mar', pleased, glad, joyful; joy.

ber-g-mar', to rejoice.
k-g-ma'ran, that which gives pleasure; enjoyment, rejoicing.

gm-ba'la, shepherd; see gombala.

gm-be'ra, excited, excitement.

gmilang, see gilang.

gmntar, see gntar.

gm'pa, shaking, quaking, especially of earthquakes.

gm'pa bu'mi, earthquake.

gm'par, tumult, uproar, riot.

gm-pi'ta (Sk.), loud, roaring (of noises) usually in the phrase:

g-gap gm-pi'ta or g-gak gm-pi'ta, a loud confused noise.

g-mok', fat, corpulent, stout; fertile (of soil). Cf. tambon.

g-m-rn'cheng, clattering, clanking.

gmtar, see gtar.

gmuroh, see guroh.

g-nap', complete, entire, consummated, even (of numbers). Cf. ganjil, odd.

s-g-nap', the whole, all.
s-g-nap dun'ia, the whole world.
s-g-nap' ha'ri, the whole day.
s-ri'bu g-nap', exactly a thousand.
g-na'pi, to complete, accomplish, consummate.

gn'dang, a long cylindrical shaped drum; also gndrang.

gn'd-rang, a large drum; see gndang.

gng'gam, the closed hand, fist.

s-gng'gam, a handful.
gng'ga-man, the grasp.

gn'ta (Sk.), a bell; usually locheng.

gn'tar and g-mn'tar, to tremble, especially with fear; also g'tar and g-m'tar.

gn'ting, a roofing tile.

a'tap gn'ting, a tile roof.

goa' (B.) (Chin.) (10), I, me.

go'a and go'ha, a cave.

go'choh, mng-go'choh, to strike with the fist. Cf. tumbok.

ber-go'choh, fighting with the fists, boxing.

go'lek, ber-go'lek, to turn or roll backwards and forwards (as a fowl on a spit, or a boat rolling). Cf. guling, giling and gelek.

go'lek-kan, to roll or turn anything backwards and forwards.

go'lok (Penang), a chopping knife = parang.

gom-ba'la (Sk.), a shepherd, herdsman; a pastor (X.).

gom-ba'la a'yam, one who tends poultry.
gom-ba'la-kan, to herd, tend animals.

gon'chang, mng-gon'chang, -kan, to shake with more or less rapidity or violence. Cf. goyang.

ber-gon'chang, trembling, shaking (intrans.).

gon'dah, uneasy, anxious.

pa'sang gon'dah, neap tide.

gon'dok, goitre.

gondol, bald, bare-headed, bare of leaves (of trees), bare of vegetation (as hills). Cf. botak.

gong', a gong.

gong'gong, mng-gong'gong, carry in the mouth (as a dog).

goni, see guni. go'poh, haste, hurry; hasty. Cf. bangat.

go-poh-go'poh, hastily.

go'ring, to fry in fat, broil, grill. Cf. rndang.

go'ris, a scratch, score, groove; incised mark = garis.

go'sok, mng-go'sok (86), to rub with the idea of cleaning or polishing. Cf. gesek.

go'yang, ber-go'yang, to shake, swing to and fro as the branches of a tree, oscillate. Cf. gonchang.

go'yang-kan and mng-go'yang, to shake (trans.), agitate.

g-ra-ha'na (Sk.), eclipse; also gerhana.

g-rak', ber-g-rak', to move, stir (intrans.).

ter-g-rak', moved.
ter-g-rak ha'ti-nya, his heart bars was moved.
g-rak'kan, to move, put in motion.
g-rak'kan k-pa'la, to nod the head. Cf. geleng.

g-ram', anger; angry. Cf. marah and gusar.

g-ra'ngan, pray, prithee (in questions). Cf. kira-nya.

g-re'ba (Ar. qirbat), water-skin.

g-re'ja (Port.), a church building.

g-ring', ill, sick (court language). Cf. sakit.

g-ri'sek, mng-g-ri'sek, to make a rustling or crackling noise (as silk or tinsel).

g-ru'da (Sk.), a fabulous bird; also gurda.

g'ta (Sk.), couch, sofa, bed.

g'tah, the gum which exudes from trees, birdlime, rubber.

g'tah per'cha, gutta percha.
g'tah kam-bo'ja, gamboge.

g'tar, to tremble; usually gn'tar or g-mn'tar, sometimes g-m'tar.

gu'ber-nur (Eur.), governor; also pmrentah.

gu'dang, a warehouse, store, shop. Cf. gdong.

gu'gur, to fall (of small light things); also sometimes with the idea of a premature or unnatural fall, as of falling stars, fruit falling from a tree, hair from the head, a premature birth, etc. Cf. luroh.

gugur a'nak-nya, to miscarry.
gu'gur-kan, to cause to fall in the manner described above.

gu'la (Sk.), sugar. Cf. tbu.

gu'la ba'tu, sugar candy.
gu'la hitam, brown sugar.
gu'la M-la'ka, sugar made from the coco-nut tree; sometimes gu'la hitam.
gu'la pa'sir, granulated or moist sugar.

gu'lai, curry. Cf. lauk.

gu-li'ga (Sk.), the bezoar stone.

gu'ling, ber-gu'ling, to roll; usually to roll along as a wheel; to roll oneself on the ground. Cf. golek, giling and gelek.

mng-guling and gu'ling-kan, to roll anything along.

gu-li'ta, dark; usually g-lap' guli'ta, pitch dark.

gu'long, mng-gu'long, to roll up (as a mat, sail, sheets of paper, etc.); a roll made in this way. Cf. giling. gu'mol, ber-gu'mol, to wrestle. Cf. gusti.

gum'pal, a clod, lump (as in dough), clot of blood. Cf. buku.

ber-gum'pal, clotted, lumpy; (B.) to wrestle (cor. of gumol).

gu'na (Sk.), use, utility; magic.

a'pa gu'na? what is the use?
o'bat gu'na, a charm.
ber-gu'na, useful.
gu'na-kan, to use, make use of.

gun'dek, concubine.

gundol, see gondol.

gu'ni (Hind.), a sack made of jute. Cf. karong.

ka'in gu'ni, sack cloth. Cf. kadut.

gu'nong, a mountain.

gu'nong ber-a'pi, a volcano.
kaki gu'nong, the foot of a mountain.
k-mun'chak gu'nong, the top of a mountain.

gun'ting, scissors, shears.

mng-gun'ting and gun'ting-kan, to cut with scissors, shear.

gun'tor, thunder; usually guroh.

gu'rau, ber-gu'rau, to jest. Cf. sindir and jnaka.

gurda, see gruda.

gu-rin'dam (Tam.), rhyming proverbs.

gu'roh, thunder, also similar loud noises. Cf. guntor.

g-mu'roh, thundering, like thunder.

gu'ru (Sk.), a teacher, schoolmaster, clergyman (X.). Cf. pngajar, pndita and padri.

ber-gu'ru k-pa'da, to have as one's teacher, learn from.

gus', in the phrase:

s-kali gus', all at once; all at the same time.

gu'sar, angry; to be angry. Cf. marah and gram.

gu'sa-ri, to be angry at or with.

gu'si, the gums.

gus'ti (Pers.), ber-gus'ti, to wrestle. Cf. gumol.

gus'ti (Jav.), lord.