2455Malay-English Vocabulary — JW. G. Shellabear


ja'bat, mn-ja'bat, to touch, grasp, lay hold of.

ber-ja'bat ta'ngan, to grasp the hand or to shake hands.

ja'di, mn-ja'di, to come into existence, be born, become, happen, take place, come to pass, be sufficient or satisfactory.

ja'di-kan, to create, cause.
k-ja'di-an, creation, birth.
ja-di-ja'di-an, a supernatural being.

ja'ga (Sk.), to be awake, watch, guard, take care. Cf. bangun, sdar and tunggu.

ja'ga ba-ik-ba'ik, be careful.
o'rang ja'ga, a watchman.

ja'gong, maize, Indian corn.

ja-han'nam (Ar.), hell. Cf. nraka.

ja-hat', wicked, evil, bad, vicious.

bu'at ja-hat', to commit fornication; also zina. ku'da ja-hat', a vicious horse. si-ja-hat', the evil one, the devil. ja-hat'kan, to defame. k-ja-ha'tan, wickedness.

ja'hil (Ar.), ignorant; usually bbal and bodoh.

ja'hit, mn-ja'hit, to sew.

Jahudi, see Yahudi.

ja'ja, mn-ja'ja, to hawk goods for sale, sell on the streets, peddle.

ja'jah, only found in its derivative:

ja'ja-han, district, division of a country. Cf. da'irah.

Ja'kun, a hill tribe of the Malay Peninsula.

ja'la, casting net.

ja-la-ja'la, trellis work.
te'bar ja'la, to throw a casting net.
mn-ja'la, to fish with a casting net.

ja'lan (49), road, path, way, method; means; to walk, move forward, go on.

ja'lan b-ha'sa, idiom.
ja'lan ra'ya, main road.
ba'wa ja'lan, to lead the way.
bu'ka ja'lan, to lay out a road.
di t'ngah ja'lan, in the middle of the road; during a journey.
sem'pang ja'lan, cross roads.
s-pan'jang ja'lan, all the way.
ber-ja'lan, to walk, travel, go a journey.
ber-ja'lan da'rat, to go overland.
ber-ja'lan d-hu'lu, to go ahead.
ber-ja-lan-ja'lan, to walk about.
ber-ja'lan ka'ki, to go on foot.
ja'la-ni (99), to traverse.
ja'lan-kan (99), to cause to walk, set in motion.
ja'lan-kan in'jin, to start an engine.
ja'lan-kan ku'da, to walk a horse.
ja'lan-kan p-ker'ja'an, to manage a business.
per-ja'la-nan, a journey, voyage.

ja'lang, wild, runaway. Cf. liar.

ker'bau ja'lang, a runaway buffalo.
p-rem'pu-an ja'lang, a loose woman.

ja'lar, mn-ja'lar, to crawl, creep (as snakes, etc.); to creep climb (as plants). Cf. rayap.

jalma, see jlma.

ja'lur, a small canoe, a dug-out. Cf. sagur.

ja'lur, stripes of different colours.

jam' (Pers.). a clock or watch; an hour. ja'mah, mn-ja'mah, to touch.

jam'ban, a latrine.

jam'bang, a flower pot; usually jam-ba'ngan. Cf. pasu.

jam'bu (Sk.), the generic name of a number of fruits.

jam'bu biji, the guava.

jam-bu'a, the pomelo.

jam'bul, tuft of hair or feathers.

ja'min (Hind.), bail, security.

o'rang ja'min, one who stands bail.

jam'pi (Sk.), magic formula.

ja'mu, mn-ja'mu, a guest; to entertain at a feast.

per-ja'mu-an, a feast.

jan'da, widow, widower; man or woman separated from his or her consort. Cf. balu and bujang.

ja'ngan (73), do not, lest.

s-pa'ya ja'ngan, lest; also a'gar ja'ngan.
ja'ngan-kan, far from, not only, not merely.

jang'gal, awkward, unsuitable, badly arranged, not sounding right, discordant. Cf. changgong.

jang'got, beard.

jang'ka, fixed quantity or measurement.

jang'kar, rootlets hanging down from the branches of banyan and other trees. Cf. akar, banir and tunjang.

jang'kit, mn-jang'kit and ber-jang'kit, infectious to spread, be catching or infectious (of a disease or conflagration). Cf. rayap.

jan'ji, promise, agreement, contract.

min'ta jan'ji, to request the fulfilment of a promise.
o'bah-kan jan'ji, to break one's promises.
sam'pai-kan jan'ji, to perform one's promises.
ber-jan'ji, to promise, make an agreement.
per-janji-an, an agreement, contract.

jan'tan (87), male (usually of animals). Cf. laki-laki.

jan'tong, the heart (anatomically), cf. hati; also that which resembles the shape of the heart, as:

jan'tong b-tis', the calf of the leg.
jan'tong pi'sang, the knob at the end of the banana blossom.

ja'rak, the castor oil plant.

minyak ja'rak, castor oil.

ja'rak, interval, distance between two objects. Cf. jarang.

ja'rak-kan, to place at intervals.

ja'rang, seldom, rare, scarce, at wide intervals, far apart.

ja'rarg-kan, to space out, place at wide or wider intervals.

ja'ri, the fingers, a measure = the width of a finger.

ja'ri han'tu, the middle finger.
ja'ri ka'ki, the toes.
ja'ri k-ling'king, the little finger.
ja'ri ma'nis, the third finger.
ja'ri t-lun'jok, the first finger.
ibu ja'ri, the thumb.

ja'ring, a large fishing net, a trammel, a net for catching birds or animals.

ja'rom, a needle.

ja'rom chu'chok, bodkin.

lo'bang ja'rom, the eye of a needle.

ja'sa (Sk.), useful service, credit for services rendered, merit.

ber-bu'at ja'sa, to do meritorious service. ber-o'leh ja'sa, to get credit for good work.

ja'ti (Sk.), true, real; usually btul or sunggoh.

ka'yu ja'ti, teak. o'rang M-la'yu ja'ti, a real Malay.

ja'toh, to fall, become bankrupt. For other words meaning fall see Grammar § 163.

ja'toh sa'kit, to fall it.
ja'toh-kan, to let fall, drop.
ja'toh-kan hukum di a'tas o'rang, to condemn.

Jaudi, see Yahudi.

ja'uh, distant, far, afar; distance.

ja-uh-ja'uh, a long way off, far apart.
ja'uh ma'lam, far into the night, late at night.
de'ri ja'uh, from afar, far off.
ja'uh-kan, to remove to a distance, avert.

jau-ha'ri (Pers.), a jeweller.

Ja'wa, Java; usually ta'nah Ja'wa.

ja'wab (Ar.), mn-ja'wab, a reply, an answer; to answer. Cf. sahut.

ja'wat and ja'wa-tan, office, post, duty, employment.

Ja'wi, an Arabic derivative of Jawa, meaning Javanese, and hence Malayan.

Ja'wi p-kan' = Ja'wi per-a'na-kan, of Malay blood, applied to persons of mixed Indian and Malay blood.
hu'ruf Ja'wi, the Malay character.

ja'ya (Sk.), victory.

j-bang', a large shield.

j-bat' (Ar.), musk, civet.

mu'sang j-bat', the civet cat.

jel' (Eng.), prison, gaol. Cf. pnjara.

jeram, see jram.

jerang, see jrang.

jerat, see jrat.

jerawat, see jrawat.

jer'jak, thin rods to which ataps are tied.

jer'ki (B.) = rzki, q.v.

jer'mal, fishing stakes. Cf. blat.

Jer'man (Eng.), German

jer'neh, clear, transparent (of liquids); also metaphorically, sincere, upright.

jerok, see jrok.

jerumat, see jrumat.

jerumus, see jrumus.

j-han'nam (Ar.), hell. Cf. nraka.

Jib'ra'il (Ar.), Gabriel.

jijak, see jjak.

ji'jit, ji'jit-kan (B.), to tease = ejek.

ji'ka, if, in case, supposing that, provided that; also jikalau and kalau.

ji-ka'lau (141-144), if, in case, supposing that, provided that.

ji-ka'lau kira-nya, if perchance.
ji-ka'lau s-ka'li-pun, even if.
ji-ka'lau ti-a'da, unless.

ji'lat, mn-ji'lat, to lick, lap (as a dog, or as flames).

ji-lid' (Ar., leather), binding; volume.

ji'mat, careful, thrifty.

ji'mat (Ar.), a corruption of ‘azimat, q.v.

jin' (Ar.), a spirit; usually an evil spirit, demon. Cf. hantu and ‘ifrit.

ji'nak, tame, docile, domesticated, bold, familiar.

ji'nak-kan, to tame, render docile.

jin'tan, caraway seed.

jin'tan ma'nis, aniseed.

ji'wa (Sk.), the soul. Cf. smangat.

j'jak, ber-j'jak, footsteps, footprints; to step, tread, just touch with the end. Cf. pijak.

j-las' (Ar.), settled, arranged (as accounts or other business). Cf. sudah and habis.

j-las'kan, to settle, arrange.

j-la'tang, the nettle.

jlid, see jilid.

jl'ma (Sk.), incarnation.

mn-jl'ma, to be incarnate, take a human or other form.

j-lu'jur, basting, loose sewing.

j-lu'tong, a large tree which yields rubber.

j'ma'ah (Ar.), a society, company. Cf. kongsi.

j'ma‘at' or ju'ma‘at' (Ar., assembly), Friday, the day of congregation.

ha'ri j'ma‘at', Friday.
s-j'ma‘at', a week.

j'man (B.), time, epoch, age = zaman.

jm-ba'tan, a bridge, pier, wharf.

jm'lah (Ar.), total, sum; also jum'lah.

jm'lah-kan, to add up.

j'mor, mn-j'mor, -kan, to dry in the sun. Cf. anginkan.

jm'pot, mn-jm'pot, -kan, to invite; also to hold between the finger and thumb. Cf. sila.

jm'po-tan, invitation.
o'rang jm'po-tan, guest. Cf. jamu.

j-mu', satiated, satisfied, wearied, nauseated. Cf. knnyjang and puas.

j-na'ka, joke, pun; facetious. Cf. gurau and sindir.

j-nang', the side posts of a door or window, or of the frame of a screen or partition. Cf. ambang.

tu'top j-nang', the upper post of a screen or partition.

jn-de'la (Port.), window; also j-ne'la. Cf. tingkap.

jng'kal, the span as a measure of length.

j-nis' (Ar.), sort, kind, species. Cf. macham and bagai.

ber-j-nis-j-nis' (115), all sorts.

j-gok', mn-j-ngok', to look with the head protruding.

jn't-ra (Sk.), a wheel, machinery, an engine. Cf. psawat and injin.

ber-jn't-ra, having wheels or machinery, revolving.

jo'doh, pair, couple, mate, fellow. Cf. kmbar, pasang and jori.

jo'doh-kan, to mate.

jo'gan (Pers.), a standard, ensign. jo'get, dance, dancing. Cf. tari.

Jo'hor, the name of a country at the south end of the Malay Peninsula.

jo'lok, mn-jo'lok, to gather fruit off a tree by means of a long pole.

jong', a junk.

jong'kit, mn-jong'kit, to rise at one end, tip up.

jong'kok, ber-jong'kok, to squat, sit on one's haunches.

jo'ri (Hind.), a pair (used of horses only). Cf. pasang.

jo'rong, tray for betel nut.

J-pun', Japan, Japanese.

j-ram', rapids in a river.

j-ra'mi, straw, hay, the fibrous parts of certain fruits.

j-rang', mn-j-rang', -kan, to heat over a fire. Cf. diang and panggang.

j-rat', mn-j-rat', -kan, a noose or snare; to snare. Cf. rachek.

j-ra'wat, pimples on the face. Cf. bisul.

j-rit', mn-j-rit', to scream, cry out as in fear (of men and certain animals).

j-rok' (Jav.), generic name for oranges, limes, etc.; usually limau. Also a preserve or pickle made from these fruits.

j-ru'mat, darning.

j-ru'mus, prostrate, flat on one's face. Cf. tiarap.

ter-j-ru'mus, fallen flat on one's face.

jua, see juga.

ju-ak-ju'ak, body-guard.

ju'al, mn-ju'al, -kan, to sell.

ber-ju'al (100), selling, engaged in the sale of.
ber-ju'al-b-li', buying and selling.

ju'ang, ber-ju'ang, to fight (of elephants and dragons).

ju'bah (Ar.), tunic, a long outer garment worn by Arabs, and by Malays on special occasions.

ju'di (Sk.), gambling.

ma'in ju'di, to gamble.

ju'ga (144, 162), likewise, just, nevertheless, merely; also jua.

ba'ik ju'ga, pretty good, just as well.
b-gi'tu ju'ga, just like that.
dm'ki-an ju'ga, just in that way.
i'ni ju'ga, just now.
sa'ma ju'ga, this very thing, just the same.

ju'lang, mn-ju'lang, to raise up above the head, bear aloft in the hands; carry astride on the shoulders, toss (as a bull).

ju'ling, squint; cross-eyed.

ju'lor, mn-ju'lor, to stretch out, put out, extend (the limbs, tongue, etc.). Cf. unjor.

juma‘at, see jma‘at.

jumlah, see jmlah.

jum'pa, ber-jum'pa, to meet, come across a person. Cf. tmu.

ju'ngor, snout, beak (of some animals and birds). Cf. munchong.

jun'jong, mn-jun'jong, to carry on the head, place on the head in token of submission, hence:

jun'jong du'li, lit., to put the dust of a king's feet on one's head, to do obeisance.
jun'jong ti'tah, to obey a king's command.
jun'jo-ngan, the person to whom one does obeisance, lord; used in Malay writings of Mohammed.

jun'tai, ber-jun'tai, hanging down loosely (of the legs, clothes, etc.).

ju'ru, a skilled workman, an expert in the following expressions:

ju'ru b-ha'sa, an interpreter.
ju'ru ba'tu, second mate on a vessel.
ju'ru kun'chi, turnkey, steward.
ju'ru ma'sak, a cook.
ju'ru mu'di, steersman, quarter-master.
ju'ru s-la'mat, Saviour (X.).
ju'ru tu'lis, a clerk, secretary.
pn-ju'ru, a corner, angle.

ju'rus, a brief interval of time.

s-ju'rus la'ma-nya, for a moment.

jus'ta (B.), false, untrue = dusta.

ju'ta (Sk.) (33), a million.

juz' (Ar.), one of the 30 portions into which the Koran is divided.