2663Malay-English Vocabulary — KW. G. Shellabear


k, a prefixed used in forming the ordinal numbers (34), and certain derived nouns (126-128).

k- (27, 149), to (usually of places).

k'a'tas, on to, upwards.
k-da'lam, into.
k-ma'na, whither, where?
k-ma'ri, hither.
k-pa'da (149), to (usually of persons).
k-sa'na, thither, there.

k‘a'bah (Ar.), the name of the sanctuary in the great mosque at Mecca, the temple at Mecca; the temple at Jerusalem.

kabar, see khabar.

ka'bol (Ar.), assenting, content; to assent, accept, agree.

ka'bol-kan, to approve a thing.

ka'bong, a measure of length for cloth a length of white cotton material, folded and laid on the shoulder as a sign of mourning. Cf. kadut.

per-ka'bo-ngan, mourning.

ka'bong, the sugar palm.

ka'bot, mist, obscurity; obscure, dim, dark. Cf. kabur.

k-lam' ka'bot, pitch dark.

ka'bu-ka'bu, the cotton tree which produces kapok.

ka'bur, dim (of light or of the eyesight). Cf. kabot.

ka'bus, indistinct, dimly seen.

ka'cha (Sk.), glass (the material of that name). Cf. chermin and glas.

ka'chak, smart, neat, dapper.

ka'chang, beans, peas.

ka'chang ben'de, “lady's fingers.”
ka'chang go'ring, roasted pea nuts.
ka'chang kayu, the Indian dall.
ka'chang pa'rang, a very large bean.

ka'chang pan'jang, the long native bean.
ka'chang pen'dek, French beans.
ka'chang ta'nah, pea nuts.

ka'chau, m-nga'chau, confused; to confuse, disturb, stir, put into disorder, perplex. Cf. haru and kochak.

ter-ka'chau, disturbed, disarranged.

ka'chip, scissors used for cutting up betel nut.

ka'dang, usually ter-ka'dang or ka'dang-ka'dang, sometimes.

ka'dar (Ar.), quantity, measure, proportion, extent, amount. Also kdar.

d'ngan ka'dar-nya, proportionately.
s-ka'dar, in proportion to, to the extent of.

ka'dli (Ar.), judge, magistrate, marriage registrar; usually hakim.

ka'dut, a material of a more open texture than kain guni, used in mourning by Chinese, and for sails. Cf. guni and karong.

ka'fan (Ar.), shroud; usually ka'in ka'fan. Also kapan.

ka'fan-kan and ka'fa-ni, to enshroud, wrap a body for burial.

ka'fi-lah (Ar.), caravan.

ka'fir (Ar.), unbeliever, infidel.

kah (56-60), an interrogative suffix.

kahandak (126), see hndak.

kah'wah (Ar.), coffee; usually kopi.

kah'win, ber-kah'win, marriage; to marry. Cf. nikah.

i'si kahwin, dowry paid to the father of a bride.
kah'win-kan, to give in marriage.

ka'’il, m-nga'’il, fishing line; to fish with a line.

ma'ta ka'il, fish-hook.
ta'li ka'il, fishing-line.
p-nga'’il, a fisherman (who uses the line).

ka'’in, cloth, any textile fabric; a cloth, especially the Malay sarong, q.v.

ka'’in ba'ju, “sarong” and coat, one's clothing.
ka'’in ba'sa-han, bathing cloth.
ka'’in ba'tek, Javanese cotton prints.
ka'’in b-la'chu, unbleached calico.
ka'’in bu'rok, rags.
ka'’in gu'ni, sackcloth. Cf. kadut.
ka'’in ha'lus, fine material.
ka'’in kha'sah, a fine linen cloth, muslin.
ka'’in ka'dut, a coarse material used for mourning by Chinese.
ka'’in ka'fan, shroud.
ka'’in ka'sar, coarse material.
ka'’in k'ma'san, material woven or embroidered with gold.
ka'’in sakh'lat, woollen cloth.
ka'’in s-h-lai', one “sarong.”
ka'’in s-ka'yu, a roll of cloth.
ka'’in su't-ra, silk.
bu'ka ka'’in, to undress. Cf. tanggal.

kais', to scratch (as a fowl).

ka'’it, m-nga'’it, a hook; to hook.

ka'jang, mats made by stitching together the leaves of the screw-pine, and used to afford shelter from rain on boats, carts, etc. Cf. bngkuang. ka'kak, elder sister: sometimes elder brother, which is usually abang. Cf. adek and tachi.

kakanda, see kkanda.

ka-ka-tu'a, cockatoo; pincers.

ka'ki, foot, leg, base, pedestal.

ka'ki bu'kit, the foot of a hill.
ka'ki di'an, candlestick.
ka'ki gu'nong, the foot of a mountain.
ka'ki la'ngit, the horizon.
ka'ki tem'bok, foundations of a wall.
bi-na'tang ber-ka'ki am'pat, quadruped.
b-kas' ka'ki, foot print.
ja'lan ka'ki, to go on foot.
ma'ta ka'ki, the ankles.
ta'pak ka'ki, sole of the foot.

ka'ku, stiff, unbending.

ka'la (Sk.), time; usually in the phrases given below. Cf. waktu, masa, zman and kali.

a'da ka'la, sometimes.
a'pa ka'la, when. Cf. apabila.
d-hu'lu ka'la, formerly, in olden times.
s-di'a ka'la, always, usually.

ka'la, a generic name for scorpions.

ka'la jng'king, the common variety.

ka'lah (B.), to lose in a conflict, suffer defeat = alah. Cf. mnang.

ka'lam (Ar.), a pen.

ka'lang, m-nga'lang, to prop up (as a ship on a beach): also galang.

ka'lau (141, 142) = ji'ka and jika'lau, if.

ka-lau-ka'lau, perchance, perhaps, on the chance that, in case that.

kal'dai, ass, donkey.

ka'li, a time or occasion.

ba'rang-ka'li, perhaps.
b-ra'pa ka'li, how often.
k-du'a ka'li-nya, the second time.
s-ka'li, once; also see skali-kali.
s-ka'li gus', all at once, all at the same time.
s-ka-li-ka'li, altogether, entirely; sometimes abbreviated to skali meaning, quite, very (92, 94).
s-ka'li pun', (144), even.
s-ka'li-an, see sklian.

ka'lis, impervious (to water).

kalimah, see klimah.

ka'lot, ka'lot-kan (B.), to rebuke, reprove.

kam'bing, goat.

kam'bing bi-ri-bi'ri, sheep. Cf. domba.
kam'bing ran'dok, he-goat.

kambli, see kmbli.

kam-bo'ja (Sk.), the name of a tree with sweet scented flowers.

g'tah kam-bo'ja, gamboge.

kam'bus, ter-kam'bus, stopped up, choked.

kam'guan (B.) (Chin.), satissfied, willing; to assent, agree.

ka'mi (7), we, us (excluding the person or persons spoken to). Cf. kita.

kam'poh, double, in duplicate; as a sarong woven in half widths, which must be sewn together.

kam'pong, ber-kam'pong, to assemble; an assembly of houses, a village, quarter or ward in a town, the grounds round a house. Cf. himpon and dusun.

kam'pong-kan, to collect, cause to assemble.

ka'mu (6), you (usually plural); when used as a possessive pronoun often contracted to -mu (13).

ka'mus (Ar.), dictionary.

ka-nak-kanak, infant, small child.

ka'nan, right; as opposed to kiri, left.

sb'lah ka'nan, the right side.
ta'ngan ka'nan, the right hand.

kan'chil, mouse deer = plandok.

kan'ching, a button, bolt, bar to fasten a door.

kan'dang, an enclosure for cattle, stall, sheepfold, stable. Cf. bangsal.

kan'dar, m-ngan'dar, to carry things on the two ends of a pole.

ka'yu kan'dar, carrying stick.

kan'das and ter-kan'das, aground, stranded. Cf. dampar.

kan'dil (Ar.), lantern, lamp. Cf. plita and tanglong.

kan'dong, m-ngan'dong, to carry in the bosom; conceive, bear children. Cf. kendong.

kan-du'ri (Pers.), a feast held annually at which prayers for the dead are said; hence any feast. Cf. jamu.

kang' and k-kang', a horse's bit. Cf. lagam.

ta'li kang', bridle.

kang'kang, ter-kang'kang, straddling, wide apart (of the legs).

kang'kong, the name of a vegetable.

kan'ji, meal or flour boiled to the consistency of porridge. Cf. bubur and suji.

a'yer kan'ji, gruel.

kap, the hood of a buggy.

ka'pak, axe. Cf. bliong.

ka'pal (Tam.), ship, vessel. Cf. prahu.

ka'pal a'pi, steamship.
ka'pal la'yer, sailing ship.
ka'pal p-rang', warship.
na'ik ka'pal, to board a ship from a boat.
tu'run ka'pal, to go on board a ship from a pier or wharf.

kapan, see kafan.

ka'pan (Jav.), when; usually bila.

ka'par, ber-ka'pa-ran, spread out in disorder, scattered.

ka'par-kan, to scatter.

ka'pas, raw cotton. Cf. kapok and kabu-kabu.

ka'pi, a block, pulley.

ka'pi-tan (Port.), captain. Cf. nakhoda.

ka'pok, raw cotton. Cf. kapas and kabu-kabu.

ka'pur, lime; mortar, plaster.

ka'pur ba'rus, camphor.
ka'pur b-lan'da, chalk, crayons.
ka'pur hi'tam, Portland cement.
ka' pur ma'ti, slaked lime.
ka'pur to-hor', quick-lime.
sa'pu ka'pur, to whitewash. Cf. labur.

ka'ram, destruction, especially shipwreck; to founder; sometimes used as an imprecation. Cf. dampar and kandas. karana, see kerna.

ka'rang, coral reef, coral rock; tin-bearing rock.

ba'tu ka'rang, coral, coral rock.
bu'nga ka'rang, sponge. Cf. lumut.

ka'rang, m-nga'rang, to arrange, set in order (as flowers in a bouquet); to compose (of written compositions).

ka-ra'ngan, a written composition, the setting of jewels, a wreath or nosegay of flowers.
p-nga'rang, an author.

ka-rar' (Ar.), settled, fixed, established.

ka'rat, rust. Cf. bsi.

ber-ka'rat, rusty.

ka'rib (Ar.), near (of relationship).

ka'rong, a rough sack, usually of matting or other coarse material. Cf. guni.

karunia, see kurnia.

ka'rut, m-nga'rut, to talk nonsense.

ka'sad (Ar.), intention, purpose. Also ksad.

ka'sap, rough to the touch.

ka'sar, coarse, rough, rude, impolite.

ka'sau, roof, timbers.

ka'sau jan'tan, purlins.
ka'sau b-ti'na, rafters.

ka'seh (148), love, affection, favour; to love; (in the colloquial of the Settlements) to give (79).

ba'las ka'seh, to return a favour.
min'ta ka'seh, to ask a favour.
t-ri'ma ka'seh (160), to thank Cf. shukur.
ka'se-hi, to love.
ka'se-han, pity, compassion. Cf. sayang.
ka-se-ha'ni and ka-se-han'kan, to have pity or mercy upon a person.
p-nga'se-han, affection.
k-ka'seh-ku (126), my beloved, my friend.

ka'si (in the colloquial of the Settlements), to give; = (Penang) bagi. Cf. kaseh.

ka'sim (Ar.), mutilated, castrated. Cf. kmbiri.

kas'rah (Ar.), the vowel sign corresponding to i; see baris.

kas-tu'ri (Sk.), musk. Cf. jbat.

ka'sut, shoes. Cf. spatu.

ka'ta (149), ber-ka'ta, to say, speak. Cf. chakap, bilang and tutor.

ka'ta-nya, he said; saying.
s-ka'ta, assenting, concurring.
s-pa'tah ka'ta, one word.
ka'ta-kan, to say or tell a thing.
per-ka'ta'an, a word, sentence.

ka'tak, frog. Cf. kodok.

ka'tak b-tong', bull frog.
ka'tak pu'ru, toad.

ka'tek, a'yam ka'tek, bantam fowl.

ka'ti, a measure of weight = 1⅓ lbs.

ka'tib (Ar.), scribe.

ka'til, bedstead. Cf. tmpat-tidor, pntas and peraduan.

ka'tong, a sea turtle.

ka'top, m-nga'top, to shut, close. Cf. tutop.

kau', thou; an abbreviation of angkau.

kau'du (B.), mean, stingy. kaul' (Ar.), word, sentence, saying.

kaum' (Ar.), a people, race, tribe, nation. Cf. bangsa.

kaum' k-lur'ga, household, family, all one's relations.

kaus' (Ar., shoes), in the phrase:

k-ba'wah kaus', an honorific title of princes, having reference to the ancient custom of placing the head beneath a king's feet in token of submission. Cf. junjong.

ka'wah, cauldron.

ka'wal, guard, watch. Cf. jaga.

png-hu'lu ka'wal, the commander of a guard.
ber-ka'wal, to keep watch.

ka'wan, comrade, companion; herd, flock, company. Cf. tman, handai, taulan and sahabat.

ka'wat, wire; telegram. Cf. dawai.

kawin, see kahwin.

ka'ya, rich.

o'rang ka'ya, a title of Malay chiefs.
k-ka'ya'an, riches.

ka-ya'ngan (Jav.), the heaven of Hindu mythology; see yang. Cf. shorga and indra.

ka'yap, a skin disease.

ka'yoh, m-nga'yoh, a paddle; to paddle a boat.

p-nga'yoh, a paddle.

ka'yu, wood, a tree, a log; numerical coefficient of rolls of cloth or other material (83).

ka'yu a'pi, firewood.
ka'yu a'rang, ebony.
ka'yu ma'nis, cinnamon.
ba'tang ka'yu, the trunk of a tree.
bu'ah ka'yu, the fruit of a tree.
da'un ka'yu, the leaves of a tree.
ku'lit ka'yu, bark.
po'hon ka'yu, a tree.

kbajikan, see bajik.

k-bal', rendered invulnerable (by magic).

k-bas', to shake in order to remove dust or dirt. Cf. gonchang.

k-ba'ya (Pers.), a jacket worn by women.

kbiri, see kmbiri.

k-bun', garden, plantation, orchard.

tu'kang k-bun', gardener.
ber-k-bun', to be a planter.

k-chap', m-ng-chap', to taste.

k-cha'pi (Sk.), a lyre, harp.

k-che'wa, injury, disappointment.

k-chil', small, little: sometimes pronounced k-chi’'.

k-chil' de-ri-pa'da, smaller than.
k-chil' ha'ti, spiteful, having a grudge against a person.
a'nak k-chil', an infant.
de'ri k-chil', from childhood.
tu'an k-chil', junior in office, master's son.

k-chu'ak (Chin.), cockroach. Cf. lipas.

k-chu-a'li, especially, particularly. Cf. istimewa.

k-chup', a kiss. Cf. chium.

k-chut', wrinkled, shrivelled. Cf. kdut and krut.

k-dai', shop. Cf. gudang.

bu'ka k-dai', to set up a shop.

ber-k-dai,' to keep a shop.
o'rang ber-k-dai,' shopkeeper.

k-dal', a skin disease causing white patches on the hands and feet, sometimes described as a form of leprosy. Cf. kusta.

k-dang', m-ng-dang', to stretch out (the hands).

k-dar' and ka'dar (Ar.), quantity, measure, proportion, extent, amount.

d'ngan k-dar'-nya, proportionately.
s-k-dar,' in proportion to, to the extent of.

k-dut', a wrinkle, crease. Cf. kchut and krut.

ke'chek, persuasive, coaxing, importunate.

ke'chi (Eng., ketch), a small sailing vessel,

ke'ju (Port.), cheese.

ke'lang, a pair of rollers, hence a roller mill for sugar, tapioca, etc.

ke'lek, to carry under the arm.

ke'long, fishing-stakes; see also blat.

ken'dong, m-ngen'dong, to carry in a fold of one’s clothes. Cf. kandong.

ke'peng, a small coin.

ker'bau, buffalo.

ker'chut, reed grass.

ker'ja (Sk.), work, employment, business, festivities.

b-k-er'ja, to work, be engaged in business or in festivities.
ker'ja-kan, to carry out, accomplish, execute; to hold festivities or perform ceremonies for a person (as marriage, circumcision or a funeral) ; to murder by command of a raja, execute.
p-ker'ja’an, work, occupation, action

ker'ling, m-nger'ling, to look out of the corners of the eyes, give a sidelong glance.

ker'na (Sk. karana) (140), because, for, owing to. Cf. sbab.

ker'sek, coarse sand; also krisek. Cf. pasir.

ker'tak, ker'tak gi'gi, to grind the teeth.

ker'tas (Ar.), paper.

ker'tas km-bang' and ker'tas lap’, blotting paper.

ke'sah (Ar.), tale, story, narrative.

al-ke'sah (133), a punctuation word.

kha'bar (Ar.) (155, 159), news, tidings, information, knowledge of fact. Cf. brita and werta.

kha'bar a'ngin, unreliable information, false rumours.
kha'bar ba'ik, good news.
a'pa kha'bar, what is the news? the usual Malay salutation, the reply to which is, khabar baik.
su'rat kha'bar, newspaper. Cf.akhbar.
ti-a'da kha'bar a'kan di'ri-nya, in a state of unconsciousness.
kha'bar-kan, to relate, narrate, inform. Cf. b'ri tahu.

kha'dim (Ar.), servant, attendant.

kha-la'si (Pers.), sailor.

kha-la'yak (Ar. khala’ik), creatures, created things. kha-li'fah (Ar.), successor, caliph.

kha'lik (Ar.), creator.

kha'mir (Ar.), yeast, leaven; fermented, leavened.

kha'mis (Ar., fifth), Thursday; usually hari khamis.

khanduri, see kanduri.

kha-ran'da, see kranda.

kha'sah, ka'in kha'sah, muslin.

kha'si-at (Ar.), virtue, energy, power to produce certain results (as drugs, etc.); (B) k'si-at, advantage.

khat' (Ar.), handwriting; , also bkas tangan.

khawatir, see khuatir.

kha'tam (Ar.), end; finished, ended, concluded.

kha'tam-kan, to finish, conclude (of persons who have just learned to read the Koran).

kha'tan (Ar.), usually sunat.

kha'tan-kan, to circumcise.

kha'tib (Ar.), preacher, the person who reads the khutbah in a mosque.

kha-za'nah (Ar. khizanat), treasure house.

khe'mah (Ar.), tent, tabernacle.

khi-a'nat (Ar.), treachery, perfidy.

khid'mat (Ar.), service.

Khi'laf (Ar.), contradiction, error, mistake. Cf. silap.

khizanat, see khazanah.

khu-a'tir (Ar. khawatir), anxiety, apprehension, anxious thought; also kuatir.

khur'ma (Pers.), dates.

khut'bah (Ar.), discourse, sermon read in mosques on Friday.

ki-a'mat (Ar.), resurrection; usually kbangkitan.

ha'ri ki-a'mat, the resurrection day.

ki'an, thus, so, found chiefly in its derivatives;

arki-an (133), then.
dm'ki-an, thus.
k-la'ki-an (133), moreover.
s-kivan, so much, so many.

ki'as (Ar.), comparison, analogy, syllogism, example. Cf. ‘ibarat

ki'bar, to flutter in the air (as a flag).

ki'bas, m-ngi'bas, to swing to and fro (trans.). Cf. goyang.

da'yong ki'bas, a two bladed paddle.

kib'lah (Ar., facing, opposite to), the direction in which Mohammedans face when praying.

ki'chu, m-ngi'chu, to deceive, cheat: usually tipu.

ki'dal, left-handed.

ki'jang, a small deer. Cf. khanchil, plandok and rusa.

ki'kir, a file, rasp; stingy, mean.

ki'kis, m-ngi'kis, to scratch. Cf. garok and garis

ki'lat, lightning; brilliancy; glittering, shining. Cf. plir and gilang.

ki'lau, ki-lau-ka'lau-an, glittering. brilliant, reflecting light. Cf. gilang. ki'lir, to sharpen. Cf. asah.

kim'kha (Pers.), damask.

ki'pas, a fan.

kira, m-ngi'ra, to reckon, calculate, guess, think, suppose. Cf. hitong and bilang.

ki-ra-ki'ra, accounts. calculations; about, nearly, more or less. Cf. lbeh-kurang.
ki'ra-nya, pray, prithee (in prayers or requests); perchance, in the phrase jikalau kira-nya, if perchance; also s-kira-nya.

kir'bat (Ar.), water-skin; see greba.

ki'ri, left, as opposed to kanan, right.

sb'lah ki'ri, the left side.
ta'ngan ki'ri, the left hand.

ki'rim, m-mgi'rim, -kan, -i, to send (things not persons). Cf. hantar.

ki'ri-man, the thing sent.
su'rat ki'ri-man, a letter.

kisah, see kesah.

ki'sar, m-ngi'sar, to turn, cause to revolve horizontally, as a millstone. Cf. putar and pusing.

ba'tu ki'sa-ran, a millstone. Cf. giling.
ber-ki'sar, to revolve.

ki-si-ki'si, trellis-work.

kis'mat (Ar.), fate.

kis'mis (Pers.), raisins.

ki'ta (6), we, us (including the person or persons spoken to). Cf. kami.

ki'tab (Ar.). a book, especially religious works.

isi ki'tab, contents of a book. Cf. daftar.

k-jam', m-ng-jam', to close the eyes; also pjam.

k-jap', a wink, the blinking of the eyes. Cf. klip.

s-k-jap', an instant.

k'jar, m-ng'jar, to pursue, chase. Cf. hambat.

k-ji', base, vile, mean, despicable. Cf. hina.

k-ji'kan, to despise, slight.

k-jot', to be startled, start.

ter-k-jot', startled.
k-jot'kan, to startle, from sleep.

k-kal', durable, permanent, continual, eternal. Cf. baka and lama.

k-kal'kan, to perpetuate.

k-kan'da, elder brother or sister (polite form of kakak).

k-kang' and kang', a horse's bit. Cf. lagam.

ta'li k-kang', bridle.

kkaseh, see kaseh.

k-la'bu, grey.

k-la'dak, dregs, sediment.

k-la'di, the vam; also u'bi k-la'di. Cf. kledek.

k-la'hi, ber-k-la'hi, to fight, quarrel.

per-k-la'hi-an, quarrel, fight.

k-lak', a participle expressing the future tense, sometimes used in conjunction with akan, q.v.

k-la'ki-an (133), a punctuation word; see kian.

k-lam', dark; darkness. Cf. glap.

k-lam' ka'bot, thick darkness. thick fog.

k-lam'bu, mosquito net. k-la'pa (Jav.) = Malay nyiur, the coco-nut tree.

a'yer k-la'pa, the milk of the coco-nut.
bu'ah k-la'pa, a coco-nut.
i'si k-la'pa, the meat or nutty part of the coco-nut.
po'hon k-la'pa, the coco-nut tree.
sa'but k-la'pa, the husk of the coco-nut.
san'tan k-la'pa, the juice extracted from the nutty part.

k-la'si (Pers. khalashi), sailor.

k-lat', acid.

k-la'tu (B.), to rap on the head with the knuckle of the fore finger.

k-la'war, a bat. Cf. kluang.

k-le'dek, the sweet potato; this is considered a very inferior root as an article of food by the natives, who therefore use this word as an opprobrious epithet; as in the phrase loyar kledek, a second-rate lawyer.

k-leh', to see.

k-le'wang, a short, heavy sword.

k-li'an, a mine = galian.

k-li'kir, ba'tu k-likir, gravel. Cf. kersek.

k-li'ling, round about, around.

ber-k-li'ling, surrounding, around.
k-li'li-ngi, to surround, encircle, go round. Cf. kporg.

k-lim', hem, seam.

k-li'mah (Ar.), word, speech, saying, sentence.

k-li'mah sha-ha'dat, the Mohammedan profession of faith.

K-ling', neg'ri K-ling' (Sk.), the eastern coast of British India.

K-ling' is'lam, a Mahommedan Tamil.
o'rang K-ling', the natives of that part of India, especially the Telugus and Tamils.

k-ling'king and ja'ri k-ling'king, the little finger.

k-ling'king ka'ki, the little toe.

k-lin'tong, a hawker.

k-lip', ber-k-lip', to blink the eyes. Cf. kjam and kjap.

k-lip'-k-lip', firefly.
s-k-lip' ma'ta, the twinkling of an eye.

k-li'ru, deception, error, mistake, misconception; muddled.

k-l-ka'tu, flying ants.

kl-ma'rin and k-ma'rin, yesterday. Cf. s-malam.

kl-ma'rin d-hu'lu, the day before yesterday.

k-l-ma'yar, the phosphorescent centipede.

k-loh', m-ng-loh', a sigh; to sigh.

k-loh' k-sah', mental agitation.

k-lom'pok, a group of persons. Cf. tumpok.

k-lo'pak, a sheath, the lid of the eye, sheath of buds.

k-lo'pak ma'ta, eyelid.

k-lu', dumb, speechless; also bisu.

k-lu'ang, a very large bat, the vampire.

kluar, see luar.

k-lu-ar'ga, see klurga.

k-lu'bong, ber-k-lu'bong, to envelop, cover up (as with a aloo cloth).

k-lu'ping, a scab. k-lur'ga (Sk.), relationship, related to, a relative.

kaum' k-lur'ga, relations, family.

k-ma'la, mythical jewels supposed to have magic qualities; usually gmala.

k-man'tin (B.), bride = pngantin prempuan.

k-ma'rau, dry, without water.

mu'sim k-ma'rau, the dry season.

k-ma'rin, yesterday; see klmarin.

k-mas', ber-k-mas', to pack up, stow away.

k-mas'kan, to pack things up.

km-ba'li, again, over again, back again; to return. Cf. balek and pulang.

km-ba'li k-rah'mat Allah, to die.
km-ba'li-kan, to restore, give back, return.

km-bang', ber-km-bang', to spread, spread out, expand, open (as liquids in absorbent material, a dry sponge when soaked in water, or a flower from the bud).

ker'tas km-bang', blotting paper.
km-bang'kan, to spread out (as a bird spreads its wings).

km'bar, ber-km'bar, twins; in pairs, in triplets.

a'nak km'bar, twins.
ta'li km'bar ti'ga, a threefold cord.
km-ba'ri, to pair with or against (in single combat).

km-ba'ra, m-ngm-ba'ra, to wander about.

km-bi'ri and k-bi'ri, mutilated, castrated. Cf. kasim.

a'yam km-bi'ri, a capon.

km'b-li, baize, rough woollen material such as blankets are made of.

km-bo'ja (Sk.), the name of a tree with sweet-scented flowers; also kamboja.

km'bong, to swell; swollen.

km'di-an, afterwards.

km'di-an de-ri-pa'da, after (prep.). Cf. lpas.
km'di-an de-ri-pa'da itu, after that.

k-me'ja (Port.), shirt.

k'mn-nyan, benzoin, used as incense by the Malays.

km'pas, a hard-wood tree.

km'pis, deflated, collapsed (as a bicycle tyre).

k-mu'di, rudder.

ju-ru-mu'di, steersman, quarter-master.

k-mun'chak, top, apex, summit (of masts, roofs, hills, etc.).

k-mu'ning, a tree with wood similar to boxwood, beating sweet-scented flowers.

k'na, m-ng'na (7), to hit a mark, get, incur, as in the following phrases:

k'na dn'da, to be fined.
k'na fit'nah, to be slandered.
k'na hu'jan, to get wet in the rain.
k'na hu'kum, to get punished.
k'na lu'ka, to get a wound.
k'na ma'lu, to be disgraced.
k'na pu'kol, to get beaten.
k'na ru'gi, to incur loss.
k'na sa'kit, to fall sick.
k'na sek'sa, to get punished.
k'na ti'kam, to be stabbed.
k'na-kan, to apply, put on (as clothes, plasters or anything externally applied).

k-nal' (62), m-ng-nal', -i, to know a person, be acquainted with, recognise. Cf. tahu.

k-na'lan, an acquaintance, a person with whom one is acquainted.

k-nan', ber-k-nan', pleased, satisfied, satisfactory, agreeable.

per-k-nan'kan, to satisfy, please (a person).

k-nang', m-ng-nang', -kan, to call to mind, recall, remember. Cf. ingat.

k-na'pa, why? see apa.

kn-chang', stretched tight, stiff. Cf. trek.

a'ngin kn-chang', a stiff breeze.

kn'ching, to urinate.

kn'dak, a concubine, paramour.

kn-da'ra, m-ngn-da'ra, -i, to ride on a horse or other animal. Cf. naik and tugggang.

kn-da'ra'an, mount, riding horse or other animal. Often misspelt k'indra'an; see indra.

kn'di (Sk.), a small earthenware jar for carrying water in.

kndiri, see diri.

kn'dur, slack (of ropes, etc.).

kn'dur-kan, to slack up, lower away (ropes).

knduri, see kanduri.

k-ning', the brow.

bu'lu k-ning', the eyebrows.

k-ni'sah (Ar.), church, synagogue; usually greja.

kn-nyang', satiated, satisfied with food. Cf. jmu and puas.

kn-nyang'kan, to satiate.

kn'tal, thick, glutinous (of fluids); as opposed to cha'ir, q.v. Cf. pkat.

kn'tang, potato.

kn'tut, to break wind.

ko'bis, cabbage.

ko'chak, ber-ko'chak, to be in a state of agitation (of fluids or of the mind). Cf. kachau.

ko'chek, pocket.

ko'di, a score.

ko'dok, a frog, a toad. Cf. katak.

ko'dong, maimed.

kok', a yoke.

ko'koh, firm, steady.

ko'lam (Sk.), lake, pond. Cf. danau and tasek.

ko'lek, the Malay canoe, propelled by paddles and sails and carrying one or more men.

kom'ba, bu'rong kom'ba (B.), dove.

ko'meng, undeveloped, dwarfed.

kom'pa-ni, the old East India Company, hence the local Government in the Straits.

kong'si (Chin.), a society, as- sociation, company. Cf. jma‘ah and skutu.

ko'nun, it is said, it is reported; probably, possibly.

ko'pek, to pull off, pick off in fragments.

ko'pi, coffee.

ko-pi'ah, cap. Cf. chpiau and songkok.

ko'r’an' (Ar.), the Koran, the sacred book of the Mohammedans.

kor'ban (Ar.), offering, sacrifice, victim. ko'rek, m-ngo'rek, to scrape, scratch or dig with a sharp instrument. Cf. gerek.

ko'song, empty, hollow. Cf. hampa and rongga.

p-rot' ko'song, starving, famished.
ru'mah ko'song, an uninhabited house.
ta'nah ko'song, uncultivated land.
ko'song-kan, to empty.

ko'ta (Sk.), a fort, fortress, fortified town. Cf. kubu and benteng.

ko'tak, compartments or divisions in a box or drawer.

sam'pan ko'tak, a small Chinese boat with lockers in the stern.

ko'tor, dirty, filthy. Cf. chmar.

ko'tor-kan, to dirty, soil.

ko'yak, m-ngo'yak, -kan, to tear, rend. Cf. charek.

ko'yan, a measure of capacity = 40 pikuls; see end of Grammar.

ko'yok (B.) (Chin.), plaster (medicinal).

k-pada, see k-.

k-pak', wing. Cf. sayap.

k-pa'la (Sk.), head, chief, headman, top. Cf. hulu.

k-pa'la a'ngin, scatter-brained.
k-pa'la kam'pong, village headman.
k-pa'la su'rat, the heading of a letter.
k-pa'la su'su, cream. ban'ting k-pa'la, to rack one's brains.
ba'tu k-pa'la, the crown of the head, the cranium.
chu'kai k-pa'la, poll-tax.
p-ning' k-pa'la, giddiness.
sa'kit k-pa'la, headache.

kpalang, see alang.

k-pa'ya, bu'ah k-pa'ya, the papaya fruit.

k-pi-a'lu, in the phrase:

d-mam' k-pi-a'lu, continued fever.

k-ping', a piece; numerical coefficient of thin flat things (84). Cf. krat.

k-pit', m-nga-pit', to carry under the arm.

k-pi'ting, a kind of crab.

k-pok', a box made of thin material such as cardboard; a rice bin.

k-pong', m-ng-pong', to surround, encompass, besiege. Cf. kliling.

k-pul', ber-k-pul-k-pul', in clouds (as smoke).

k-ra', a long-tailed monkey.

k-ra'bu, ear ornaments of the shape of buttons. Cf. anting-anting.

k-rah, m-ng-rah', -kan, to muster, send orders for levies to prepare or assemble for an expedition.

k-rak', the burnt crust which adheres to the pet or pan when slightly overcooked.

k-rak' na'si, rice which adheres to the pot after boiling.

k-ram', mng-ram', to brood (of hens).

k-ra'mat (Ar.), marvel, prodigy; worthy of veneration; especialy tombs of saints or remarkable persons, trees, or other natural objects, to which votive offerings are made. k-ran', a small wasp.

k-ra'na, see kerna.

k-ran'da (Sk.), coffin; also long.

k-rang', a shell fish, cockles.

k-ra'ni, clerk.

k-ran'jang, a large basket, crate. Cf. bakul.

k-ran'ji, a timber tree.

k-rap', often, frequently: also k-rap' ka'li.

k-rar' and ka'rar (Ar), settled, fixed, established.

k-ras', hard, stiff, severe, difficult.

k-ras' ha'ti, hard hearted.
k-ras' k-pa'la, obstinate.
k-ras' pren'tah-nya, he rules with severity.
a'rgin k-ras', a strong wind.
a'yer k-ras', spirituous liquors.
bu'ah k-ras', the candle-nut.
pu'kol k-ras', to strike hard.
k-ra'si, to force, compel. Cf. gagahi.
k-ras'kan, to increase the severity or intensity of a thing.
k-k-ra'san, hardness, compulsion.

k-rat', m-ng-rat', -kan, to cut, cut off, amputate. Cf. pnggal.

s-k-rat', a piece, a part.
k-ra'tan, a piece cut off.

k-ra'wang, open work such as carving, crochet or lace.

k-re'ta (Port.), carriage, cart.

k-re'ta a'pi, railway, tram.
k-re'ta Hong-kong', jinrikisha.
k-re'ta le'reng, a bicycle.
k-re'ta lm'bu, bullock cart.
k-re'ta pos', mail cart.
k-re'ta se'wa, a hackney carriage, gharry.
k-re'ta som'bong, express train.
k-re'ta ta'rek, hand cart.
na'ik k-re'ta, to ride in a carriage.

k-ri'au, to scream (Penang).

k-ring', dry.

ba'tok k-ring', consumption.
i'kan k-ring', dried fish. Cf. da'ing.
k-k-ri'igan, dried up.

k-ris', the Malay dagger or creese.

hu'lu k-ris', the hilt of a kris.
hu'nus k-ris', to draw the kris from the sheath.
ma'ta k-ris', the blade of a kris.
sa'rorg k-ris', the sheath of a kris.

krisek, see kersek.

k-ri'ting, curly (of hair). Cf. ikal.

k-ris'ten (Eur.), Christian.

k-rng'ga, a very large red ant.

k-roh', muddy, thick, dirty (of liquids or colours).

k-ron'chong, bangles with tinkling bells attached.

k-rong'kong, the throat, windpipe. Cf. lehir.

k-ro'sang, brooch.

k-ru'mun, ber-k-ru'mun, to assemble, come together, swarm, throng. Cf. himpon and kumpol.

krusi, see kursi.

k-rut', ber-k-rut', wrinkled. Cf. kchut and kdut.

k-sad' and ka'sad (Ar.), intention, aim, object, purpose. Cf. kahandak.

ksah, see kloh.

k'si-at (B.), advantage: see khasiat. ks-tu'ri (Sk.), musk; see kasturi.

k-su'ma (Sk.), a flower.

k-ta'geh, craving (e.g. for opium).

k-tam', a crab. Cf. kpiting.

k-tam', a small knife with which rice is harvested; a carpenter's plane.

k-ta'pang, the Indian almond tree.

k-tat', tight fitting. Cf. longgar.

k-ta'wa, to laugh; see tertawa.

k-ti' (Sk.) (33), one hundred thousand.

k-ti'ak, armpit.

k-ti'ka (Sk.), time, period, moment; also kutika.

k-ti'ka yang ba'ik, a favourable time.
pa'da k-ti'ka itu, at that time.
s-k-ti'ka la'ma-nya, a moment, a short time.

k-ting', the leg below the calf.

m-ng-ting', to hamstring.

k-tok', m-ng-tok' (146), to knock, rap. Cf. tpok.

ber-k-tok', to cackle.
p-ng-tok', a knocker, mailet, gavel.

k-to'pong, helmet.

k-tu'pat, rice cooked in an envelope of palm leaf.

k-tul', a lump, a loaf.

ku' (13), possessive pronoun of the first person; also used as an abbreviation of aku when immediately preceding a verb of which it is the subject.

ku-ah', gravy, sauce.

ku'ak, m-ngu'ak, to low, bellow (of cattle).

ku-a'la, the mouth of a river where it enters the sea or flows into another river.

ku-a'li, a cooking pot or pan, of iron or earthenware. Cf. priok.

ku-a'sa (Sk.), power, strength, authority, attorney. Cf. kuat.

b-ri' ku-a'sa, to empower, authorise.
ma'ha ku-a'sa, almighty.
su'rat ku-a'sa, power of attorney.

ku-at' (Ar.), strength, force, power; strong. Cf. kuasa.

ku-at'kan, to strengthen.

k-ku-a'tan, strength.

kuatir, see khuatir.

ku'bang, ber-ku'bang, a wallow; to wallow.

ku'bu, a rampart, parapet, earthwork, stockade, fort. Cf. benteng and kota.

ku'bur (Ar.), tomb, sepulchre.

ku'bur-kan, to bury, inter. Cf. tanam.
p-ku'bu-ran, cemetery, burial ground.

ku'chai (Chin.), garlic.

ku'ching, cat.

ku'ching blan'da, rabbit.
ku'ching hu'tan, wild cat.
a'nak ku'ching, kitten.

ku'chup, a kiss; also kchup. Cf. chium.

ku'da, a horse; the trusses supporting a roof; one of the pieces in the game of chess; see chatur.

ku'da ja-hat', a vicious horse.

ku'da k-chil', pony.
ku-da-ku'da, tressles.
ku'da p-na'kot, a timid horse.
bang'sal ku'da, stable.
b-si ku'da, horse shoes.
na'ik ku'da, to ride on horseback.
pa'kai-an ku'da, harness.
tung'gang ku'da, to ride on horseback.

ku'dis, mange.

kudong, see kodong.

ku'd-rat (Ar.), might, power; generally used of God. Cf. kuasa.

ku'dus (Ar.), holy. Cf. al-kudus.

ku'dus-kan, to consecrate.

ku-eh', cakes, confectionery, puddings.

kui' (B.) (Chin.), to kneel.

ku-is', to kick aside, move with the foot.

ku'jut, m-ngu'jut, to strangle.

ku'ki (Eng.), cook. Cf. masak.

ku'koh, firm, steady.

ku'koh-kan, to fortify.

ku'kok, the crowing of a cock.

ber-ku'kok, to crow.

ku'ku, finger-nail, toe-nail, claw, hoof.

ku'kus, to steam.

ku'lai, hanging loose like a broken arm.

ku'lat, mushroom, fungus. Cf. chndawan.

ku'li, labourer, cooly.

ku'li po' (B.), female servant.

ku'lit, skin, leather, bark, shell.

ku'lit kayu, the bark of a tree.
ku'lit ma'nis, cinnamon.
ku'lit t-lor', eggshell.
ku'li-ti, to skin, flay. Cf. kupas.

ku'lom, to suck or move about in the mouth (as lozenges or sweetmeats).

ku'lop (Ar.), foreskin; uncircumcised.

Kul'zum (Ar.), in the phrase:

la'ut Kul'zum, the Red Sea.

ku'man, a small parasitic insect.

kum'bang, a beetle, humble bee.

ku'mis (Jav.), moustache. Cf. misai.

ku'mor, ber-ku'mor, to rinse the mouth.

kum'pol, m-ngum'pol, -kan, to gather together, collect. Cf. himpon and krumun.

ber-kum'pol, to assemble, meet, convene.
per-kum'po-lan, assembly, crowd.

kun'chi (Sk.), lock, key.

kun'chi mang'ga, padlock.
a'nak kun'chi, key.
i'bu kun'chi, lock.
ju-ru-kun'chi, steward.
lo'bang kun'chi, keyhole.
ter-kun'chi, locked.
kun'chi-kan, to lock.

kun'chop, shut up, folded up, not yet opened (of flowers and buds). Cf. kmbang.

kun'dai, chignon, the hair of the head twisted into a knob at the back.

ku'ning, yellow.

kun'nyit, saffron.

b-ras' kun'nyit, rice stained with saffron.

kun'nyong, in the form:

s-kun'nyong-kun'nyong, suddenly, unexpectedly.

kun'tau (Chin.), boxing.

kun'tum or ku'tum, a bud; numerical coefficient of flowers (84).

kunun, see konun.

ku'pang, a measure of weight for gold; (Penang) a coin = 10 cents.

ku'pang, a kind of shellfish, a bivalve.

ku'pas, m-ngu'pas, to peel, skin (fruits or animals). Cf. kulit.

ku'ping (Jav.), ear; usually tlinga.

ku-pu-ku'pu, butterfly.

ku'ra, the spleen.

d-mam' ku'ra, intermittent fever.

ku-ra-ku'ra, tortoise.

ku-ra-ku'ra ka'ki, the instep.

kur'an, see kor’an.

ku'rang (39, 90), less, lacking, insufficient.

ku'rang ‘a'dat, ill-mannered, rude.
ku'rang a'jar, ill-mannered, rude.
ku'rang ‘a'kal, stupid, idiotic.
ku'rang ba'ik, inferior, bad.
ku'rang b-ha'sa, impolite.
ku'rang bi-a'sa, unaccustomed.
ku'rang hor'mat, disrespectful.
ku'rang ja'ga, careless.
ku'rang ku-at', too weak, not strong enough.
ku'rang per-cha'ya, suspicious.
ku'rang p-rek'sa, I don't know.
ku'rang ta'jam, blunt.
s-ku-rang-ku'rang, at least.
ku'rang-kan, to reduce, diminish.
k-ku-ra'rang, lacking, in want of; want, deficiency.

ku'rap, ringworm.

kurban, see korban.

kurma, see khurma.

kur'ni-a (Sk.) (149), favour, grace, a gift from God or a king. Cf. anugrah.

kur'ni-a-kan, to give (as a king or God).

ku'rong, m-gu'rong, an enclosure, enclosed place, cabin, prison; to enclose, imprison.

ku-ro'ngan, a prison, cage. Cf. sangkar.

kursang, see krosang.

kur'si or k-ru'si (Ar.), a chair, throne. Cf. takhta.

ku'rus, thin, lean.

ku'sa (Sk.), a goad.

ku'sin (Chin.), plant louse, aphis.

kus'ta (Sk.), leprosy.

ku'sut, tangled, in disorder, in confusion.

kutika, see ktika.

ku'tip, m-ngu'tip, to pick up, gather up.

ku'tok, m-ngu'tok, -kan, -i, a curse; to curse.

kutom, see kuntom.

ku'tu, a louse.

ku'tu an'jing, a flea.
ku'tu bu'sok, a bed-bug.
ku'tu lm'bu, a tick.

ku'yop, ba'sah ku'yop, wringing wet.