Malay-English Vocabulary/U
u-ap' or wap', steam, vapour.
ubah, see obah.
u'ban, grey hair; grey (of the hair).
u'bi, any tuberous root, especially the potato.
u'bi bng-ga'la, potato.
u'bi ka'yu, tapioca.
u'bi k-la'di, the yam.
u'bin and ba'tu u'bin, flooring tiles; (in Singapore) granite.
u-bun-u'bun, the crown of the head, the opening between the parts of the skull in young children, the fontanel.
u-bur-u'bur, jellyfish.
u'chap, m-ngu'chap, to say, utter, pronounce (as prayers, thanksgivings, etc.). Cf. sbot.
u'dang, prawn, shrimp; also hudang, q.v.
u-da'ra, the air, atmosphere, sky. Cf. hawa.
u'dek, upper waters of a river, interior of a country. Cf. hulu and hilir.
mu'dek, to ascend a river, go upstream.
ufti, see upti.
ugama, see agama.
u'got, m-ngu'got, to threaten.
u'jar, to say, speak.
u'ji, m-ngu'ji, to test, examine, assay (as metals).
ba'tu u'ji, touchstone.
u'kir, m-ngu'kir, to engrave, carve.
u'kop, to perfume with incense.
u'kor, mngu'kor, to measure (length). Cf. sukat.
ka'yu u'kor, rule, measure.
‘u-la'ma (Ar.), learned men; plural of ‘alim.
u'lang, m-ngu'lang, -i, to repeat, go or do repeatedly.
u-la'ngan, repetition; the chorus of a song (X.).
u'lar, serpent, snake.
u'lar na'ga, a dragon, fabulous serpent.
u'lat, maggot, worm.
u'lat bu'lu, hairy caterpillar.
ulu, see hulu.
u-mang-u'mang, a hermit crab.
u'mat (Ar.), people, nation.
um'bi, taproot. Cf. akar.
um'but, the soft edible heart at the top of a palm tree.
‘u'mor (Ar.), lifetime, age, length of life.
s‘umor hi'dop, all one's life.
um-pa'ma and u-pa'ma (Sk.), like, resembling.
um-pa'ma-nya, for instance.
s’um-pa'ma, like, similar to.
um-pa'ma-kan, to compare, liken.
per-um-pa'ma’an, proverb, parable.
um'pan, bait for a fishing line or a trap. um'pat, m-ngum'pat, to slander, abuse, revile.
um'pil, m-gum'pil, to raise or move by means of a lever.
un-dang-un'dang, laws, regulations.
un'dan, a pelican.
un'di, lot.
bu-ang' un'di, to cast lots.
un'dor, to retire, go back, retreat.
un'dor-kan, to withdraw, draw back.
ung'gas, bird; also onggas.
ung'gun, a slow burning log; to fre smoulder.
ung'ku, a title of Malay chiefs. Cf. tungku.
u'ngu, purple.
un'jok, m-ngun'jok, -kan, to hold out anything in the hand, show to a person. Cf. tunjok and hulor.
un'jok-kan ta'ngan, to hold out the hand.
un'jur and b-lun'jur, stretched out (of the legs). Cf. julor.
un'tong, profit, benefit, fortune, destiny.
un'tong ba'ik, good fortune.
un'tong ja-hat' and un'tong ma'lang, bad fortune.
un'tut, elephantiasis.
u'pah, pay, wages. Cf. gaji.
o'rang u'pa-han, hired man.
u'pam, m-ngu'pam, to polish, burnish. Cf. chanai.
ter-u'pam, polished.
upama, see umpama.
u'pas (Jav.), the upas tree, and the poison made therefrom.
u-pa'ya (Sk.), means, resources.
da'ya u-pa'ya, resources, means of doing things.
u'peh, the flower sheath of certain palms, used to make buckets, etc.
up'ti (Sk.), tribute.
u'rai, m-ngu'rai, to untie, undo, open. Cf. buka.
’mas' u'rai, gold dust.
u'rap, m-ngu'rap, to rub with oil or cosmetics.
u'rat, nerve, vein, muscle, sinew.
u'rat da'rah, vein.
u'rat pu'teh, nerve.
sa'lah u'rat, sprain.
u'ri, the afterbirth.
u'rut, m-ngu'rut, to rub with the hands.
u'sah, need, necessity; to be necessary. Cf. wajib.
ta’u'sah, there is no need, never mind.
u'sah-kan, not merely, instead of.
u'sa-ha (Sk.), diligence, continued effort. Cf. rajin.
ber-u'sa-ha, diligent.
u'sa-ha'kan diri, to be industrious, be diligent.
u'sek, m-ngu'sek, to annoy, vex, plague, worry.
u'si-a (Sk.). age, length of life. Cf. umor.
u'sir, m-ngu'sir, to pursue, chase. Cf. hambat and kjar.
u'song, m-ngu'song, to carry on a pole or litter or stretcher. Cf. tandu.
usul, see asal.
u'sut (B.), to incite = asut.
u-ta'ma (Sk.), excellent, best; also terutama. u-ta'ra (Sk.), the North.
u-tar-u'tar, a small round shield.
u'tas, a coil, skein; numerical coefficient of necklaces, etc.
u'tas, an artisan, mechanic.
ut'tau (B.) (Chin.), a flat iron, ironing box. Cf. strika.
u'tus, m-ngu'tus, to send an embassy.
u'tu-san, ambassador, envoy.