[ 55 ]


ha'bis (75, 76), finished, completed, exhausted, extinct; utterly, entirely, completely; also in this sense s-habis-habis. Cf. sudah and jlas.

ha'bis bi-na'sa, entirely destroyed.
b-lum' ha'bis, not yet finished.
su'dah ha'bis, finished.
ha'bis-kan, to finish, complete, terminate.
png-ha'bi-san, the end, termination.

hab'lur (Pers.), crystal.

ha'bok, dust. Cf. lbu and dbu.

Hab'shi (Ar.), Abyssinian, Ethiopian.

ha'bu, ashes; see abu.

had' (Ar.), limit, boundary; until. Cf. smpadan and prenggan.

ha'dap, mng-ha'dap, -i, to face, stand before or in the presence of, interview a person.

ha'dap-kan, to bring or place before a person, introduce.
ha'da-pan and di ha'da-pan, before, in front of, in presence of; contracted to d-pan' (B.).

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ba'ris di ha'da-pan or ba'ris d-pan', the vowel sign corresponding to o and u; see baris.

ha'di-ah (Ar.), presented, offered; a gift, present. Cf. pmbrian and anugrah.

ha'dith or ha'dis (Ar.), the Mohammedan traditions.

ha'dlir or ha'lir (Ar.), present, arrived; prepared, ready.

ha'dlir-kan, to bring or place before a person, introduce = hadapkan.

ha'di-rat (Ar.), presence; lordship, majesty.

hafatl (Ar.), to learn by heart. Also hapal.

hai' (132), an interjection; oh!

hai'bat or he'bat (Ar.), dread, awe; terrible, awe-inspiring. Cf. dahshat.

hai'ran or he'ran (Ar.) (148), astonished; to wonder; wonderful. Cf. aja'ib.

ha'jat (Ar.), need, necessity; the wants of nature.

ber-ha'jat, needing, requiring; to require.

ha'ji (Ar.), a pilgrim, one who has made the pilgrimage to Mecca.

na'ik ha'ji, to perform the pilgrimage, become a haji.

hajrat, see hijrat.

hak' (Ar.), truth, right; due, claim; just, true. Cf. bnar.

am'bil hak o'rang lain, to usurp another's rights.
ti-a'da d'ngan hak'-nya, unjustly.

ha'kim (Ar.), a judge.

hal' (Ar.), state, condition, circumstance.

hal' ih'wal, circumstances and conditions.
de'ri-hal', about, concerning.

ha'la, direction, course.

ha'lal (Ar.), lawful, legitimate allowable; as opposed to haram, unlawful.

ha'lal-kan, to permit, declare lawful.

halaman, see hlaman.

ha'lau, mng-ha'lau, -kan, to drive away.

ha'li-a, ginger.

ha-li-lin'tar, a stroke of lightning, thunderbolt; also halalintar.

ha-li'pan or li'pan, a large centipede; see lipan.

haluan, see hluan.

ha'lus, fine, thin, delicate, refined. Cf. nipis and tipis.

hal'wa (Ar.), sweets, pastry confectionery.

ham'ba, slave; used as a pronoun of the 1st person in addressing superiors. Cf. sahya.

ham'ba Allah, a poor wretch.
ham'ba ra'ja, a king's servants or retainers.
tu'an ham'ba, sir: used as a pronoun of the 2nd person in addressing superiors.
per-ham'ba-kan, to enslave.
per-ham'ba-kan di'ri, to submit oneself.
per-ham'ba'an, slavery, servitude.

ham'bat, mg-ham'bat, to pursue, chase. Cf. kjar and usir.

ham'bat ha'ti o'rang, to seek to win people's affections.

ham'bur, mng-ham'bur, -kan, to scatter (as rice, pearls, money, etc., at festivals and ceremonies). Cf. tabur. [ 57 ]ha'mil (Ar.), pregnant. Cf. bunting.

hampa, see hmpa.

ham'par, mng-ham'par, -i, -kan, to spread out (as mats, carpets, grain, etc.). Cf. bntang.

ham'pa-ran, a carpet.
ham'pa-ran ba'tu, pavement.

ham'pas, refuse, residue.

ham'pas sa'gu, sago refuse.

ham'pir, mng-ham'pir, near, nearly, almost; to approach, draw near. Cf. dkat.

ham'pi-ri, to draw near to, approach a thing.

ham'zah (Ar.), an orthographical sign, used to introduce a syllable commencing with a vowel.

han'chur, mng-han'chur, -kan, to crush, reduce to powder, dissolve in liquids, decompose; also metaphorically of the heart. Cf. rmok.

han'dai, companion, comrade, friend. Cf. taulan, sahabat and kawan.

han'dai tau'lan, friends and companions.

handak, see hndak.

hang' (Penang), thou, you = angkau.

ha'ngat, hot (fire heat); also of anger. Cf. panas.

ha'ngat-kan, to heat.

ha'ngus, to burn, be burnt, consumed or scorched. Cf. bakar, which means to apply heat to, without necessarily consuming, as in heating iron.

ha'ngus-kan, to burn up, consume.

hantam, see hntam.

han'tar, mng-han'tar, -kan, to convey, escort; also to send in charge of another. Cf. bawa, iring and kirim.

ter-han'tar, laid down, stretched out on a bed or on the ground, as a sick or sleeping person or a corpse.

han'tu, a ghost; evil spirits supposed to haunt certain places. Cf. jin and ‘ifrit.

bu'rong han'tu, the owl.
ja'ri han'tu, the middle finger.

ha'nya, only, merely, except, but. Cf. chuma, mlainkan and sahaja.

ha'nyir, a fishy smell; fetid, rancid.

ha'nyut, ber-ha'nyut, to drift, float on the water.

o'rang ha'nyut, a vagabond.

hapal, see hafatl.

ha'pus, mng-ha'pus, to obliterate, efface, rub out, wash out.

hara, see huru-hara.

ha'ram (Ar.), forbidden, proluibited, unlawful; sacred, hallowed. Cf. halal.

ha'ram-kan, to prohibit, declare illegal.

ha'rap (148), hope, trust, confidence; to hope, trust.

ha'rap-kan, to trust in, rely upon.
k-ha'ra-pan, disappointed.

har'dek, mng-har'dek, to reprove, scold. Cf. tngking.

ha'ri (Sk.), day of 24 hours. Cf. siang.

ha'ri b-sar', festival, holiday.
ha'ri bu'lan, date.
ha'ri hujan, a rainy day or rainy weather.

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ha'ri ki-a'mat, the day of judgment.
ha'ri ra'ya, festival.
di-ni-ha'ri, early dawn.
e'sok ha'ri, tomorrow.
i'ni ha'ri, today.
ma-ta-ha'ri, the sun.
pa'gi ha'ri = pa'gi, morning.
p-tang' ha'ri = p-tang', afternoon.
s-ha-ri-hari, daily, every day.
s-ha-ri-ha'ri-an, all day long.
s-panjang hari, all day long.
t'ngah ha'ri, midday.
ha'ri a'had, or ha'ri ming'go, Sunday.
ha'ri is'nin, or ha'ri sa'tu, Monday.
ha'ri s-la'sa, or ha'ri du'a, Tuesday.
ha'ri rbu, or ha'ri tiga, Wednesday.
ha'ri khamis, or ha'ri ’m'pat, Thursday.
ha'ri j'ma-‘at', or hari lima, Friday.
ha'ri sab'tu, or ha'ri a-nam', Saturday.

ha-ri'mau or h-ri'mau, a tiger.

ha-rimau a'kar, a large wild cat.
ha-ri'mau da'han, tree leopard.

ha'rom, fragrant, sweet-smelling; a sweet smell. Cf. wangi.

ha'ru, mng-ha'ru, to stir, disturb, agitate, trouble; especially of demoniacal possession.

ha-ru-bi'ru, confusion, disorder.

ha'rus, necessary, obligatory, proper; it behoves, ought, should. Cf. patut.

ha'rus, stream. current, the movement of water.

ha'sil (Ar.), outcome, product, profits, revenue; to have result or outcome.

ha'sil-kan, to produce, achieve accomplish.

has'ta (Sk.), a cubit.

ha'ta (133), a punctuation word.

ha'ti, the liver; the heart as the seat of the passions (the organ which circulates the blood is jantong); fig., the centre of things.

ha'ti b-sar', proud.
ha'ti pa'nas, hot temper.
ha'ti pu'teh, a clear conscience.
am'bil ha'ti, to win the affections.
a-ngan-a'ngan ha'ti, conscience (X.).
b-ri ha'ti, to encourage, indulge.
bu'ah ha'ti-ku, my treasure, a term of endearment.
d'ngan s-bu-lat-bulat ha'ti, with one's whole heart.
hu'lu ha'ti, the pit of the stomach.
iri ha'ti, spite, malevolence.
k-chil' ha'ti, spiteful, having a grudge against a person.
k-ras' ha'ti, hard hearted.
ma'ta ha'ti, spiritual perception.
pa'nas ha'ti, angry.
sa'kit ha'ti, offended, angry with a person.
su'sah ha'ti, sad, troubled.
ta'war ha'ti, discouraged.
per-ha'ti-kan, to take to heart, pay attention to, examine closely.

ha'us, thirst; thirsty; worn out by friction or rust (of metals). Cf. dhaga and burok.

ha'wa (Ar.), air, atmosphere, climate. Cf. udara. [ 59 ]ha'wa (Ar.), love, passion, desire; usually brahi.

ha'wa naf'su, carnal desires.

ha'yat (Ar.), life, vitality, the vital spark. Cf. hidop.

s-la'gi a'da hay'at, while I yet live.
ber-ha'yat, having life.

he' (132), an interjection; oh!

hebat, see haibat.

he'ja (Ar.), mng-he'ja, spelling, orthography; to spell; also eja.

he'la, mng-he'la, -kan, to drag, draw. Cf. tarek and seret.

he'lak, mng-he'lak, to dodge, evade; also elak.

he'lak-kan, to ward off, parry.

hemat, see himmat.

hen'ti or hn'ti, chiefly found in its derivatives:

ber-hen'ti, to stop, stay, cease, rest; (B.) brenti and rnti.
ti-a'da ber-hen'ti, incessantly.
ber-hen'ti-kan l'lah, to rest after fatigue.
per-hen'ti-an, rest, resting place.

herdek, see hardek.

her'ga (Sk.), value, price.

her'ga ma'ti, fixed price.
her'ga murah, a low price.
b-ra'pa her'ga? what price?
ta'roh her'ga, to fix the price.
ber-her'ga or b-her'ga, valuable.

her'ta (Sk.), property, goods.

her'ta bn'da, valuables, goods and chattels.
her'ta dun'ia, worldly goods.

hi'as, ber-hi'as, ornamented, decorated; (B.) brias and rias.

mng-hi'as and hi'a-si, to adorn, ornament, decorate, fit out, prepare.
per-hi'a-san, ornamentation, attire, trappings.

hi'bur, mng-hi'bur, -kan, to comfort, console.

png-hi'bur, a person or thing which gives consolation or solace; the Comforter (X.).
png-hi'bu-ran, comfort, consolation.

hi'dang, mng-hi'dang, to serve food.

hi-da'ngan, courses (at a meal).
ma'kan s-hi-da'ngan, to eat of the same course, eat together.

hi'dong, nose, snout. Cf. munchong.

ba'tang hi'dong, the bridge of the nose.
lo'bang hi'dong, nostrils.

hi'dop, alive, living; fresh, as opposed to dried, preserved or canned; to live, have life. Cf. hayat.

hi'dop pu'la, restored to life.
d'ngan hi'dop-nya, alive.
i'kan hi'dop, fresh fish; as opposed to ikan kring, dried fish.
la'gi hi'dop, still alive.
s-u'mor hi'dop, all one's life.
su'su hi'dop, fresh milk as opposed to tinned milk.
hido-pi and hi'dop-kan, to preserve a person's life, restore life.
k-hi'do-pan, means of livelihood.

hi'jau, green.

hij'rat (Ar.) (166), the Hegira, the Mohammedan era. Also hajrat.

hi-ka'yat (Ar.), narrative, story, history. Cf. chertra.

hik'mat (Ar.), wisdom, knowledge, science, medicine; [ 60 ]hence supernatural power, magic.

hi'lang, lost; to be lost, disappear, die.

hilang-kan, to cause to disappear; obliterate, destroy.
k-hi-la'ngan (128), having incurred loss, deprived of, bereft of; as o'rarg k-hi-la'-ngan pi'sau, a man who has lost his knife.

hi'lir, mng-hilir, the lower reaches of a river; to go down stream, descend a river; as opposed to mudeh, to go up stream. Cf. hulu.

him'mat or he'mat (Ar.), purpose, intention; diligence, care; aspiration.

him'pon, ber-him'pon, to assemble, gather together. Cf. kumpol and krumun.

him'pon-kan, to bring together, collect, cause to assemble.
per-him'po-nan, an assemblage, assembly, congregation, church in a local sense (X.).

hi'na (Sk.), low, base, mean, despicable; lowly.

hi'na di'na, the poor and lowly, the common people.
hi'na-kan, to despise, disdain, humiliate.
hi'na-kan diri, to abase or humiliate oneself.
k-hi'na'an, degradation, ignominy.

hinai, see inai.

Hin'di, usually neg'ri Hin'di, India, Hindustan.

Hin'du, o'rarg Hin'du, a Hindu; (Penang) a Tamil.

hing'ga, until, as far as; limit. Cf. sampai and had.

s-hing'ga, until, as far as, to such an extent that—.
per-hing'ga'an, limit, boundary, frontier; contracted to prerg'gan.

hing'gap, to alight or perch upon anything, as birds or insects.

hin'tai, mng-hin'tai, -kan, to spy, peep at; see intai.

hiri, see iri.

hi'ris, mng-hi'ris, to slice, cut fine, hash.

hi'sab (Ar.), counting, calculation; usually hitong.

hi'sab-kan, to count, reckon.
ter-hi'sab-kan, capable of enumeration.
ti-a'da ter-hi'sab-kan banyak-nya, innumerable.

hi'sap, mng-hi'sap, to suck, draw into the mouth or nostrils.

hi'sap chan'du and hi'sap ma'dat, to smoke opium.
hisap rokok, to smoke the native cigarette.

hi'tam, black.

hitam ma'nis, brown.

hi'tong, mng-hi'tong, -kan, to count, reckon, calculate. Cf. bilang.

h-lai' or lai' (84), numeral coefficient of thin or flat objects.

s-h-lai' ker'tas, a sheet of paper.
s-h-lai' s-ping'gang, with only the clothes one has on.
ba'ju s-h-lai', one coat.

h-la'man, courtyard in front of a palace or other building.

hlang, see lang.

h-li'pan or li'pan, a large centipede. [ 61 ]h-lu'an, the front or front part of anything, especially of boats.

hm'bus, mng-hm'bus, to blow, breathe out with the mouth; also used of the wind. Cf. tiop.

hm'bus-kan, to blow away.
hm'bu-san, bellows.

hm'pa, empty; empty husks of rice. Cf. kosong and skam.

hm'pa ta'ngan-nya, with empty hands.
pa'di hm'pa or hm'pa, husks of rice in which the grain has never formed.

hm'pas, mng-hm'pas, -kan, to throw or dash down. Cf. champak.

hm'p-du, gall, bile.

hn'dak, desire, wish; to wish, intend; an auxiliary verb expressing the future (45). Cf. mau.

hn'dak-lah, placed before a verb to express the imperative.
hn'dak-kan, to desire a thing.
k-hn'dak or ka-han'dak (126), will, desire, wish.
ber-ka-han'dak, to desire, wish, want.
k-hn-da'ki or ka-han-da'ki, to desire.

hn'dap, mng-hn'dap, to crouch.

h-ning', clear, pure, transparent (of liquids and of the heart). Cf. jerneh.

hn'tam, to throw, strike; also hantam.

hnti, see henti.

hn-ti'mun, cucumber; see timun.

ho'bat, usually ho'ba-tan, sorcery, magic. Cf. obat.

o'rang ho'ba-tan, a sorcerer.

Ho-lan'da, Dutch; usually Blanda.

ho'nar, disgrace, insult.

hor-lo'ji (Port. and D.), a clock, Cf. watch; usually jam.

hor'mat (Ar.), reverence, respect.

b-ri' hor'mat, to pay respect, to honour.
hor-ma'ti, to honour, respect.

hrimau, see harimau.

hsta, see hasta.

hu'a (Ar.), he; used in the Leidekker version of the Bible and as a translation of Jehovah.

hu-ba'ya, entirely.

hu-ba'ya-hu-ba'ya, above all things.

hu'bong, ber-hu'bong, united, joined; the union of families, villages, etc., as well as of tangible things. Cf. sambong.

mng-hu'bong and hu'bong-kan, to join, unite.
hu'bo-ngan, lengthening piece, hyphen; sequel of a book.

hu'dang or u'dang, prawn, shrimp.

hu'dang ga'lah, lobster.
bu'rong ra'ja hu'dang, the kingfisher.

hu'jan, rain.

hujan ba'tu, hail.
hujan l-bat', heavy rain.
hu'jan mau tu'run, rain is coming.
hu'jan pa'nas, rain during sunshine.
hu'jan rin-tek-rin'tek, light rain, drizzle.
ha'ri hujan, a rainy day, or rainy weather.

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hu'ja-ni, to rain upon.

hu'jat, mng-hu'jat, blasphemy, libel; to speak evil of, calumniate, libel, blaspheme.

hu'jong, end, extremity.

hu'jong ta'nah, cape, point of land, peninsula.

hu-ka'ma (Ar.), learned men.

hu'kum (Ar.), judgment, sentence; decree, law, command; rule, jurisdiction.

hu'kum is'lam, the the laws of Islam.
hu'kum yang 'a'dil, just rule.
b-ri' hu'kum, to give an order.
ja'toh-kan hukum di atas o'rang, to condemn.
k'na hukum, to suffer punishment.
pu'tus-kan hukum,v to pronounce sentence.
s-pu'loh hukum Allah, the Ten Commandments (X.).
hu'kum-kan, to judge, sentence, punish.
hu'ku-man, punishment.

hu'lam, uncooked vegetables eaten with curry.

hulat, see ulat.

hu'lor, mng-hu'lor, -kan, to extend, stretch out, hold out (as the hand); pay out, lower away (as ropes). Cf. unjok.

hu'lu, the head, the upper part or source of a thing, the hilt of a sword or dagger, the upper reaches of a river, the interior of a country. Cf. kpala, udek and hilir.

hu'lu ha'ti, the pit of the stomach.
hu'lu k-ris', the hilt of a kris.
dhulu or dahulu, see dhulu.
o'rang hulu, people of the interior.
png-hu'lu, a chieftain, headman.
png-hu'lu kam'pong, the headman of a village.
png-hu'lu ka'wal, the commander of a guard.
png-hu'lu ms'jid, the headman of a mosque.

hu-lu-ba'lang, commander of a body of soldiers, officer.

hu'ma, cultivated land, dry rice fields = ladang; as opposed to sawah, wet rice fields. Cf. bndang, which is applied both to dry and irrigated fields.

ber-hu'ma, to cultivate such fields.
per-hu'ma'an, cultivated land, the crops raised.

hun (Chin.), an inch; also a measure of weight.

hu'nus, mng-hu'nus, to draw a weapon from its sheath, unsheath; also chabot.

hur', hur'kan, to indulge.

hu'ruf (Ar.), letters of the alphabet.

hu-ru-ha'ra, disorder, disturbance, tumult, riot.

hu'tan, jungle, forest, wild uncultivated country. Cf. blukar and rimba.

hu'tan b-lan-ta'ra, wild jungle.
hu'tan rim'ba, forest or primeval jungle.
a'yam hu'tan, jungle fowl.
ba'bi hu'tan, wild pig.
o'rang hu'tan, wild men of the jungle.
pi'sang hu'tan, wild banana.

hu'tang, debt, loan; owing, due.

ba'yer hu'tang, to pay a debt.
b-ri' hu'tang, to lend, loan.

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ber-hu'tang, in debt.
pi-hu'tang, credit.