3102Malay-English Vocabulary — WW. G. Shellabear


wa'fat (Ar.), dead; usually mati.

wah' (132), an exclamation of astonishment or disgust.

wa'hi (Ar.), revelation, vision; also wahyu.

wa'jah (Ar.), face.

wa'jib (Ar.), necessary, indispensable, obligatory. Cf. usah.

wa'kaf (Ar.), endowment, bequest (for religious purposes).

wa'kil (Ar.), agent, representative, manager, attorney.

wak'tu (Ar.), time, period; at the time when, while. Cf. tempo.

li'ma wak'tu, the five stated hours of prayer, namely, suboh, dloha, asar, maghrib and ‘isha.

wa'lau (Ar.), even if, although.

wa'li (Ar.), governor.

wang', money; in the native currency 1 wang = 10 duit.

wang' ’mas', gold money.
wang' ker'tas, paper money, notes.
wang' tu'nai, ready money, cash.
bu-ang' warg', to waste money.
bu'nga wang', interest of money.
cha'ri wang', to earn money.

wa'ngi (Jav.), sweet smelling, fragrant. Cf. harom.

wang'kang, a Chinese junk.

wap, see uap.

wa'rin (Eng.), a warrant for arrest.

wa'rith and wa'ris (Ar.), heir, inheritor.

wa-sang'ka (Sk.), doubts, uncertainty, anxiety, perplexity.

wa'seh, piles, hemorrhoids; also bawasir.

wa'si-at (Ar.), will, testament; also surat wasiat.

was'was (Ar.), evil suggestion, temptation.

wa'yang, a theatrical performance.

ma'in wa'yang, to act in a theatre.
ru'mah wa'yang, a theatre.

wa'zir (Ar.), vizier, prime minister. Cf. mntri.

wer'na (Sk.), colour.

wer'ta (Sk.), news, information, report. Cf. brita and khabar.

wer'ta-kan, to report, inform of.

Wolanda, see Blanda.

wringin = bringin, q.v.