2675Malay-English Vocabulary — LW. G. Shellabear


la'ba (Sk.), gain, profit.

la-ba-la'ba, spider.

la'boh, m-la'boh, -kan, to hangdown, let down (as clothes, curtains, nets, anchors, etc.).

ber-la'boh, to anchor.
la'bo-han, anchorage.

la'bu, pumpkin, gourd.

la'bur, in its derivative:

p-la'bur, rations, supplies served out.

la'chi (D.), a drawer = (B.), toak.

la'da, pepper.

la'da me'rah, red pepper, cayenne pepper. Cf. chabai.
la'da pu'teh, white pepper.
la'da chi'na, the chili, red pepper. Cf. chabai.

la'dang, cultivated fields, dry rice fields, as opposed to sawah, q.v. Cf. bndang and huma.

la'ga, ber-la'ga, to collide, strike together (of large bodies, as animals fighting).

la'gam, a horse's bit. Cf. kang.

la'gi (40, 89), more, still, yet, again.

la'gi hi'dop, still alive.
la'gi s-ka'li, once more.
a'pa la'gi, what else, how much the more.
b-lum' la'gi, not yet.
b-ra'pa la'gi, how many more.
s-la'gi, as long as, while.
s-di'kit la'gi, a little more.

la'gu, tune.

lah' (3 b), an expletive suffix which is usually joined to the verb or some emphatic word in a sentence.

la'hir (Ar. tla'hir), visible, outward, exoteric; as opposed to batin, inward.

lai, numeral coefficient of thin or flat objects; also hlai.

la'in, other, different; exclusive of; difference.

m-la'in-kan, but, on the contrary, on the other hand. Cf. hanya.
ber-la'in-an, diverse, differing from.

la'jak, go forward, push ahead (as a boat).

la'ju, rapid, moving swiftly (as boats, carriages, etc.). Cf. dras.

la'ki, husband.

la'ki bi'ni, husband and wife.
la-ki-la'ki (87), male, masculine = (B.) dlaki. Cf. jantan.
ber-la'ki, having a husband married (of women).
ber-la'ki-kan, to marry, be married to (of women).

lak'sa (Sk.) (33), ten thousand.

lak-sa-ma'na (Sk.), admiral.

lak-sa'na (Sk.), like, resembling.

la'ku, ber-la'ku, action, conduct, style, manner of doing a thing; to take place, happen, occur, pass current, sell readily.

s-la'ku i'ni, in this manner, thus.
la'ku-kan, to bring to pass, execute, carry out.
la'ku-kan di'ri, to behave oneself, comport oneself, act.
k-la'ku-an, behaviour, action.

la'lai, a state of semi-consciousness; hence, listless, careless, negligent.

ter-la'lai, in a semi-conscious state.
la'lai-kan, to neglect, disregard.

la'lang, a very coarse grass.

la'lu la'lang, to pass and repass.

la'lat, the common house-fly.

ta'hi lalat, moles, freckles.

la'lu, to pass, be past; past, ago, after that, then (138).

la'lu la'lang, to pass and repass.
a'da ti'ga ha'ri la'lu, three days ago.
ber-ja'lan lalu, to pass by.
pu'kol ti'ga la'lu, past three o'clock.
s-la'lu, always.
ta'hun la'lu, last year.
ter-la'lu, very, extremely.
la'lu-i, to pass by a thing, go past, overlook, disregard.

la'ma, long (of time), length of time, duration, old, former, ancient. Cf. tua.

la-ma-la'ma, la'ma k-la'ma'an, after some time, finally.
la'ma su'dah, a long time ago.
bi'ni la'ma, a former wife.
b-ra'pa la'ma, how long?
pa'kai-an la'ma, old clothes.
s-la'ma, as long as, while.
s-la-ma-la'ma-nya, for ever.
s-ta'hun la'ma-nya, for a year, a year's duration.

lam'bai, m-lam'bai, -kan, to wave.

lam'bai-kan ta'ngan, to make a sign by waving the hand. Cf. isharat.

lam'bat, slow, tardy, dilatory, late, too late. Cf. lengah and lewat.

lam'bat-kan, to retard.

lam'bong, side, flank.

lam'bong, m-lam'bong, to toss in the air, bound up and down.

lamin, see plamin.

lam'pau, m-lam'pau, exceeding, beyond, excessive; to exceed, go beyond.

ter-lam'pau, excessively, too much, very = (B.) ter-lampon.

lam'pin, swaddling-clothes; also kain lampin.

lam'pong, light, bulky for its weight (of wood).

lam'pu (Eng.), lamp. Cf. plita.

la'mun, in case, in the event of, if.

la'mun ja'ngan, for fear that, lest.

l‘a'nat (Ar.), curse, imprecation, damnation. Cf. sumpah and kutok.

l‘a'nat-kan, to curse.

lan'char, rapid, fluent (especially of speech). Cf. paseh.

ba'cha lan'char, to read fluently.

lan'chong, false, counterfeit.

lan'dak, the porcupine.

bu'lu lan'dak, the quills of the porcupine; when removed from the animal they are known as duri landak.

lan'das, in its derived form:

lan'da-san, an anvil.

lang', a generic name for birds of the hawk tribe.

la'ngau, a large horsefly. Cf. pikat.

lang'gang, tung'gang lang'gang, helter-skelter, head over heels.

lang'gar, m-lang'gar, to attack, assail, assault, contend against, violate a command. Cf. lawan.

lang'gar ‘a'dat, to violate a custom.
lang'gar b-ha'sa, to transgress the rules of etiquette.
lang'gar hu'kum, to violate the law.

la'ngir, m-la'ngir, -i, cosmetics used in bathing; to use such cosmetics in bathing. la'ngit, the sky, heavens.

la-ngit-la'ngit, ceiling, the roof of the mouth.
ka'ki la'ngit, the horizon.

lang'kah, m-lang'kah, -i, a pace, a step; to step, step over.

lang'kan (B.) (Chin.), open space round the chimchen.

langkap, see lngkap.

lang'sat, the name of an edible fruit.

lang'si, door curtains, portiere.

lang'song, outright, for good and all; also sometimes = lalu, especially in Penang and Perak.

lan'jur, t-lan'jur, lengthy, protracted; (B.) tlan'ju, during, while.

ka'ta su'dah t-lan'jur, “the murder's out.”

lan'jut, long (of time or of a story), of long duration, protracted. Cf. lama and panjang.

lan'jut-kan, to prolong.

lan'tai, floor, also the laths (usually of the nibong palm) of which Malavs make their floors.

pa'pan lan'tai, floor boards.

lan'tak, m-lan'tak, to drive in, ram.

p-lan'tak, ramrod.

lan'tas (Jav.), thereupon, then = Malay lalu.

lan'tek, m-lan'tek, to install, invest, inaugurate (princes and high officials).

la'nyak, m-la'nyak, to trample, tread down.

lap', lap'kan, to absorb.

ker'tas lap', blotting paper.

la'pah, to flay.

lapan, see dlapan.

la'pang, broad, extensive, spacious, wide. Cf. lebar and luas.

la'par, ber-la'par, hunger; to be hungry.

k-la'pa-ran, famine.

la'pen (B.) (Chin.), balcony open to the sky.

la'pis, fold, layer (84).

ba'ju du'a la'pis, two coats worn one over the other.
pin'tu tu'joh la'pis, seven doors or gates in succession.

la'pok, mould, mildew.

la'rang, m-la'rang, -kan, to forbid, prohibit. Cf. tgah and pantang.

la-ra'ngan, contraband, that which is tabooed or prohibited.

la'ras, barrel of a gun.

la'rat, m-la'rat, to spread, extend; to drift (of clouds, ships when their anchors drag, etc.).

la'rek, to turn on a lathe.

p-la'rek, lathe.

la'ri, ber-la'ri, to run, run away, flee, escape.

ba'wa la'ri, to run away with.
la'ri-kan, to cause to run, run away with, run off with, kidnap.
p-la'ri, fugitive, runaway.
p-la'ri-an, escape.

lash'kar (Pers.), soldier, army sailor. Cf. soldado and khalasi.

la'ta (Sk.), m-la'ta, to creep, crawl (of plants and animals). la'tah, a nervous affection, the symptoms of which are somewhat similar to the effects of hypnotism.

la'uk, the food which is eaten with rice whether meat, fish or vegetables.

la'’ut, the sea.

la'’ut a'pi, hell.
ba'rat la'’ut, north-west.
timor la'’ut, north-east.
m-la'’ut, to go out to sea (as river fish).
la'’u-tan, the ocean.

la'wan, ber-la'wan, adversary, rival; to contend, strive, compete. Cf. langgar.

m-la'wan, to oppose, resist, withstand; opposed to, against.

la'wat, m-la'wat, to visit.

la'yak (Ar.), worthy, fit, proper.

la'yan, m-la'yan, -i, to serve, wait upon, minister to.

p-la'yan, a servant.

la'yang, m-la'yang, to soar, hover.

la-yang-la'yarg, a kite.
ber-ma'in la-yang-la'yang, to fly a kite.
bu'rong la-yang-la'yang, a swallow.
m-ngan'jong la-yang-la'yang, to throw a kite up in the air.
la'yang-kan su'rat, a poetic expression for sending a letter.

la'yer, a sail.

bu'ka la'yer, to set a sail.
i'kat la'yer, to furl sail.
b-la'yer (98), to sail, set sail, start on a voyage.
la'yer-kan, to sail (a vessel).
p-la'ye-ran, voyage.

la'yu, withered; to wither, fade.

la'zat (Ar.), pleasure, delight, enjoyment (of a sensual kind); pleasant to the senses.

la'zim (Ar.), indispensable; hence, in common use, common; also kla'ziman.

l'bah, bee.

sa'rang l'bah, honey-comb, a bee's nest.

l-bai', a mosque attendant.

l-bam', discoloured, as the result of a bruise.

bi'ru l-bam', black and blue.

l-bat', thick, dense, heavy (as foliage, insects or rain). Cf. rendang.

l'beh (89), more, more than; surplus. Cf. lagi.

l'beh d-hu'lu, previously.
l'beh ku'rang, more or less. Cf. kira-kira.
s-l-beh-l'beh-nya, at the most.
ter-l'beh (93, 94), most, very.
l'beh-kan, to make more of, aggrandize, consider of more importance.
k-l'be-han, excess, superiority.

l-bu', dust. Cf. dbu and habok.

l-bur', m-l-bur', to melt or fuse metals, smelt.

k-l-bu'ran, abyss, chasm.

le'bar, wide, broad; breadth (36, Note). Cf. lapang and luas.

le'cheh, protracted, slow, lingering.

le'chek, m-le'chek, to crush by a grinding motion, under the foot or in a vessel.

le'hir, neck, throat (external). Cf. krongkong.

ba'targ le'hir, the neck.
ch-kek' le'hir, to throttle.
p-lok' le'hir, to embrace.
po'tong le'hir, to cut the throat.

le'ka, dawdling.

le'kor, a word which may be used to form the numerals from twenty-one to twenty-nine. Cf. blas.

du'a le'kor, twenty-two.
s-le'kor, twenty-one.

le'la, a swivel-gun.

le'leh, m-le'leh, to flow, run (as liquids). Cf. linang and alir.

le'long (Port.), auction.

le'long-kan, to sell by auction.

lem'bak, m-lem'bak, overflowing; to overflow.

lem'pah, m-lem'pah, abounding, abundant, plentiful; to abound.

lem'pah-kan, to give liberally, lavish.
k-lem'pa-han, abundance.

lem'par, m-lem'par, to throw, fling. Cf. lontar.

le'na, deep, sound (of sleep). Cf. llap and nyadar.

le'ngah, m-le'ngah, indolent; to loiter, delay. Cf. lambat.

leng'kong, m-leng'kong, to encircle, surround.

leng'kar, m-leng'kar, a coil (of rope or a snake); to coil.

le'rang, s-le'rang, in one width (of sarongs) as opposed to kampoh, q.v.

le'reng, kre'ta le'reng, a bicycle.

le'tir, b-le'tir, to babble, chatter.

le'wat (Jav.), past = lalu; too late.

li'ang, a hole; usually lobang.

li'ar, wild (of animals) as opposed to tame; cf. buas, which means wild in the sense of ferocious.

li'at, tough, plastic, supple.

ta'nah liat, clay.

li'chin, smooth, slippery.

ba'tu li'chin, pebbles.

li'dah, the tongue; pronunciation.

li'dah a'pi, flames.
a'nak li'dah, the uvula.
pa'seh li'dah, eloquent.
pi'tah li'dah, eloquent.

li'dal (Port.), a thimble; also didal.

li'di, the midrib of a leaf of the coco-nut palm.

li'hat, m-li'hat, (149), to look, see, perceive. Cf. pandang, tengok and nampak.

li'ha-ti, to look at, view.
k-li-ha'tan, it was seen, there was seen (impers.).
png-li'ha-tan, the sense of sight; a vision, a thing seen.

li'lin, wax; a candle.

li'lit, m-li'lit, to twine, entwine (as a creeper). Cf. blit.

li'ma, five. (For derived forms see ampat).

lima wak'tu, the five stated periods of prayers; see waktu.
pnglima, see pnglima.

limau, the generic name for oranges, limes and similar fruits. Cf. jrok.

li'mau b-sar and limau jam-bu'a, the pumelo.
li'mau ma'nis, the orange.
limau ni'pis, the lime.

li'nang, ber-li'nang, flowing; to flow (of tears). Cf. leleh and alir.

lin'dong, m-lin'dong, -kan, to shelter, cover, screen, protect.

ber-lin'dong, sheltered, sheltering oneself.

per-lin'do-ngan, shelter, that which affords a covering; privy, latrine.

lin'tang, m-lin'tang, across, transverse; to go across, traverse, pass over. Cf. lintas and bujor.

lin'tang pu'kang, higgledy-piggledy.
ka'yu lin'tang, cross-bar. Cf. palang.

lin'tas, m-lin'tas, to pass through, cross, penetrate (through a tract of country, or of weapons through the body). Cf. lintang.

li'or, a'yer li'or, saliva.

li'pan, a large centipede = hlipan.

li'pas, cockroach.

li'pat, m-li'pat, a fold; to fold, double, turn down. Cf. lapis.

li'pat lu'tut, to bend the knees.
ber-li'pat, folded.

li'put, m-li'put, to encompass, cover.

l-kak, l-kak-l-kok', full of cavities, uneven, undulating.

l-kap', m-l-kap', to adhere (of flat surfaces).

l-kas', quick, rapid; quickly, immediately. Cf. bangat, dras, laju and pantas.

l-kas'kan, to hasten, expedite.

l-kat', m-l-kat' (149), to stick, adhere; to be fixed upon (of the eyes).

l-kat'kan, to cause to adhere, affix. Cf. kna and tampal.

l-kok', dent, indentation, hollow, cavity; dented, depressed, stove in.

l-kak-l-kok', full of cavities, uneven, undulating.

l'lah, labour, exertion, exhaustion, fatigue; weary, exhausted, tired. Cf. lteh and pnat.

ber-hen'ti-kan l'lah, to rest after fatigue.
ber-l'lah, to exert oneself.

l-lap', deep, sound (of sleep). Cf. nyadar and lena.

ti'dor l-lap', to sleep heavily.

l'mah, weak, powerless, deficient of strength. Cf. lteh.

l'mah lm'bot, gentle, mild, meek.
k-l'ma-han, weakness, debility.

l-mak', suet, animal fat. Cf. minyak.

l-ma'ri, wardrobe = almari.

l-mas', smothered, suffocated.

ma'ti l-mas', to die of suffocation or drowning.
l-mas'kan, to smother, suffocate.

lm-ba'ga, form, bodily shape, the material as distinguished from the spiritual.

lm'bah, a valley, a depression.

lm'bap, moist, damp.

lm'bar, a strand, thread.

lm'bek, soft, flabby, yielding to the touch. Cf. lmbot.

lm'bing, a spear, lighter than the tombak. Cf. sligi.

lm'bot, soft, pliant, gentle, tender. Cf. lmbek.

l'mah lm'bot, gentle, mild, meek.
lm'bot-kan, to soften, appease.

lm'bu, the ox. Cf. sapi.

lm'bu b-ti'na, cow.
lm'bu jan'tan, bull.
a'nak lm'bu, calf.

lm'poh, paralyzed. Cf. tepok. ln'dir, slimy; slime, phlegm, mucus.

l'ngan, the arm. Cf. tangan.

lng'kap, equipped, fitted out, supplied or furnished with a necessary outfit.

s-lng'kap, a complete outfit.
ber-lng'kap, to prepare oneself, hold oneself in readiness.
lng'kap-kan, to fit out, equip, prepare.
k-lng-ka'pan, equipment, expedition, fleet.

lng-ki'ang, a barn, granary for rice.

lng'kat (B.), to stick = lkat.

lng'kong, an arch, dome, semicircle.

ln-nyap', to disappear, vanish.

ln-nyap'kan, to cause to disappear, make away with.

ln'tang, t-ln'tang, lying on the back.

ln'tur, pliable, flexible.

lo'ba (Sk.), coveteousness, cupidity. Cf. tm'a.

lo'bak, Chinese radish.

lo'bang, a hole. Cf. liang.

lo'bang hi'dong, the nostrils.
lo'bang ja'rom, the eye of a needle.
lo'bang kun'chi, keyhole.
ber-lo'bang, perforated, having holes in it.

lobok, see lubok.

lo'cheng (Chin.), a bell. Cf. gnta.

loh' (Ar.), slate; also papan loh.

lo'kan, a shell-fish.

lo'kek, mean, stingy.

lom'bong, a surface mine, placer mine.

lom'pat, m-lom'pat, to jump, leap, spring, bound.

lom'pa-ti, to jump on.

lon'chat, m-lon'chat, to jump (as fish), hop (as birds).

long', coffin.

long'gar, loose, slack, loose fitting.

long'gok, a heap, pile. Cf. tompok.

long'kang, drain, sewer.

lon'tar, m-lon'tar, -kan, to throw, fling. Cf. lempar.

lo'rong, a street, lane, alley. Cf. jalan.

losin, see dusin.

lotar, see lontar.

lo'teng (Chin.), upper story; upstairs. Cf. tingkat.

lo'tong, a kind of monkey.

lo'yar (Eng.), lawyer.

lpa, see alpa.

l-pas', free, disengaged, let loose, released, acquitted, exempt; after, on the conclusion or expiration of some event. Cf. luchut.

l-pas' de-ri-pa'da hu'tang, free from debt.
l-pas' ma'kan, after eating.
l-pas' sa'tu sa'tu, one thing after another.
l-pas' ti'ga ha'ri, after three days.
s'o'rang l-pas' s'o'rang, one after another.
ber-l-pas', to escape.
l-pas'kan, to set free, deliver, release, let go.
k-l-pa'san, deliverance.

l-sing' (B.), a sling = ali-ali. l-song', a mortar in which rice is pounded in order to remove the husk. Cf. antan.

l-tak', m-l-tak', -kan, to put down, lay down; to lay down or prescribe laws or commands; to impose penalties. Cf. buboh and taroh.

ter-l-tak', laid down, placed, prescribed.

l-teh', weak, feeble, infirm, languid. Cf. lmah.

l-top', m-l-top' (103), to explode, detonate.

lu' (Chin.) (10), you; used only in addressing Chinese.

lu'ar, out, outside, external.

de'ri lu'ar, from outside.
di lu'ar, outside.
k-lu'ar, to the exterior, out; to go out, come out, issue (49, 146).
k-lu'ar-kan, to send out, put out, put forth (as fruit), expel, publish (books).
k-lu'a-ri, to go out to meet.
k-lu'a-ran, extraneous, foreign, alien.

lu'as, extensive, vast, spacious. Cf. lebar and lapang.

lu'as-kan, to extend, enlarge.
k-lu'a-san, wide extent, range, latitude, freedom.

lu'bok, a pool, a deep place in a river or in the sea; also lobok.

lu'chut, escaped, liberated, disengaged, unfastened.

lu'dah, ber-lu'dah, saliva, spittle; to spit.

lu'da-hi, to spit at, spit upon.
p-lu'da-han, spittoon.

lu'ka, wound; wounded.

k'na lu'ka, to receive a wound.
lu'ka-kan, to wound.

lu'kah, a fish trap in the form of a basket.

lu'kis, m-lukis, to engrave.

lu'loh, pulverised. Cf. lumat.

lu'lus, admitted, allowed, conceded, complied with.

lulus-kan, to comply with, grant, permit.

lu'mat, pulverised. Cf. luloh and serbok.

lum'ba, ber-lum'ba, to compete, vie with, race. Cf. lawan.

lum'ba ku'da, horse race.

lu'mor, smeared, daubed.

lumpoh, see lmpoh.

lum'pur, mud. Cf. bechak.

lu'mut, moss, mould, fungus, seaweed.

lu'mut ka'rang, sponge.
lu'nas, keel.

lunggu, see blunggu.

lunjur, see unjur.

lu'pa, m-lu'pa, -kan (148), to forget.

lu'put, to escape, slip away from. Cf. luchut.

lu'roh, to fall (of dead leaves, ripe fruit, hair, etc.). Cf. gugor.

s-luroh, see sluroh.

lu'rus, straight, true, sincere. Cf. btul.

lu'rus-kan, to straighten.

lu'sa, the day after to-morrow. Cf. tulat.

lutar, = lontar, q.v.

lu'tut, the knee.

li'pat lu'tut, to bend the knee.
ber-lu'tut, to kneel. Cf. tlut.